, 10.22.2023 10:16 AM

KINSELLACAST 282: War and lies – Lilley, Paikin, Mraz, Pierson and more – plus High Vis, Nobro, Spiritual Cramp, Bash & Pop


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    High Vis very good. Quite the eclectic bunch of influences.

    “They have cited influences including Gang of Four, the Stone Roses, the Cure, Bauhaus, Wipers, the U.K. Subs, Chromatics, Hüsker Dü, the Chameleons and the Sound.”



    And, yes, Bill Blair’s announcement was laughable. My joke referenced the Gulf of Tonkin and the JFK assassination.

    And yes, Justin was in Brampton with the twitchy Sean Fraser(there are videos) trying to save the furniture. They were there to announce they were “legalizing” housing. Justin pulled Patrick in for a hug and I am sure that had to be part of the deal to not only do it but to put it in the video:


    Not online yet but 338 now saying over 200 seats.

    Usual suspects are losing their minds over this initiative but they can’t seem to read the room because complaining about it will just increase sales. Hopefully it continues.


    1.3 million views. My two are on the way.

  2. Warren,

    Take it from someone who knows a little about personal mental health: put your own mental and physical well-being first, ahead of everything else. Nothing is more important than that.

  3. Warren,

    The Liberals will self-destruct further over this, not to mention lose almost all of the Jewish vote. They brought it on themselves.

    • When your own caucus seriously splits and is no longer a Trudeau-inspired monolith on policy, that is almost inevitably a recipe for political disaster today and down the road. Trudeau tries to be all things to all people both in and out of caucus and that can lead to nothing other than electoral failure.

  4. Warren,

    They released the two hostages to press the Americans not to oppose a so-called ceasefire. That won’t work no matter how many dual-citizen hostages Hamas releases.

  5. Warren,

    Can’t someone challenge the constitutionality of The Canada Evidence Act, or am I just dreaming?

  6. Martin Dixon says:

    Looks like a memo went out to all the Tru-anons by whoever does that sort of thing to start pointing out the apple symbolism and the Garden Of Eden. Not a bad try but anyone who is actually familiar with the bible will tell you that there is no mention of an apple in that story of Adam and Eve but, of course, that would be typical of a “godless leftie” not to know that. The same “godless lefties” that want to remove any reference of god from Remembrance Day ceremonies. Occam’s razor Tru-anons. He is just munching on an apple.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      Not to mention that fruit memes don’t really work when supporting a guy that shoved a banana down the front of his pants while wearing blackface. At least for me. YMMV.

  7. Martin Dixon says:

    Even the most whacked Tru-anon people must be worried about these poll numbers and thinking they need to get rid of their boy? Curious? Scot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS6f1MKpLGM


  8. Martin Dixon says:

    At this point it looks like no Justin in the House tomorrow. How do you like them apples?


  9. Sean says:

    Brian is correct that Colleges and Universities are not run directly by the province. However, he could expand on that. The truth is they are accountable to no one. You want 18th Century taxation without representation? Look no further than Ontario’s Post Secondary Institutions. The BOGs of these institutions are all gentleman’s handshake style appointments. They generally don’t have an understanding of what is occurring on campus and tend to rubber stamp every file that lands in the board room.

    The Sun could easily make a series of articles about this. Here’s a subtle tip. Approximately 80% + grads in all of these institutions will never work in their field of study. That is according to their own collected data.

    The veneer of Post Secondary Education has become racket for the student loan industry and the banks that support it. If Conservatives want to get serious, that is a place to start.

    • Martin Dixon says:

      That is exactly how BOGs operate at hospitals too. Another large percentage of the provincial budget. An incompetent ED will find equally incompetent board members and lead them around by the nose while they are patting themselves on the back because they have such “prestigious” appointments. The problem is that it can be years before anyone figures it out:

      “The investigator’s report found, among other things, that “there was an unacceptable failure in both governance and executive leadership at the health-care system.”

      The system’s board of governors was dissolved and former president and CEO Jim Hornell was let go.”

      A nicer thing couldn’t have happened to a more ridiculous bunch.

      Did a FOI request on the audit tender 3 years before they fired these people and it was patently obvious they had no clue what they were doing.


      Post secondary education is basically a government funded Ponzi scheme especially in the US(not unlike their social security racket).


      I have known some very qualified University board of governor members but they rarely last because they literally can’t speak out against the nonsense without getting shouted down.

      And now that I think about it, that is how our accounting governing bodies all operate too. Time to shut up.

    • Curious V says:

      Colleges are in a better position to adapt to the demands of a modern economy, but university will always be an important place for ideas and research

      • Martin Dixon says:

        Big ish here. Check out some of the nonsensical ideas currently being spewed out. I figured out that post secondary education was a waste of time (at least for me) when I was 17 in 1975. Couldn’t afford to go find myself or whatever one did. I needed a job. I had 8 younger brothers and sisters. There was no money. I was decent at math and decided becoming an accountant was a pretty good trade but needed a degree to get one. Waterloo offered a math/CA program and it was co-op so that helped solve some of the money issues. Everything I learned for my job I learned while working-not at school. Did an 8 term program in 6 terms and got the hell out of there. I remember one prof who figured out I had managed to screw them out of two terms of tuition asking me what my hurry was. Told me I would regret it. Nope. Still fine with the decision almost 50 years later(I am the senior partner at the firm I started at as a coop student). They changed all the requirements at UW so no one could do it again so they could save people like me from myself.

        • Sean says:

          MD – I just love your story!

          • Martin Dixon says:

            Ha-thanks. Firm turned 100 in 2020. When they used to track that sort of thing, we were one of the 20 biggest firms in the country. Every time some big city slicker comes to try and take us over, we tell them to go away. We were supposed to have a big bash but the plague got in the way. We gave 250k to charity instead. We wrote a history of the place too. Before I kick, I must write volume 2 because all the most interesting stories were left out. Have been partners with all but 5 of the 50 plus partners that have gone through the firm, even one of the guys on the letterhead from 82-84. He left when he was 74. So I know where ALL the bodies are buried. Right after he left, my 27 year old self and the rest of the partners passed a resolution unanimously that we would never let anyone stay past aged 65 ever again. That REALLY came around to bite me in the ass when I turned 65 last year. But made fun of it and prevailed.


      • Martin Dixon says:

        What are these assholes researching and what ideas are they promulgating? I’ll wait:


        Glad I escaped that nonsense as quickly as I could. My alma mater is headed up by the guy who ran the firm that got nailed for pushing OxyContin while he was there. Who can forget his memorable response at committee when asked about it and he said:


        John Oliver did a brilliant take down of McKinsey on his show the other night. Here is snippet(I hope he has good law dudes):


        Find the rest of it if you can. Place is full of university grads from Ivy league schools. A university degree is an overrated piece of paper. People’s ability to function in the real world is generally inversely proportional to the number of letters behind their name(Justin is the exception that proves the rule) and why my against all guidelines at work signature is just:


        Some of the wisest people I know didn’t get past high school.

      • Sean says:

        Curious V – what I’m seeing – and I think this is a serious quasi academic trend – is bureaucrats who can’t quite make it in a University are finding that Colleges will buy their buzzwords and use it to bring in the rubes / students…

        Hence we see half assed “Project Management”, “Communications Management”, “Facility Management”, “Construction Management”, “Expectations Management”, “Management of managers”, “Deliverology” presented as if these are real areas of expertise… being developed into “programs” often taught by individuals who no one would trust to manage a garage sale.

        Grad students who find no work after completing a normal University degree are drawn in by the prospect of being a “manager” and are often caught hook line and sinker.

        Maybe the Colleges are “adapting to the economy” as you say…. but they are adapting to the economy the same way a Casino “adapts” to the Super Bowl…. and it is deserving of more serious scrutiny. Particularly from Conservatives, since the waste of public funds is supposed to be their bread and butter.

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