Feature, Musings —07.06.2023 11:22 AM
—My latest: like, Canada’s own Swiftie!
Like, OMG.
Like, Swifties check this out: the president of Canada, Justin Whatsisface – who is kind of super hot for a Dad, right? – has sort of slid into Taylor’s DMs on Twitter! Like, is that dope, or what?
Here’s what President Hottie wrote:
“It’s me, hi. I know places in Canada would love to have you. So, don’t make it another cruel summer. We hope to see you soon.”
LOL! Isn’t that lit? It was so flex! It broke the Internet! Like, Justin quoted lines from Taylor’s own songs to get her attention, and to get her to tour in Canada! He’s cute AND he’s super smart!
Now, not all of my BFFs agree. We were doing Netflix and chilling, like, and we were all spilling the tea and stuff. And I showed President Trudeau’s tweet to one friend, and she was like all: “Swerve, girl. Not cool. Shouldn’t he be running the state of Canada, or whatevs?”
OMG! That was salty, but I get it. I mean, he probably shouldn’t be stalking Taylor on social media using taxpayer money and all that, but it still was sort of kind of sick. I mean, Taylor is the GOAT!
I showed it to another friend in my squad, and she wrinkled her nose, and I love it when she does that! She’s so extra! Anyway, she said: “Okay, Boomer. Such a noob, he is. Such a tool. An older married guy shouldn’t flex at Taylor like that. WTF! She should ghost him, totes.”
She called President Justy a stan, too, which is like a fan who is like over the top. It’s cheugy, y’know? Like, he’s trying too hard. I get it, LOL.
Anyhoo, I still wasn’t sure, so I showed my Mom, because she’s cool even though she’s super ancient, like Justin. She said he was being a bit of a troll, which is pretty on fleek. (That means “on point,” oldsters.)
My Mom: “This reminds me of the time that the Mayor of Toronto wrote a letter to the Spice Girls asking them to reunite. Except this is a lot worse. Doesn’t Prime Minister Trudeau have anything better to do with his time?
“I mean, most of his provinces are on fire, he’s got a recession coming, and people are wondering if China is secretly in charge of his government, and his big priority is getting Taylor Swift to come to Canada?”
YAAAAS! Nice clap back, Mom! That was fire! But Justin is, like, quiche – he’s hotter than hot, and he loves Taylor! Justin loves Taylor, because duh! Like, who doesn’t?
Mom shook her head again.
“Honey, do you remember that time your gym teacher started commenting on the pictures you and your friends post on Instagram?”
“Totes, Mom. That was weird.”
“So is this, honey. He’s an older, professional man, and he’s tweeting at Taylor Swift to get her attention? Seriously? It’s not sliding into her DMs, or sending a pic of, well, you know, but it’s still inappropriate. There’s a word for it, in fact.”
“Whats the word, Mom?”
“Creepy, dear.”
Exact-a-mundo. To use a Fonzie term from our youth, WK.
I love when JT just can’t help himself, and he does stuff like this. All the better to allow voters to see what an empty suit he truly is.
Canadians have had eight-plus years to see what an empty suit he truly is.
Those who love him, love him a lot, and keep excusing his behaviour.
And so he hangs onto power … until at least 2025.
Mr. Trudeau has more important things to do than waste time with Taylor Swift.
Yeah, he has a lot of briefings to make sure never get to him and those that do are more than likely ignored. Ah, such a steady hand on the ship of state’s wheel.
Creepy like his tenure at … West Point Grey Academy?
AF, that piece is dead, fire AND dope! OMG, TBH he is so cheugy.
I feel bad for his immediate family. These persistent moments of public humiliation can’t be easy. It’s only going to get worse every day this sad charade is propped up.
I don’t. Can she spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E ? Not likely.
Vive les femmes soumises…our unofficial provincial motto.
Watch the in public body language, it never fails to reveal the true state of things: the lack of kisses, the lack of hand-holding, the use of children as placeholders between the so-called happy couple. When spouses already are a no-go, hand or arm holding is almost invariably with the child in the middle so the offended spouse doesn’t have to handhold with the alleged asshole and/or serial cheater.
On point:
Seems like a deliberate bucket full of stinky manure to draw attention away from something else and get raving mad Canadians to change their own channel. This Liberal team is pretty good at it.
Look carefully…., there’s lots of fires smouldering. Poilievre just called him a LIE ER and produced the email to prove it…
Just sayin’
If we got rid of every bona fide liar in the Commons, the only ones left would be the cleaning crew…what can I say.
She makes $13 million per show and Canadians
don’t have enough disposable income or discretionary
income for her diva upkeep.
I’m happy she snubbed Canada.
She’ll do Canadian gigs when her popularity
fizzles out in another decade or so. By then
PM Trudeau should have saved enough for
a ticket.
I wonder, seriously. Inquiring minds want to know: can Mélanie Joly sing, on key?
I hear she is more of a hummer.
Meanwhile Rome continues to burn. Laughed when I read on the front page of the local paper that we are breaking our arms patting ourselves on the back because we are “safer” than Toronto.
I have lots of questions.
Given the latest stabbing on the TTC, it is cold comfort anyway.
I’ll wait until she is on the casino circuit 🙂
Cheers y’alls!
This is the most substantial policy announcement out of the Liberals since cannabis legalization
The responses to this column by the Tru-anon types are ded.
This is a bit of a stretch
Hopefully Taylor’s people how much of a creep he is. Justin groping Bianca Andreescu. All over the interwebs.
Rumour has it that Taylor Swift told Justin she’d come to Canada after the Public Inquiry is finished.
I go at it a bit differently: if the Liberals have somehow managed to reach an agreement with the CPC I’m far more concerned rather than elated. It makes me wonder what the Conservatives didn’t spot in the mix. If the LPC are OK with the CPC inspired terms of reference, I worry about look here, not there. In other words, have they successfully hidden what’s potentially most explosive: what’s not there?