Musings —10.29.2023 05:38 PM
—And I’ll vote for a political party that says they’ll do so
We have criminalized promotion of hatred against identifiable groups, and the promotion of genocide.
We must, must now criminalize the promotion of listed terror groups.
What good in criminalizing something if the government won’t prosecute it?
And if prosecuted, will the appeal courts, and eventually the Supreme Court allow any convictions to stand?
In honour of Buffy St Marie. Saskatchewan Cree artist and Sixties Scoop survivor.
You are being sarcastic, correct?
Carney being touted again in the Globe as being the saviour of the Liberal party. I can literally find nothing he has said about the conflict so thinking he is not the guy. To be fair, maybe he has been too busy getting Brookfield geared up so he can sell heat pumps door to door to Easterners in Justin’s latest initiative to line the pockets of his friends while screwing over those ridings that did not elect Liberals.
Thought I wouldn’t see it until tomorrow but it is in today’s edition. It was a real love note.
“Indeed, Mr. Poilievre, who prides himself on his economic knowledge, looks decidedly lightweight on pretty much any aspect of the subject, when measured against Mr. Carney’s résumé.”
World is littered with people with great résumés. Former serious person, Bill Morneau, had one too. What is he up to lately? Carney should stick to selling heat pumps.
I always loved WK’s nickname for Ignatieff: Iggy Flop.
He had a nice resume too.
Carney is Iggy without the personality and with a pocket calculator.
Justin was a no show for PM’s day at QP so Pierre referred to Carney as the next Liberal leader.
Must be a chronic case of Davos withdrawal. Next.
Seriously, any party that thinks it can install or coronate a Laurentian elite leftover and actually go anywhere politically is way beyond delusional. Not in a 2023-2024 Canada.
(The Globe must be smoking their newspaper again, mixed up with something altogether foreign…)
Not to mention that Governor Carney was an avid QE enthusiast at the Bank of England. No need to say more: QE, the inevitable precursor to inflation via the digitization of money creation.
Are they actually stupid enough to choose him as leader? Well, they did choose Trudeau.
Start here
Speaking of hate speech. What this “academic” is claiming would be a big surprise to my many rural farming friends in Brant County and on the Bruce Peninsula, both of which are home to indigenous communities. I guess I can’t really speak for the rest of the country.
So, CBC, quick question. Her claim is either true or false. If false, she is an insane wacko on the government dime who should be outed. If true, well, that’s news too.
I’ll wait.
I just showed that clip to a rural farming, gun owning, former Tory MP. I wish I could repeat it.
Justin AWOL in the HOC today.
And Pierre endorsed Carney.
I hope you’re joshing? Otherwise, I’m rapidly on my way to full boil.
He quoted him during QP and referred to him as the next leader of the Liberal party.
Thanks for that clarification. I have no trouble with that line of argument. It’s actually somewhat funny.
He is actually going to show up tomorrow: