03.17.2023 09:25 PM

My latest Sun Media hit: don’t do it, sir


  1. Sean says:


    The most astounding aspect of the Justin mess has been the willingness of real public leaders to willingly destroy their reputations by normalizing this imbecile as a leader.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Exactly right. Morneau used to be a respected business leader and WE did some actual good work. I know I keep saying this but why wasn’t that obvious right from the beginning. Some conservatives ACTUALLY VOTED for him in 2015. The mind just boggles.

  2. Warren,

    With respect, obviously I disagree. This is but another feeble attempt by this Prime Minister and his dimwitted PMO to telegraph and pre-shape the special rapporteur’s report. And like most everything else TRUDEAU it will blow up spectacularly in their faces when Johnston eventually reports. Johnston isn’t about to be played by ANYONE, least of all the likes of Justin Trudeau. Johnston’s report will be at least memorable and likely politically spectacular, just not necessarily in a way as some might expect. Johnston isn’t about to be played for a fool by anyone.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Ronald, the problem is that if the report is not memorable and spectacular(and maybe it doesn’t have to be although I doubt it), it won’t be accepted. Maybe by you but very few other people.

      • Martin,

        What I say to fellow Conservatives is we very likely win either way: either the report is the next Gomery and the Trudeau Liberals are gone in the next election, or the report is damaging enough to make the Liberal slide in the polls almost permanent right up to an eventual election.

        Mind you, I don’t disagree with our party pushing for an inquiry but unless Singh puts action behind his words, we will never see an inquiry anyway. Quite obviously, Pierre has already got that part figured out. Everything rests with Jagmeet’s judgment. I’ll believe an inquiry when I see it. But if there is none, Singh will also feel the wrath of the voters so the NDP is already stuck between a rock and a hard place. They stuck with Trudeau for far too long.

    • Peter Williams says:

      I disagree.

      Do you really think that Justin would pick someone who was really independent? Why would Justin do so?

      Trudeau describes Johnston as a good friend. The joint Trudeau-Johnston history supports that.

      Look at Johnston’s efforts on the Mulroney Airbus affair. Johnston did Mulroney a great service.

      Let’s face it, Johnston was picked because “he’s one of us.”

    • Gloriosus et Liber says:


      I can’t see any report by Johnston to be memorable or spectacular. It’s not in his nature. The reason why I liked him as GG was because he WASN’T memorable or spectacular!

  3. western view says:

    This EMINENT Rapporteur battle plan might be Justin Trudeaus last opportunity to piggyback on (or hide behind) networks of people of stature that he mainly knows through connections that his father cultivated. It’s hard to imagine that the Aga Khan excursion would have contemplated without the bare thread claim of being “family friends”. Or shamelessly dishing out fond memories of Her Majesty upon her passing, while Global Affairs is booking $6000/night lodgings for her funeral, and boorish karaoke serenades await.

    I agree with Mr. Kinsella: What is Mr. Johnston thinking? Being associated with Justin Trudeau’s nine lives/Teflon coat travails is just plain bonkers. Especially if there is any indication that it will take 6 months to attain security clearances and 1.5 years to issue a report. Mr. Johnstons stellar reputation isn’t worthy of this assignment.

  4. Douglas W says:

    Observing PMJT reminds me of an old Guess Who song, with a minor variation:

    It’s too late
    He’s gone too far
    He’s lost the sun
    He’s come undone

    • Douglas,

      Never say never but I think that our party has finally got this guy on the ropes. Even if he puts back on his boxing gloves, the Trudeau Liberals are likely already done politically. And thank God for that. Finally…finally…finally!

      • Douglas W says:

        PMJT is looking noticeably shaky.
        Is he unravelling?
        Hard to say because he goes into seclusion, frequently.
        Then pops up again.

        My sense is that Liberal support is growing softer.
        Middle-of-the-road Liberals may reluctantly drift to the Conservatives.
        Left-of-Centre Liberals will embrace the New Democrats.

        Air slowly escaping out of the Liberal balloon.

    • western view says:

      Geez Doug…
      Associating Justin Trudeau with Undun is a real blast across the gunwales of a RnR classic and the best song released by The Guess Who.

      The jazz cords ala Lenny Breau, flute solo and Burtons great vocals blend into a three minute miracle. PMJT might identify with one line in the lyrics:
      He doesn’t know what he is headed for…
      Ain’t that the truth.

      • Douglas W says:

        Spot on: “He doesn’t know what he is headed for…”

        Which is what is driving him bonkers.

        He needs a script. He loves a script.
        But there’s no script for the direction that he’s headed.

        And so, he flails away.

        Cue Burton:

        It’s too late
        He’s gone too far
        He’s lost the sun

        He’s come undone
        No, do-do-do-do-do-do
        Do, do, do-do

  5. Martin Dixon says:

    From the whistleblower in the Globe.

    “So let me be clear: as troubling as the revelations we have seen are, I do not believe that foreign interference dictated the present composition of our federal government.”

    I am not sure what he is saying there. The party line is that the interference did not impact the OVERALL results. But no one has yet to say NO RIDINGS were impacted that I have seen. Indeed, it is annoying that the CBC and the rest of the MSM never force people to say that.

    • Martin,

      This is cutting hairs. No doubt about it. In effect, the whistleblower is suggesting that Chinese efforts weren’t consistent enough or sufficiently broad enough across ridings to save a Trudeau Liberal government that would otherwise have gone down in flames. Fair point. But an inquiry is needed not because we want to know why the Chinese regime did not put pedal to the metal. Rather, we want to know why those LPC and CPC candidates were essentially bought, how far up the political food chain that influence went, and finally, what was the quid pro quo for those involved.

    • Murphy's Raw says:

      Perhaps the intention was never to impact the composition of the government, but to make sure that interests were controlled regardless of the composition.

      Thus my concern with the terms of the ‘review’: restricting it to the results of the last two elections will overlook the impact of financial and other activities at the riding and nomination level.

      Foreign ‘interest’ is about far more than the actual election results.

    • Sean says:

      I understood the words “dictated the present composition of our federal government” to be interpreted very broadly. IE “dictated” is a very heavy word. IMO the whistleblower is saying that it is doubtful that Xi Jinping sat down in his study with a map of Canada and picked the winning candidate in every riding.

  6. WV,

    Personally, I want to hear Stephen Harper’s take on this coupled with that of Stockwell Day and Preston Manning. Will they all come out publicly and if they do, will they all agree with each other?

    • Martin Dixon says:

      The CBC cancelled Stockwell Day. I have not heard anything about him since.

    • western view says:

      Stephen Harper knows better than to help Trudeau with anything that resembles changing the channel from Trudeau’s judgmental lapses to that nasty “Harper Government”.

      • WV,

        Harper and the others speaking out has nothing whatsoever to do with changing the channel and the so-called nasty Harper government. It’s all about building confidence behind the already self-evident credibility of the rapporteur and the process. Without that, at least a plurality of Conservatives will continue to raise hell in hopes of discrediting both the man and the process. That is a mistake. We should be focusing instead on the ultimate outcome. I, for one, have every confidence that Johnston will come out for an inquiry. If these people say the same thing, that should quiet things down quite a bit. As I said, we need to trust the man and the process. We will get there. An inquiry will eventually come, come hell or high water. Likely, it will come when Jagmeet threatens to withdraw confidence if Trudeau does not agree to an inquiry in the medium term.

    • Douglas W says:

      Harper + Day = ancient history.

      • Douglas,

        Some of us, but not me, found that out in the leadership race. What Harper wants, the membership gives. When Harper telegraphed his approval of Pierre in that race, that was instantly translated into support for Pierre. Once Pierre had Harper’s imprimatur, the game instantly was all over for Charest and everyone else.

    • Sean says:

      …when your enemy is destroying himself… stand out of the way. That’s Stephen Harper’s take.

    • Derek Pearce says:

      Lol who gives a shit what those guys have to say?

      • Derek,

        In two words: the MEMBERSHIP.

        • In short, if it’s only Fred DeLorey and me, the big picture stays on the sideshow not the main event. Two of us simply can’t turn that tide alone. We need to focus exclusively like a laser beam on getting an inquiry. Not on anything else. This has to be all about the MESSAGE, not the messenger. Otherwise, the whole thing gets sidetracked and we play into the Trudeau Liberals’ hands. Pierre needs to get that.

        • Sean says:

          who gives a shit what the MEMBERSHIP thinks?!

          • Sean,

            The MEMBERSHIP is the societal vessel of this party and regardless who the leader is, it still takes its cues from Harper, is a discreet and subtle way. Caucus also largely defers to the membership’s wishes. Need I say more?

    • Gloriosus et Liber says:

      Stock has been working for Beijing since he left politics. He’s compromised.

  7. Martin Dixon says:

    Watched this guy on P and P last night. Didn’t really have a problem with whistleblowers per se, just didn’t think this whistleblower was doing anyone a service and was a criminal basically. Given his background, my take is that the whistleblower was maybe just hitting a bit too close to home given his most recent ventures and he is trying to get himself a regular gig on the CBC:


  8. Derek Pearce says:

    Well, he’s probably going to recommend a full public inquiry in the end anyhow, it just remains to be seen how long he takes to make that recommendation. But I think there’s blood in the water re Trudeau’s leadership of the Liberals, so is he going to take his time and recommend this before or after our next election? I think Trudeau has decided “fuck the party, if I’m going down I’m taking the whole thing with me.”

    • Derek,

      Agreed. Timing is everything. If the recommendation comes out, and it is for an inquiry, I expect it to come out sooner rather than later. Meaning, definitely not post the next election. This Prime Minister has already rolled the dice. His strategy is that no one in his caucus has any balls to challenge him, either male or female. He likely correctly concludes that no one can stop him from going into the next election as leader. And yes indeed, boy, will he ever take the party down with him. He just doesn’t give a shit.

  9. Gilbert says:

    I’m guessing David Johnston will say that the election result was not influenced by external forces. In other words, he won’t blame the PM for anything. He’ll probably recommend a committee to screen candidates and implement measures to protect the integrity of future Canadian elections and in his words, make them the fairest of any democracy.

  10. Martin Dixon says:

    There could be an opposition day motion vote as early as Tuesday. To force Telford to testify. Will the NDP vote against it because JT makes it a vote of confidence? If he goes that far, we basically know what Telford is going to say and don’t need her to say it.

    • Martin,

      I would put it to you that all opposition parties have to call this bastard’s bluff if he threatens to make it about confidence. I want Telford there, complying with the will of the House as expressed in committee. I couldn’t care less what fairy tale she no doubt will weave. All I care about is her testimony further eroding the little credibility this government still has with the voting public. Let her sink them even further. As for Jagmeet, he’s already on the record in favour of an inquiry. Now he’ll have to put up to maintain the NDP’s cred. You simply can’t be publicly for an inquiry and then not compel Katie to testify. The Liberal bullshit doesn’t wash anymore. So fuck ’em and sink those assholes at the very first opportunity. Of course, if he prorogues, like Harper did twice, then they’ll temporarily save their sorry asses with the emphasis on temporarily. But they will go down in the end just like Harper did. Perhaps partie remise, until their bacon ultimately gets fried.

  11. Curious V says:

    I’ve heard it from a few talking heads, a few of them conservatives, one who works for Doug Ford, that a public inquiry is a waste of time because most of the material they are to review is confidential – so an inquiry is just theatre. Nothing of value would come from one – maybe we should allow Johnston, a guy with impeccable credentials, by all accounts a great Canadian, to do his job and make that determination after he’s had a chance to conduct a proper review. Maybe he’ll recommend an inquiry, maybe not – but judging by his character he won’t be pressured either way.

    • Peter Williams says:

      Heh, look at what he did for Mulroney during the Airbus affair.

    • Peter Williams says:

      The answers to the most important questions are not classified: What did Trudeau know? When did he know it? And what did he do about it?

      Surely for an “open and transparent government” this should be easy to answer.

  12. Warren,

    What sunk Martin, besides karma? Was it the fact that Gomery existed, or was it Gomery’s content? I would suggest it was the former. After all, Chrétien masterfully ridiculed the inquiry with the daughter’s golf balls so IMHO, it wasn’t what came out that did Martin in. Rather, it was the necessity of calling an inquiry that poisoned the Liberal well. Same thing this time. That’s why Mr.EthicsTM is positively scared shitless of one.

  13. Peter Williams says:

    House of Commons voted 172 – 0 on second reading of C-290 to reform federal whistleblower protection for employees who uncover corrupt practices.

    Guess who abstained.


    • Peter,

      Frankly, you’ve got to admire the TRUDEAU Liberals’ truly unique ability at cutting their own throats. That shows that the lemmings are more than willing to swan dive off the cliff and that they stupidly remain behind this prime ministerial disgrace. I hope Carney takes high blood pressure meds so he doesn’t have a stroke watching this gang of self-evident I-M-B-E-C-I-L-E-S…

  14. Gilbert says:

    Jacinda Ardern knew it was time to resign. The Labour Party in New Zealand might do OK in the next election. Justin Trudeau, on the other hand, does not. His decision to appoint David Johnston, a Larentian elite and board member of the Trudeau Foundation, is a big mistake. Mr. Johnston should have declined because of the perceived conflict of interest. If Jagmeet Singh does not insist that we have a public inquiry, he fails to do his job.

  15. Warren,

    The heat is getting unbearable. Hence their climb down on not having precious Katie testify before committee. That should be worth at least a few laughs. That gang wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked all of them in that PMO straight across the face. Welcome to Fantasy Island! I am your host, Ms. Telford.

  16. Gilbert says:

    Mr. Johnston once met Mr. Xi and spoke positively about him. I doubt he’ll have strong criticism for President Xi or the CCP.

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