The heads of the usual suspects are literally exploding the last 24 hours. One tactic that was sent around from whoever runs their bot farms was to call the poor guy a farmer. Nope:
The sad / frightening thing is that many Canadian “journalists” (quote marks intentional) and academics get away with this lazy and ridiculous approach. And many Canadians are dumb enough to fall for it.
This definitely reminded me of someone in particular. The casual dismissal of silly questions… The cockiness…. The high level of confidence… as if he’s above it all… It took a few moments for me to put my finger on it. Then it registered.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the Spring of 1968.
That should scare the living crap out of Liberals from coast to coast.
Many compared Stephen Harper to Pierre Trudeau and indeed there are similarities. But Harper is too introverted to be a close correlate (that is not necessarily a bad thing, I’m an introvert too).
Pierre Poilievre has Stephen Harper’s intellect but with an extroverted personality. Whereas Harper would just roll his eyes and ignore the leftist so-called journalist, Poilievre confronts him but with a tone of bemusement rather than aggression.
My immediate response, upon viewing the clip, was: contrived. Scripted. A set up.
But then I thought: who cares? What does it matter?
What matters is what does the clip accomplish?
Well, it got views. Plenty.
And it created discussions.
Moreover, Double P comes off as reasonable, agreeable, non-threatening.
People yearn for a return to common sense. He speaks that language.
My main takeaways: the Conservative War Room gets social media, and it knows how to create good content.
We’re not going to have an election until 2025 because the other guys know it’s not going to end well for them.
If that was scripted I hope that guy was paid well. The usual suspects who thought he was doing his job need to be mocked. “Some people are saying” is straight out of T’s playbook.
I don’t think it was scripted. Just my honest impression. He was baiting the guy to argue with his answers…. but the fact that he had no answers made the interaction even more entertaining and genuine.
No Justin at QP today. Or Joly. Out busy being busy I guess. Fergus delayed the start with a long speech. Threatened to start naming names. So scary. Joly likely getting fitted for her coronation. Justin out looking for an apple.
This was literally the guy I have been watching in committee and in QP for 8 years and why I was all in even when he was thinking about running the first time in 2020 but didn’t because of (gasp) his family. Warren is suggesting the Liberal Party not help circulate this. Thankfully they are not taking his advice. I have a few Leftie friends that loved this. The usual suspects don’t believe me. I hope that naïveté continues.
Note to Conservative Brain trust: Id think his response perfect if he had only said “we are the only party”, or “only a Conservative Gov’t” can fix this.
When he says “I’m the only one” , it sounds a little boastful.
A little more humbleness, if you please, M. Poilievre.
Point taken but don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. It is a fair criticism but I have not seen anyone else raise it. That was unscripted so it was so pretty damn good. Some of the Tru-anons decided it was so effective, they thought it was a set up. Also, it is not entirely incorrect. This is who is being offered up.
I disagree. The current PM has encouraged a cult of personality around his leadership of both the country and the Liberal Party. Mr Poilievre has to make this a contest between himself and the current PM.
This is way beyond golden. That guy reminded me of your typical lazy-ass journalist who knows absolutely nothing about the person he happens to be interviewing, much less about the policies of the CPC. Seemingly, a typical left-wing dork. With preparation like that, he would be an absolutely perfect fit in the Trudeau PMO. He’s the same calibre as this Prime Minister, Telford and company.
I’d vote for Mr Poilievre just based on who his opposition is alone. Seriously though, is that the best an interviewer can do? Reminds of the pious (and bogus) bleating I hear from CBC reporters as they look doe-eyed into the camera. What is hearsay nonsense like “people are saying”? The interviewer can’t even look Mr Poilievre in the eye. Did he even bother to spend 5 minutes researching his subject? It is obvious that he is out of his depth when he has to throw out the “you’re just like Donald Trump” smears. Total amateur hour stuff. Reminds me of that infamous interview from Britain involving Dr Peterson and Cathy Newman. She went with the typical woke stuff and had her ass handed to her. these media people better do their homework if they want to be taken seriously.
The ironic thing though and what the ridiculous moronic Tru-anons seem to miss is that it was the REPORTER who was acting like Trump and Fox News. Kept saying “Some People Are Saying”. They go kind of quiet when you point that out. They are also stupid enough NOT to take Warren’s advice and they continue to circulate it.
Your average Tru-anon has at least half the intellectual capacity of this Prime Minister. So…he and them aren’t exactly starting the race with much of an intellectual head start. Need I say more? Nope.
There is much more of this sort of tape of Pierre dismantling fools, hypocrites, Laurentian elites and former serious people like Morneau and Carney(seriously-what NDP voter would be cheering for those ridiculous silk stocking socialists) in committee hearings too. He was also always very good in QP. Why I started to pay attention to the guy.
Hmmmm…..If Warren has been collecting royalties on Liberal campaign strategy (i.e. the Conservatives are Republicans, racist, misogynist, neo-Nazi, don’t believe in evolution etc.), that may be coming to an end. I’m surprised that the Conservatives took 30 years to combat the Liberal’s Greatest Hits.
PP does have to be careful about not appearing too aggressive, dismissive or arrogant. He does seem to have captured the zeitgeist around lost trust in journalists.
I do agree it’s an effective ad (and more likely than not scripted) and it works because Canadians by and large don’t pay attention to politics outside of elections. Those of us who do know this is gaslighting on a major scale. It’s the pitbull pup who destroys her owner’s furniture and then when the owner returns home is sitting on its back legs staring up with innocent eyes like “You, think sweet little old me did this?” lol
Comedy gold. Appropriate the guy looks like Larry David in the shot in his article.
The heads of the usual suspects are literally exploding the last 24 hours. One tactic that was sent around from whoever runs their bot farms was to call the poor guy a farmer. Nope:
Actually, with respect, let me rewrite that for you:
“”Some people are telling me” they’d now vote for Poilievre simply because of this”
The sad / frightening thing is that many Canadian “journalists” (quote marks intentional) and academics get away with this lazy and ridiculous approach. And many Canadians are dumb enough to fall for it.
This definitely reminded me of someone in particular. The casual dismissal of silly questions… The cockiness…. The high level of confidence… as if he’s above it all… It took a few moments for me to put my finger on it. Then it registered.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau in the Spring of 1968.
That should scare the living crap out of Liberals from coast to coast.
Ha. Bang on. Laughed out loud at that. I was fan then too but was only 10.
Yes, good call.
Many compared Stephen Harper to Pierre Trudeau and indeed there are similarities. But Harper is too introverted to be a close correlate (that is not necessarily a bad thing, I’m an introvert too).
Pierre Poilievre has Stephen Harper’s intellect but with an extroverted personality. Whereas Harper would just roll his eyes and ignore the leftist so-called journalist, Poilievre confronts him but with a tone of bemusement rather than aggression.
Please don’t compare Pierre Elliot Trudeau to this moron.
My immediate response, upon viewing the clip, was: contrived. Scripted. A set up.
But then I thought: who cares? What does it matter?
What matters is what does the clip accomplish?
Well, it got views. Plenty.
And it created discussions.
Moreover, Double P comes off as reasonable, agreeable, non-threatening.
People yearn for a return to common sense. He speaks that language.
My main takeaways: the Conservative War Room gets social media, and it knows how to create good content.
We’re not going to have an election until 2025 because the other guys know it’s not going to end well for them.
If that was scripted I hope that guy was paid well. The usual suspects who thought he was doing his job need to be mocked. “Some people are saying” is straight out of T’s playbook.
I don’t think it was scripted. Just my honest impression. He was baiting the guy to argue with his answers…. but the fact that he had no answers made the interaction even more entertaining and genuine.
The best part: Pierre absolutely not being phased by this oaf while he casually munches on that apple.
This takes away my back-of-mind fear of a possible serious mistake in the next campaign. Pierre has grown into the job quickly and it really shows.
Pierre & Co. have finally figured it out: tone matters.
There’s currency in remaining calm & reasonable.
Poilievre is starting to appear more like the Prime Minister-in-waiting and less like the attack dog Opposition Leader.
It’s working to his advantage.
No Justin at QP today. Or Joly. Out busy being busy I guess. Fergus delayed the start with a long speech. Threatened to start naming names. So scary. Joly likely getting fitted for her coronation. Justin out looking for an apple.
This was literally the guy I have been watching in committee and in QP for 8 years and why I was all in even when he was thinking about running the first time in 2020 but didn’t because of (gasp) his family. Warren is suggesting the Liberal Party not help circulate this. Thankfully they are not taking his advice. I have a few Leftie friends that loved this. The usual suspects don’t believe me. I hope that naïveté continues.
Note to Conservative Brain trust: Id think his response perfect if he had only said “we are the only party”, or “only a Conservative Gov’t” can fix this.
When he says “I’m the only one” , it sounds a little boastful.
A little more humbleness, if you please, M. Poilievre.
Good point. I missed that.
Point taken but don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. It is a fair criticism but I have not seen anyone else raise it. That was unscripted so it was so pretty damn good. Some of the Tru-anons decided it was so effective, they thought it was a set up. Also, it is not entirely incorrect. This is who is being offered up.
Franky the only serious person in that bunch and the Tru-anons haven’t bought into that yet.
I disagree. The current PM has encouraged a cult of personality around his leadership of both the country and the Liberal Party. Mr Poilievre has to make this a contest between himself and the current PM.
Looks like we have a potential new celebrity Canadian leader. Thing has gone viral.
This is way beyond golden. That guy reminded me of your typical lazy-ass journalist who knows absolutely nothing about the person he happens to be interviewing, much less about the policies of the CPC. Seemingly, a typical left-wing dork. With preparation like that, he would be an absolutely perfect fit in the Trudeau PMO. He’s the same calibre as this Prime Minister, Telford and company.
Butts must have laughed so hard, he probably fell out of his chair. Sometimes, revenge IS so sweet.
The Liberals should hire Delacourt as their media tsar. They sadly need all the help they can get. Too funny.
I’d vote for Mr Poilievre just based on who his opposition is alone. Seriously though, is that the best an interviewer can do? Reminds of the pious (and bogus) bleating I hear from CBC reporters as they look doe-eyed into the camera. What is hearsay nonsense like “people are saying”? The interviewer can’t even look Mr Poilievre in the eye. Did he even bother to spend 5 minutes researching his subject? It is obvious that he is out of his depth when he has to throw out the “you’re just like Donald Trump” smears. Total amateur hour stuff. Reminds me of that infamous interview from Britain involving Dr Peterson and Cathy Newman. She went with the typical woke stuff and had her ass handed to her. these media people better do their homework if they want to be taken seriously.
The ironic thing though and what the ridiculous moronic Tru-anons seem to miss is that it was the REPORTER who was acting like Trump and Fox News. Kept saying “Some People Are Saying”. They go kind of quiet when you point that out. They are also stupid enough NOT to take Warren’s advice and they continue to circulate it.
They need to carry on.
Your average Tru-anon has at least half the intellectual capacity of this Prime Minister. So…he and them aren’t exactly starting the race with much of an intellectual head start. Need I say more? Nope.
Pierre doesn’t believe budgets balance themselves, obviously.
There is much more of this sort of tape of Pierre dismantling fools, hypocrites, Laurentian elites and former serious people like Morneau and Carney(seriously-what NDP voter would be cheering for those ridiculous silk stocking socialists) in committee hearings too. He was also always very good in QP. Why I started to pay attention to the guy.
We have a bunch of Canadians who vote for Justin:
a) because of his hair
b) because of his name
Isn’t it rude to eat in front of someone else?
Hmmmm…..If Warren has been collecting royalties on Liberal campaign strategy (i.e. the Conservatives are Republicans, racist, misogynist, neo-Nazi, don’t believe in evolution etc.), that may be coming to an end. I’m surprised that the Conservatives took 30 years to combat the Liberal’s Greatest Hits.
PP does have to be careful about not appearing too aggressive, dismissive or arrogant. He does seem to have captured the zeitgeist around lost trust in journalists.
I do agree it’s an effective ad (and more likely than not scripted) and it works because Canadians by and large don’t pay attention to politics outside of elections. Those of us who do know this is gaslighting on a major scale. It’s the pitbull pup who destroys her owner’s furniture and then when the owner returns home is sitting on its back legs staring up with innocent eyes like “You, think sweet little old me did this?” lol