, 05.14.2023 04:43 PM

KINSELLACAST 261: Your passport to a great show – with Kheiriddin, Belanger, Mraz, and Lilley (in spirit)! Plus: Clash, Ruts, Tim Armstrong, Specials AKA!


  1. Warren,

    Ah, the abortion issue. Trudeau and company demagogue on the issue without any proven credibility. They’re scaremongering. But if you happen to be one of the rare if not almost extinct brilliant Liberal strategists, you don’t want a law on the books for obvious reasons: without restrictions, the NDP can’t eat your lunch with women. It’s bad enough for them that they’re already losing the next election in the polls but if they bring in a law, they will hemorrhage support on their left. Hence, the so-called merits of a vide juridique. Codification means goalposts or boundaries, at the very least, and Trudeau Liberals can’t afford to go there in their current political circumstances.

  2. The CPC is calling for a public inquiry, among so many others. But hey, who gives a damn what the Harper government, or any other previous government, failed to do with regard to Chinese influence and interference. Poilièvre leads the CPC and as such should be prepared to take whatever hits come our way, just as the Liberals necessarily will have to. We ALL need to face the music on this issue. In our case, the leader’s decisions will project strength, not weakness as we head into the run-up to the next election.

  3. PJH says:

    Mr Kinsella: I saw what you did there…..:)

  4. I’m with Mraz on immigration. Even have fought with family over this. My only proviso: I want secure vetting of all adults and upper teens, to the extent that that is actually possible.

  5. CNN: made the network looks like it was less partisan. After ten minutes, I could take no more and switched channels.

  6. The Trudeau guys set out to piss off a lot of people, on an ever-growing multitude of issues, because that’s all they know. It’s the only thing that they have quite deliberately done serially successfully.

  7. Warren,

    Sure, PP handled that video with political overkill. No doubt about it. But it brings in far more people to his side than he loses, so it’s a net positive in my book. And anyway, no one will remember any of his videos on election day.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      I am a huge fan of The Stranglers and Pulp. Maybe they should have put Shatner on the passport!


      Any excuse to post that but I digress. I never thought of those bands when I heard that clip but, like PJH said, I am pretty sure our host knows that.

      Not on Twitter much so actually didn’t watch it until this morning. 850,000 views so far. Laughed out loud at parts of it. When people tell you what they think about China, you should believe them. If there are any remaining Tru-anons out there, they will tell you it was a joke. But I say “ish” to that.

      Love Free Nelson Mandela. Bought on release on vinyl.

  8. Martin Dixon says:

    I watch PP every day in QP and have watched a few of his town halls. I think he is more of a happy warrior than you give him credit for. So important, at least to me. Mulroney was. Chrétien was. Ford is. Harper wasn’t.

  9. Peter Williams says:

    Mr Climate Change prevention is jetting off to South Korea and Japan.

    There, clad in who knows what costume, he’ll lecture the world on a variety of topics, and proudly show off his socks.

    And a reminder to all Canadians, do not fly, you must make do with less.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      So he is going to miss QP again.

    • Peter Williams says:

      Some Liberals have told me Justin buys carbon credits, so it’s ok for him to fly a lot.

      My point to them, Justin buys them, but tax-payers PAY for them.
      And perhaps some enterprising CBC reporter could examine and tell us from where Justin gets those carbon credits. Me thinks a lot of money is going to Liberal friends who are profiting nicely from selling carbon credits to Justin et al.

  10. Peter Williams says:

    Parliamentary ethics probes now stalled.


    Why isn’t Jagmeet demanding a new ethics commissioner?

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Maybe they can’t even find an interim person that doesn’t have a conflict. Whole city of Ottawa is ridiculous. Just a shade less ridiculous than Toronto. It boggles the mind that PP keeps getting re-elected there.

    • Peter,

      Maybe because if there was a new EC, Jagmeet Singh and his clowns would actually have to do something to sink this government. Heavens no…

  11. Martin Dixon says:

    Looks like everyone standing around breaking their arms patting themselves on the back for the Woodstock deal has had consequences. And the bloom seems to be off the proverbial rose between JT and Ford over Windsor. You have to wonder if Woodstock will even happen. Windsor was supposed to be a given.

  12. Curious V says:

    The spiel about the passport spells fanaticism. and, it’s not that the symbols removed weren’t important symbols, but they’re a thin layer of rich, thick and engaging Canadian history – what about all the refugees, and immigrants who came to Canada from around the world. What about indigenous history – I think the new symbolism was an attempt to find symbols that resonate with people across the spectrum, and diversity of Canada, paying homage to our natural beauty – something we can all appreciate.

    Terry fox is a hero, our soldiers and veterans are heroes too, but Poilievre is a fanatic and that’s what his spiel sounded like to me. A fanatic ignoring so many layers of our history to engage people in a kind of ethnic nationalism.

    • Peter Williams says:

      An attempt to find symbols that resonate with people across the spectrum. Obviously they failed.

      The symbols look like a bunch of cartoons. But that’s what you’d expect from Team Trudeau.

      Perhaps the designers got their inspiration from Justin’s sock drawer?

    • Gilbert says:

      The new passport is all about the post-national state. In other words, it’s to erase history and make Canada just one country among many. It doesn’t want Canadians of European descent or images that remind people of war. The prime minister wants to remake Canada in his own image.

      • Gilbert,

        Well, if we really want to make Canada over into an exact match, we will have to change our name from Canada to Insignificant.

      • Curious V says:

        We’ve done a good job to erase history in Canada, but the history we worked so hard to erase indigenous history, the history of slavery in Canada, and treatment of immigrants.

        • Peter Williams says:

          And the

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Does Peter = Curious. Or is he correcting Curious? My working theory that Curious is not a real person may be the correct one. It would be the most charitable explanation for many of his posts.

          • Peter Williams says:


            I am not Curious V.

            Curious would call me a right wing extremist because I support the federal Conservatives. In my lifetime I’ve voted Conservative, Liberal, and even for a New Democrat. The latter two due to the excellent quality of my local candidate.

            I am socially liberal, fiscally conservative. I abhor political parties that refuse to condemn genocide (are you listening Curious?). Curious’s exalted leader, Justin Trudeau, is silent on China’s current genocide. Not only is Trudeau silent, he admires ‘their basic dictatorship’. Does Curious?

    • Martin Dixon says:

      The funny and ironic thing about your spiel is that your PDS appears to be fanaticism. It probably isn’t and I will give you that but everything you say about the guy looks like it is through the lens of someone with PDS. The key two words in this spiel are “to me”. At this point, enough people disagree that he could very well be PMPP if the election were held today. You are looking at everything he says with a predetermined view that can’t be changed no matter what facts are in evidence. This, of course, completely ignores the fact that if the choice is binary, the choice is clear. A lot of people who don’t like PP are coming around to that view. But you don’t seem to have a tipping point.

      • Martin,

        PP wasn’t my first choice but anything I can do here to help him win, I’ll gladly do it.

      • Curious V says:

        Well, the liberals are at about 27, and the NDP are at around 20 – something like that anyway. The conservatives are polling at about 35 – so most Canadians are center, or center left, and Poilievre is on the extreme right. It’s the center and center left who are splitting votes, but that shouldn’t distract from the the fact that a plurality of Canadians have a distaste for Pierre.

        • Martin Dixon says:

          I really like math, I have an honours degree in math and I work with numbers every day. Those numbers also say that an even larger plurality have a distaste for your PM. Since Justin lied about the fact that 2015 would be the last first past the post election(along with his promise about when the budget would be back in balance-another knee slapper, but I digress), the other thing that those numbers say given that the NDP and the Liberals are polling in the 20s is that the vote split could very well give PP a majority.

          • Curious V says:

            That’s true – the best hope for PP is vote splitting, but he is disliked by most Canadians. Trudeau is probably the second choice for the 20 percent voting NDP.

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Nope sorry Curious. You have no clue how the NDP thinks. We have a very large NDP constituency in Brantford so I do. They basically hate the Liberals because they talk the talk but never walk the walk. But nice try!

          • Curious V says:

            I know a lot of NDP members, and they’d take Trudeau over Poilievre any day of the week. So, Poilievre’s big fear is that half those polling for the NDP move to the Liberals in an election that presents a choice between PP and Trudeau – they have no love for the fringe right, that’s for certain.

          • Curious V,

            Yeah, right. I can definitely see it now: swarms of New Democrats moving from a jackass to a simpleton. Sounds like a plan alright.

            Maybe in Trudeau Liberal dreams.

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Totally disagree. The NDP in Brantford preferred Phil McColeman over Lloyd St Amand in 2006 and that was when Harper was in charge and you no doubt have an even worse derangement syndrome about him than PP. The NDP have a natural distaste for the Liberal party and always have for very good reasons(from their point of view). To think the fact JT is in charge would soften that view is laughable. With very few exceptions(you included), pretty well no one wants him to be the next PM. It would be similar to the fact that I would have picked Mulcair over JT all day long if the ballot would have been ranked in 2015. JT fooled lots of people but not this voter.His limitations were patently obvious and he quickly proved it to others.

  13. Curious V says:

    Had he just said that these are important symbols, and it’s a real shame they won’t be featured on the passport, well whatever. But, his spiel and obsession came through, this stuff about erasing history, talk about Fidel Castro etc – this is the stuff of a fanatic tapping into ethnic nationalism.

  14. Sean says:

    A few things…

    The only time any of us look at the inside of our passports is when we are in a traffic jam at the border or a line up at the air port. In those moments no one is interested in Canadian culture wars, ginned up by desperate politicians.

    PP video:

    1. The reason he has so many hits is because a lot of the viewers think he’s nuts and want to confirm that impression.
    2. The purpose of the video is to crank up numbers at rallies and keep money flowing from hard right rubes who take this stuff seriously.
    3. He needs to be careful with this silliness because he’s right on the edge of creating material for the LPC war room. Maybe even past that edge right now. IE his own lack of judgement / sanity.
    4. This stuff makes me nervous because it could lead to a Canadian January 6th moment.

    Adult supervision in the comms playpen please.

  15. Peter Williams says:

    Question to Minister Freeland, “How much will it cost to service the debt?”

    She won’t say


    This from a government, that has no plans to end deficit spending.

    Say goodbye to your pensions!

  16. Martin Dixon says:

    To those Laurentian Elite former conservative types(you know who you are) that were condescendingly mocking PP for his video about JT jetting off to the G7 to meet “important people” like Biden when he had things to deal with here, guess what, Biden came home to deal with his shit at home. So funny.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      More accurately, coming home early.

      • Martin,

        What I heard is that the visit to Australia is postponed while he and the Speaker become phone twins while he’ll be in Japan. In short, Biden gets to cave first. You know, that one rep who can get a vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker. Kind of says it all, you think?

        • Martin Dixon says:

          Ronald-Given the hit my portfolio took yesterday, let’s hope they sort it out soon. I wonder if Joe will have time for a grip and grin with Justin? He isn’t even getting there until today. More proof Justin Justrunnimg away from the house. PP pretty well nailed it.

          • Martin,

            Every other Trudeau Liberal sees the writing on the wall but did nothing. I’m certainly not complaining. I hope they enjoy their five year rest in opposition because it’s coming.

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