09.21.2023 05:09 PM

Our latest Sun Media hit: the India mess


  1. Warren,

    My biggest problem with this is the lack of on the record statements from CSIS and CSE. To my knowledge, neither has backed up publicly the Prime Minister. I find that immensely troubling, to say the very least.

  2. It seems Eby got a briefing from CSIS.

  3. Pedant says:

    New Ekos poll out.

    CPC 42
    LPC 22
    NDP 17
    BQ 7 (30 in QC)
    GPC 6
    PPC 4

    Small sample size (608), so let’s assume the margin is ‘only’ 16 or 17 points rather than 20.

    Only group keeping Liberals above 20% is elderly women.

  4. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    I am trying not to be too cynical, but this story is starting to have “wag the dog” similarities. If there is an ongoing criminal investigation into the murder of Mr Nijar, making the kid of public announcement PM Trudeau did is not going to make any prosecution easier (not to mention publicly indicating to any suspects that now might be a good time to get out of Dodge). IMHO, if the information is credible, and not just speculation, the PM could have called in the Indian ambassador for a serious chat and read him the riot act. No need for any publicity. The imbroglio Canada finds itself in currently is not conducive to improving our relationships with India, or those countries that want to have an improved relationship with India. It should be noted that while India’s actions (if the allegations are accurate) are unacceptable, it was individuals in Canada who were responsible for the Air India Flight 182 bombing in 1985. Perhaps the Indian government has become frustrated with the seeming indifference that the feds are taking with the threat if Sikh extremism. I don’t know, but I am sure there is much more to this story.

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