Feature, Musings —08.15.2023 12:54 PM
—My latest: conspiracy theory = lying
Dear Mr. Poilievre:
Not to get all conspiratorial, here, but we need to talk. About, you know, conspiracies.
All cards on the table, big guy: the country has had its fill, and then some, of Justin Trudeau. From coast to coast, old to young, male to female and all points in between: we want Justin to leave. Go cobble together a ghost-written memoir in time for the Xmas season, Lucky Sperm Club guy, and hit the WE lecture circuit. Go.
See, Pierre? We’re not necessarily against you. We know that, if Justin doesn’t leave of his own accord, you are the figurative bailiff: you’re the only guy with the wherewithal to move Justin and his sock collection onto the sidewalk on Sussex.
But, Pierre: we’re not necessarily for you, either. The jury is still out on you.
Because of you.
For quite some time, the country has been saying: Trudeau, go. But the country has also been saying: Pierre? No.
There was a bunch of reasons why the country didn’t embrace you right away, most of which you’ve now addressed. You used to be pro-life, now you’re pro-choice. You used to dislike gay marriage, now you do. You used to be seemingly against a bunch of things – more immigration, Indigenous reconciliation – that you are now for.
You hung out with Covid-denier convoy types who occupied bridges and major Canadian cities, but not anymore. You used to talk a lot about vaccinations, but no longer. You used to wear glasses and look a bit nerdy. No more: you’ve ditched the glasses and started using Brian Lilley’s former trainer.
It’s all good, Pierre. Except…conspiracies. They’re back, apparently. Like a stain on the rug in the sitting room, the WEF one is back. And everyone can see it.
CTV (no Lefty bastion) was the first to circulate the Canadian Press (owned by newspapers, not the CBC as you falsely claimed) story. Here’s the lede:
“Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has been hitting the summer barbecue circuit with ramped-up rhetoric around debunked claims that the World Economic Forum is attempting to impose its agenda on sovereign governments.”
Big allegation, one that CP knew would be damaging to your ambitions. So they backed it up. They quoted a Conservative Party fundraising appeal you sent to thousands of people: “It’s far past time we rejected the globalist Davos elites and bring home the common sense of the common people.”
“Globalist elites.” We’ll get back to that one in a minute.
CP then quoted you at a Penticton, B.C. rally: “I will ban all of my ministers and top government officials from any involvement in the World Economic Forum.”
So, you’re back at it, on the WEF nonsense.
What is the World Economic Forum, anyway? Well, on its web site, it defines itself in this way: “The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”
The Britannica people say this: “The World Economic Forum (WEF), international organization (https://www.britannica.com/topic/international-organization) that convenes (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/convenes) an annual winter (https://www.britannica.com/science/winter) conference, traditionally in Davos (https://www.britannica.com/place/Davos), Switz., for the discussion of global commerce, economic development (https://www.britannica.com/topic/economic-development), political concerns, and important social issues.”
Your former boss, Stephen Harper, used to go and speak there. So did your cabinet colleagues, including one who chaired your leadership campaign. You yourself used to be found on a WEF web site. Big deal.
Crazy people think the WEF secretly rules the world. Crazy people have always believed stuff like that, just like the things they used to believe about the Freemasons or the Illuminati or the Trilateralists or the Learned Elders of Zion.
Personally, I’ve always thought the Davos gatherings are awful, too, Pierre. But not for the same reasons as you.
I opposed them because they were wankfests of rich, pompous, wildly-out-of-touch jerks who talked a lot but did precisely nothing. You, however, leaned into the conspiracy theory that the WEF has boundless power over the lives of “common people,” quote unquote.
It doesn’t. It actually doesn’t do anything, and you know it.
In fairness, Justin Trudeau regularly dabbles in untruths, too. When he does, we call it “lying.” When you do it, we call it “conspiracy theories.”
I prefer “lying,” myself. That’s a better way of describing it.
Oh, and the “globalist elite” thing? The American Jewish Committee says that’s a trope “used to promote the anti-Semitic conspiracy that Jewish people do not have allegiance to their countries of origin.”
The Anti-Defamation League says “white supremacists and other anti-Semites frequently use the term as an anti-Semitic dog whistle.”
I know quite a bit about white supremacists and anti-Semites, Pierre, and you are decidedly not one. Nor are you stupid.
But the stuff you’ve again started spewing about the WEF and “globalist elites,” Pierre? It’s stupid. It’s beneath you. And it’s unnecessary. You’re way ahead in the polls, and you didn’t get there by peddl
ing crap to knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers.
Smile more, Pierre. Be upbeat. Talk about your ideas to help people. Tell the truth. Do all that, and you’ll win.
But keep it up with the conspiracy theories, and you’ll lose. Guaranteed.
The WEF stuff that’s spewed on social media these days is just plain stupid. End of story.
And to compound the idiocy, most people spewing nonsense about the WEF on social media could not actually tell you what the WEF is or does.
Actually, not really. Unless you are saying:
“The WEF stuff that’s posted on social media is kind of disturbing.”
Do agree the conspiracy stuff is stupid. The WEF say their disturbing stuff out loud and circulate it. Conspiracies don’t work that way.
Klaus Schwab was breaking his arm patting himself on the back because he said they had infiltrated our cabinet and Putin was a peep. He reminded me of his doppelgänger:
It’s just a fucking talk shop FFS.
Based on some of your posts, you would appear to be a fan. Many aren’t. When people say things out loud, you should believe them and he has said A LOT of really stupid things out loud. To wit:
“”I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries,” Schwab said.”
A view that he shares with our current PM. And if you check The Google, China and their interference in our country is in the news a lot here.
I’m neither a fan nor a non-fan of the WEF. It’s just a fucking talk shop. So what if some people say stupid stuff at their confabs?
He isn’t some people. He is the founder.
The fringe of the conservative party, where Pierre comes from, where they merge with the People’s Party, they’re anti-semetic, racist, anti-immigrant, a place where homophobia and pro life flourishes, a place where conspiracy theory flourishes. That’s what you’re voting for if you cast a ballot for Poilievre – no matter how this chameleon tries to change it’s colors, that’s what you are voting for. This stuff about globalists is just what Warren says, it’s dog whistle anti-semetism. Maybe we’ve grown tired of Trudeau, but the alternative is unfit. He panders to this crowd – for fear they’ll leak to the People’s Party, but it comes easily to him because that’s his true instinct. I would like to see some liberal ads highlighting all the U-turns he’s made from homophobic and anti-immigrant stance to his lifetime support of pro-life.
What is funny about the people who criticize PP about the WEF is that they all overreach and an opportunity is lost. So, notwithstanding what everyone else is saying here, I would call it a draw or maybe a slight win for PP because it literally looked like a memo went out from KT because the entire media was singing from the same songbook and everyone can see it. Maybe you are the ones that got played and KT is PP’s secret agent. When it comes to music, theater, tv, etc., if a crowd is all animated about something, my general rule is to turn around. This is exhibit one for overreach. Your characterization of PP is just plain silly. Let me show you why because you haven’t bothered to learn anything about him and some of it was covered above.
anti-semitic-silly-go talk to Lantsman or Anthony Koch
racist-nope-see Anaida-discussion closed
anti-immigrant-see above
homophobia-talk to his step dad-again silly
pro-life-only Liberals are allowed to “evolve”-I actually believe no one does-either way-it is a core belief. All that matters is how you govern and when Harper had a majority and PP was in cabinet, they did nothing notwithstanding fear mongering like yours.
I do agree that the WEF is not a conspiracy. They tell you exactly what they want to do(some of the stuff they have said is actually pretty crazy) and the ironic thing is that when Harper was attending it, people like you, Naomi Klein, Charlie Angus, etc, were freaking out about it.
MD – exactly… The same people supported Harper and nothing changed on any of those issues for nine years. Indeed Canada and the Conservative Party became more progressive / open minded on all those issues between 2006-2015. PP is obvioulsy not going to actually do anything about those issues. It’s all dog whistling baloney to raise money and I don’t think middle of the road voters are afraid of any of that stuff anymore.
The Trudeau Liberals are already in full panic mode and it shows. Curious V will try his best, likely to no avail. But at least he has the guts to keep trying.
Ronald, indeed: Full panic mode with a PM, who looks like he has zero interest in leading the country but … really digs the job title and all of its perks.
Curious V,
You’re teetering on the edge, legally speaking. I wouldn’t advise you to continue posting in such a manner. At a minimum, change your sentence structure.
Well, his dad is gay, and his wife emigrated here from South America. I guess that sort of makes your homophobic/anti-immigrant accusation look rather foolish. Plus upon his election as Party leader, he made Melissa Lantsman (an openly gay Jewish MP from Toronto) one of two deputy leaders. (Hmm. The anti-semitism thing isn’t looking too good right now either). Isn’t it ironic that those who claim others are so intolerant, are actually pretty intolerant themselves when it comes to an opinion they don’t share? Last point – are you actually Gerry Butts using a pseudonym?
Thanks so much for educating so many of us about the connotation of “globalist elite.” I, quite literally, had no idea. Lesson learned.
The problem with so many political leaders is that they actually think they know best and that the rest of us aren’t qualified to give them sound or useful advice. Imagine that. In Pierre’s case, the advice jury is out. Soon enough, we’ll see what he decides to do or not to do. But hey, his future prime ministership is quite literally on the line. His rhetoric will cement him as PM or deny him the job. It’s all up to him, and only him.
Just say “W.E.F.” and stand aside while the money trucks roll in. That is Canada’s Conservative Party these days.
It’s really sad that Liberal Party back room elitists insist on surrendering by refusing to start a leadership contest.
Conservatives it seems, are ready yet again to snatch defeat from the jaws o’ victory…….Usually you could count on an old guard Refooormer MP to shit the bed during an election campaign to deep six a hitherto winning campaign.
It seems doubly tragic when the Leader appears to be guilty of same.
Like many Conservative supporters, I am impatiently waiting for the Conservative Brain Trust to elevate their bush league media narratives into a running narrative that average, economically beat up Canadians can identify with.
Do Conservative operatives REALLY think that average Canadians give a Flying F about WEF, or better still, know anything about it? It is wasted energy, all to appeal to a subset of hangers on who like to pull the CPC around by the nose.
Equally repugnant is the media attention to the WEF fundraising campaign. It’s summer, and news is slow. 23/7 Justin n Sophie has died off and what is the new focus? Conspiracy theories within the CPC. Good grief. The Trudeau Government’s obsession with climate action is the biggest conspiracy theory running, and the money being fire hosed at EV jobs or threats to rain electricity blackouts upon two Prairie Provinces might be a more fruitful target.
I can’t improve on this comment.
Thanks for the nice message.
The CPC needs to close the deal with centrist voters who have realized that this Trudeau Government is not their friend. The Government has shown its tone deaf colours, preferring to continue on its path of high tax, high regulatory burden rather than find meaningful ways to reduce the financial hurt many working people are facing every day.
The path to government is to demonstrate competence and to show voters that they understand the pressing issues and that they have solutions. The WEF isn’t a pressing issue, it is a cheap way to raise money.
It seems all of the parties are so beholden to their base that they have to pander to the “crackpots” (for lack of a better term). As a nation, we deserve better. There is no excuse for Mr Poilievre to go down this rabbit hole. Meanwhile, our nation continues to deteriorate. Crime is out of control, housing has become a crisis, and inflation is a huge impact on our society in general. Yes, so let’s go on about the “Global Elites”. Ridiculous.
The point he is making is that neither the Global Elites nor the Laurentian Elites(interchangeable) are going to do anything for the working class. That used to the view from the left and now it has somehow been turned into dog whistling because of the KT morning memos:
6:07 in:
Personally, I think it is working(or at least not hurting him). Maybe I am dead wrong but I don’t think so. Hands up everyone on this site that thought T would win in 2016. I was certain after Brexit. It was obvious if you weren’t in an echo chamber like everyone is now. Lots of guffaws when I said it out loud though. I knew what we would get with Justin-many on this site didn’t. That was also obvious. PP is doing just fine(IMHO) and I have stuck with him right from the start while many were dismissing him including some good friends of mine(all on board now as are a few here) but maybe I will be wrong this third time.
Charlie Angus criticized PP too but likely because he has stolen his schtick and supporters. Charlie 5 years ago.
“So @JustinTrudeau is hanging out with the uber-rich at Davos. He says he is there to talk about the middle class. He would do better to sit down with #Sears pensioners and learn about the reality of the modern Canadian middle class.”
Of course Pierre Poilievre should focus on ordinary Canadians and not the elites who are part of the WEF. The book “The Great Reset” is by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. The report “Operation Lockstep”, a fairly accurate summary of the pandemic, was written by the Rockefeller Global Foundation in 2010.
Klaus Schwab boasted in a video that the WEF has penetrated almost half of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet. That should concern all Canadians. Those are not conspiracies but facts.
Why I say it may even have been a win for PP and maybe very intentional but not for the reason people think. He wasn’t using this to firm up his base-he was using it to expand it. Most people know very little abut the WEF. Their impression of the Davos/WEF types are they are just a bunch of jet setting hypocrites lecturing us all about climate change while flying around in jets because their staff haven’t told them about this amazing zoom technology. Wasn’t part of the great reset plan I guess. Curious would have been calling them a bunch of Nazis when Harper attended but I digress.
Most people have seen this:
When people say things out loud, believe them.
The Groucho Marx joke about never wanting to join a club that would want me as a remember comes to mind too. Putin, ffs!
They can be fairly criticized and reasonable people can have a different view about them. But what I think PP did was drop that little CBC/CP nugget. On purpose. And that was just a semantics thing but all the usual suspects piled on right on cue and helps make his point about the MSM. Maybe the next time they pile on, it will be for good reason but he can just say, there they go again. It was actually quite funny to watch.
That’s what Reagan said to Carter in the 1980 Second Presidential Debate.
Ha-and look how that worked out!
What do you mean exactly by “penetrated”? Please be specific. It makes it sound like they’re paid agents or something, which is absolute fucking nonsense, if that’s what you’re actually suggesting.
There is no warm and cuddly definition of penetrated. Your mileage may vary of course.
So you refuse to answer the question.
Ok. Fine. My 4 years of Latin tells me that it comes from a word that means go into.
Another definition is “the extension, usually peaceful, of the influence of one nation or CULTURE into the affairs of another”
Schwab literally said that.
I’ll say it again: I’m fascinated by the thought of election ads where Pierre is shown bringing Timmies to the convoy yahoos, cross-cut with scenes of exhausted hospital workers trying to save lives. He can still win but it’s going to be a squeaker.
Got to disagree. Sure it will have some effect on the margins but as long as Pierre sticks with the big-picture issues of inflation, debt and deficits, interest rates and home affordability, the next government is more than likely within our grasp. And if our cards are played exceedingly well, it will be a CPC majority.
I think its far too late for that. By the time the election rolls around, no one will care about what silly things PP did in 2021. The next election will only be about getting rid of Justin and I don’t think any middle of the road voters will care a wink about what Liberals have to say. Every single Liberal ad will be seen as desperation from the drop of the writ to E-day -1.
Agreed. Watch for a tremendous Ignatieff effect with tons of Liberals voluntarily sitting out the next election.
Lol easy on the “our” part– I’m not voting for Trudeau but I sure ain’t voting for Poilievre.
Anyhow, a lot of people in spite of inflation etc are inclined to stick with the devil they know and this hanging-out-with-the-convoy-bullshit which PP pulled, when advertised right, will remind people that they really don’t like him. Then he’ll be forced to distance himself from the convoy types and risk driving a sliver of his voters back to Bernier.
They may work but, if the choice is binary, I would rather go with the guy handing out coffee to the convoy types than the guy who described them as people that should not be “tolerated”. We all know where that leads.
“This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? Over 80% of the population of Quebec have done their duty by getting the shot. They are obviously not the issue in this situation.”
As I keep saying, if you don’t like PP, fine but how can anyone support someone who said that. Lots of other options.
Not to mention, competing with this will likely be more problematic:
Those convoy peeps are/were whiny childish assholes– so no,
they should not have been tolerated.
That isn’t just who he was talking about and you know it but go ahead and deflect. He was painting with a much wider brush and he was basically one step away from internment camps.
Our means the CPC. LOL.
As for the devil you know, that’s what Clark said in 2006 and we all know how that one turned out.
The Liberal Party National Executive should prevent any party funds being spent on any such ads. Further, they should deny any party funds being allocated to the National Campaign unless Justin resigns.
Today from Brian:
And it is actually worse given China’s move which is a direct attack on our hospitality industry:
Perhaps someone should share that with Steven.
Prepare to count the hands. Let’s see, how many are going up in surprise? None, that is…this government is a total sellout, on its best day.
OK, we won’t get group tours from China, but we can get more tourists from countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea.
Gilbert, the point is that we are basically at war with China and this dumbass is cozying up to them.
I would say only headed in that direction given the fact that NATO will almost inevitably be drawn into the war against Russia. And thank God for that. Putin needs to be finished off ASAP.
Ronald, There’s no guarantee that President Putin’s successor will be better.
True, but if most of the top tier are on their way to The Hague, as likely will be the case, later rather than sooner, it at least gives us hope for better days.
Poilievre caters to the most ignorant mindless proto-Fascists throughout the continent because of Trumpism
and that bastion of proto-Fascists to our south that believes in wholesale ignorance as a means to an end
of propaganda.
Brandon Smith is one American propagandist that utilizes ‘the leftist’ ‘globalist’ ‘WEF-ist’ dog whistle polemic solely for purposes of vilification of anyone
that doesn’t believe the same tripe that he believes
for his monthly screed against the Democratic Party
The mindless are also calling for ‘balanced books’ knowing that that is an old canard not worthy of
attention post-GFC.
The Conservatives have nothing to run on except
hate & cultural malignancy. They are throwback
white supremacists IMHO. And they are no brighter
than the KKK were in the 50s. Poilievre may have ditched his Coke bottle glasses, but he still wears that pointy hat of American white supremacy.
There you go again Robert. Do you think characterizing people like me and Ronald like this(or that we would support people like this) actually works and people believe you? Serious question.
“They are throwback white supremacists IMHO. And they are no brighter than the KKK were in the 50s.”
Thanks Ronald! Maybe it was somewhere in my subconscious.
Please don’t get offended when I lambaste the right wing
American hysteria brewing in contemporary times. These are people that attacked the Capitol Hill legislature
in January 2021. Poilievre never uttered a word against
the Free Dumb Truckers either. He is a shallow cultural coward.
Oh. I am not offended. Not at all. When you post stuff like that bit about people like me and Ronald(you literally did that-said we support a Nazi), you are overreaching(to put it politely) and everything else you say no longer has any credibility.
You post a straw man argument given that I didn’t even
mention you or Ronald in my original post. I can’t post
a disclaimer every time I want to lambaste Poilievre and his cohort of support. I respect you and Ronald, but I
don’t exactly hold institutional politics in high regard.
The Conservative Party Canada is not representative
of their entire roster of membership either.
Trump is a proto-Fascist and Poilievre et al support
Republicanism over and above Democratic Party politics no matter what the position is. Non-partisan
debate is not forthcoming and partisanship is all that counts.
And now I’m the bad guy, eh?
This comment is so off the mark there’s clearly no point in going further, especially that last paragraph which is way beyond ridiculous.
Trump is a known racist the world over, Ronald.
He was raised by racist parents that systematically
disenfranchised African Americans from purchasing
property in any of Trump family properties throughout
NYC. He is sexist, racist, and classist in the extreme.
Poilievre echos the same rhetoric via support for
American conservativism vis-a-vis Republicanism.
Trump is the lead Republican this electoral round and
Poilievre supports that kind of mindlessness south of
the border. He does not condemn it as I can see what
he is and isn’t doing MoM.
If Poilievre supports his so-called Republican betters
it is highly doubtful that he will disassociate from their proto-Fascist stance of support for a white supremacist like Trump. Trump is the worst white
supremacist I’ve ever witnessed in contemporary times.
Poilievre isn’t politically astute if he is willing to support American conservatism in the guise of Trumpism.
I’m contemptuous of anyone that supports Trump
in any way. He is not a politician. He’s a grifter confidence man. And that’s what Poilievre supports if
he doesn’t speak out against American right-wing extremism articulated via Trumpism.
Come on Robert. People constantly forget that 98% of the people up here would be to the left of the majority of Democratic senators down there and you know it. And PP was in a cabinet that governed that way. The far right Bush like comparisons of Harper were just silly. Although, just for the record, many likely miss the “far right” Bush now.
Remember, my upbringing, to a large degree, involved a tutorial on fascism because my dad was occupied by Nazis. He remembers running from machine gun fire, and as kids they were active in the Dutch underground, passing notes and hiding Jews. When a political party in Canada starts attacking people with globalist tags, that’s just code for anti-Semitism. Maybe Poilievre doesn’t actually believe this stuff, but that he is willing to cater to them says a lot about his judgement. The same zeal they attack global elites with is also at work when they speak to the environment. The same kind of conspiracy theory, and then we all know they use this same tactic to attack public health measures that saved millions of lives during the pandemic. You have to ask yourself, does Poilievre simply peddle to this crowd, or is he one of them?
Total absolute nonsense. Paging Melissa Lantsman and Anthony Koch. You should educate yourself, seriously. And what were YOU saying about WEF when Harper was attending it? I’ll wait.
Asked and answered.
He is obviously just peddling to them for money. The same way Stephen Harper and Danielle Smith have done. It’s no big deal… its all fakety fake fake fakaroo.. It is just lightening the wallets of some very naïve people.
Justin does the same thing when he pretends to be standing up for abortion rights when in fact everyone knows he is standing up for nothing, because there is no fight over abortion. Again… Fakety fake fake fakearoo.
If our national imbecile had you in his PMO, I would be going into the next election literally scared shitless! Excellent political strategy on your part.
Long article in The Toronto Daily Star about the Liberal caucus and their issues with Justin.
Will save everyone a bunch of time though:
“…the “vast majority” of members still support Trudeau’s leadership…”
I stopped reading after that.
No Liz Cheneys in this cult at least not anymore.
Sure, there are PLENTY of Liz Cheneys, but they already left. They spoke with their feet.
Liberals have historically had party discipline going for them. Historically Tories looked at that in envy. The notable exceptions have been when there were factional battles within the LPC, and Ignatieff-Rae and Chrétien-Martin were two notable examples. LPC was at its weakest point ever after that Iggy-Rae fight.
The thing is, to my knowledge, there is no factional battle of note in the LPC today, though correct me if I’m wrong there. JT pretty much took over and defined the party, and I think part of that was relief from the Dion-Ignatieff dark night and joy at slaying Evil Lord Harper. They really haven’t moved on from that in a significant way.
I guess it depends on your definition of “faction”. The saner Liberals out there(a few on this site) are not part of Justin’s faction.
Yes but they don’t appear to have any leader that they’re lining up for.
I can think of a few they should line up behind but I suspect they won’t follow my advice. And not an embarrassment is a pretty low bar to get over. But there are a few that are better than that.
What is with Justin and the conspiracy types in Cabinet? First someone who promoted the fact that 9-11 was in inside job and now this. Is this another French to English translation problem? If not, Joly is nuts. I know she is a fan of Handmaid’s Tale. She literally thinks she is living in it.
“I will work with my colleagues and with the mayors, the provincial premiers, with the business community, with the unions, with everyone in the country, so that we are ready regardless of the election outcome.”
Someone needs to explain to her, slowly, that the Biden administration isn’t exactly friendly to us either. Perhaps she should rally the troops now?
I see the CBC/CP did go to one of their famous ridiculous “experts” to weigh in:
“University of Ottawa national security professor Thomas Juneau said many Canadians might find it far-fetched to talk about Washington falling drastically out of step with Canada. Juneau said Canada could face the prospect of political refugees.”
Again, see above on the current administration.
Where do they find these people? Pierre never did get an answer to that question. This is what “experts are saying” sounds like to me:
Juneau must be another Handmaid’s Tale fan, I guess. Remember all the people that said they would leave the US if T won in 2016? Didn’t happen. I wouldn’t get ready for those refugees just yet. Not that we are capable of handling them anyway, but I digress.
Yeah, prof, tell us another one about Trudeau and his fools even being capable of being discreet. Too funny! LOL.
One thing I would note: for the last several elections, one of the Liberals main talking points has been that the Conservatives have a hidden agenda. Sorry to sound cynical, but as that has proven to work well for the Liberals, wouldn’t Conversatives turning the tables and claiming the Liberals having a hidden agenda possibly be a winning strategy for them?
The current Liberal team is incapable of executing any items of their **known public agenda**…. It would be hard for anyone to believe they have a “hidden agenda”.
That’s why I find all the conspiracy stuff so laughable… I mean seriously…. if you had to plan out a bank robbery, you’d bring Justin with you?!?!
There’s a good discussion for political nerds- if you had to choose one PM to help rob a bank, which one would you choose? MacDonald, Meighan, King, Mulroney Harper and Chretien for sure would be on the top of my list.
Laughed out loud at that. Would you also want Justin in a fox hole with you? That is often my go to. It is a silly question to even ask.
From where I sit Warren, the WEF was dreaming as recently as 2019 of a world where we’d own nothing and be happy, eat less meat, live in 15-minute cities without travelling elsewhere and the US is no longer the sole world power.
Amazing how accurately their predictions have been over the last four years as they’ve (as another commentor noted) openly bragged about infiltrating governments with folks like Trudeau, Macron and Putin.
Again, that’s not how conspiracy theories are supposed to work when they brag the quiet part out loud.
Please explain exactly what this “infiltration” consists of. Be specific.
I’ll help with that:
As per usual, most haven’t got any idea where the real action is to limit or curtail our democratic freedoms…it ain’t at the WEF nor The World Bank. Some really need to clue in: it’s at the Bank for International Settlements and the various central banks across the globe. Their CBDCs will do the job just nicely.
Warren – I often disagree with you – but this article about Mr. Angry is very thoughtful and well written.
Thanks, but I don’t care if you agree or you don’t.