10.11.2023 10:23 AM

I just can’t.

I’ve been listening to CNN and had to pull off the road on the way to the city because I’m too upset to drive.

Those words – “babies beheaded” – are not words I ever thought could be uttered, anywhere, anytime.

We can’t wait for God to avenge this. Retribution must be unrelenting.


  1. Robert White says:

    “Vengeance is mine so sayeth the lord our God”.
    King James Bible

  2. John Martin says:

    Absolutely Warren. No more half measures. This needs to be settled once and for all. In the west we need to do our part by going after the Hamas etal sympathizers and apologists in academia, the union movement, political parties, student organizations, ‘charity’ organizations, celebration rally organizers and media. Let’s start with laws against celebrating and glorifying terrorists and terrorism. CRA audits to find where the money these entities in Canada raise goes. Consequences for the free speech the choose to exercise. Maybe even flights to Gaza so they can put their cowardly support into physical affect and let the Israelis give them a dose of reality. I am sickened by these so called enlightened ‘Canadians’ and their glee at what these terrorists have done.

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    I almost wish I could believe in a god, it would make vengeance seem attainable. But what is it about religious fanaticism that makes people extra psychopathic?

    • Mark D says:

      It is not so much religion as ideology.

      Any ideological fanaticism-theist, atheist, or agnostic–can because a catalyst for psychopahy.

      • Mark D says:

        CORRECTION: become.

        Any ideological fanaticism–theist, atheist, or agnostic–can *become* a catalyst for psychopathy.

  4. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    The people (if they are deserving of being described as human, of which I am dubious) who were responsible for these atrocities need to be held accountable. And not just the perpetrators, also those who planned the attack and were pulling the strings. I also don’t want them to be killed in battle. If they can be identified, I want them brought to trial, so the world can see their handiwork (just like we did at Nuremberg). After they are convicted, they can reflect on their crimes while the scaffold is being built outside their cell. I don’t want to see them feted as “martyrs” by the craven psychopaths that march around with the pictures of other dead terrorists. And while we are on the subject of accountability, when is the Ontario NDP going to do the right thing with MPP Sarah Jama. Her half-hearted and mealy mouthed apology is not acceptable under these circumstances. If the Party has any integrity left she has to kicked out caucus and expelled from the NDP.

  5. Warren,

    People CAPABLE of doing this are not human, period. We need to go the Nuremberg route with these terrorists, even if they have to be hunted down for decades.

    • Mark D says:


      I feel ya.

      Yet tragically, dehumanization is a double-edged sword.

      Human beings are capable of such inhumane acts, even if we want to belive otherwise.

      It is only in reminding ourselves of such and avoiding the temptation to dehumanize those who commit such acts of human depravity that we prevent the next genocide, holocaust, or mass commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

      • Mark,

        I will go one step further: at birth, the first shoots of free will begin to sprout. What one does with said free will does more to form character and individual outlook than anything else. Which impulses are to be heeded? Those that are inherently good or those that lie on the inevitable road to personal ruin? A constant personal inner war for overall dominance. And so a life goes.

  6. Mark D says:

    I sympathize.

    An image that haunts me to this day is Pulitzer-winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman’s portrayal in Maus of Nazis smashing the heads of Jewish babies against brick walls.

    Never again.

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