11.21.2022 04:03 AM

Travel with Warren! See the world!


  1. Peter Williams says:

    Try wearing a scarf.

    I lived in Holland for four years. Found winters damp and cold. Even thought temps were only 2C.

    I noticed many bicyclists wearing scarves. So I tried one. Big difference.

    • Gilbert says:

      Some Dutch, especially those not from the provinces of North Holland and South Holland, really don’t like it when people say Holland instead of the Netherlands.

      • Peter Williams says:

        Thanks, but I know the difference. I used Holland because I lived near Haarlem in Noord Holland (a province of the Netherlands). Apologies if you were offended.

        Several of my Dutch friends gave me an orange tee shirt with Hup Holland Hup for watching soccer games featuring the Dutch Team.

        I really couldn’t sing Hup Holland Hup very well with them, but we had good times.

        So in the World Cup, I’m cheering for the Netherlands. Unfortunately, I’ve no one to sing Hup Holland Hup with.

      • dawn mills says:

        One can be sure these days that somebody somewhere won’t like something.

        • Dawn,

          There’s a time for being PC and that’s definitely not 100% of the time. And to quote MRG, ditto for the woke BS. That one is often overly sanctimonious and tediously tiresome, especially coming from YouKnowWho…

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