Hands up everyone who thinks this dumbass would have been elected to any position if he were named John Doe after saying something this remarkably stupid. And yet, potentially, he is still in the mix for a 4th win after his cult gave him the leadership. I still shake my head at my red Tory friends who actually gave this guy a chance in 2015.
Ronald-May 18, 2016 for me(I actually was hoping for the best) when he had his tantrum in the House I watched live. But Feb/18 better late than never. I just reminded myself about some of the pics from that trip. I wonder if any Red Tories were STILL supporting him after that.
When people tell you who they are, believe them:
Hands up everyone who thinks this dumbass would have been elected to any position if he were named John Doe after saying something this remarkably stupid. And yet, potentially, he is still in the mix for a 4th win after his cult gave him the leadership. I still shake my head at my red Tory friends who actually gave this guy a chance in 2015.
It’s clear that he’s unqualified.
Not to everyone. See Warren’s cult article.
This Red Tory came to regret his decision quickly enough. The trip to India did it for me.
Ronald-May 18, 2016 for me(I actually was hoping for the best) when he had his tantrum in the House I watched live. But Feb/18 better late than never. I just reminded myself about some of the pics from that trip. I wonder if any Red Tories were STILL supporting him after that.
Literally insane:
He’s not in the mix for a fourth win. It’s been over for about 6 months now and there is no path forward.
I am a worrier but that is good to hear from a Liberal.
How I hope so. From your keyboard to God’s ears.