, 10.29.2023 10:11 AM

KINSELLACAST 283: Kheiriddin, Mraz, Lilley, Belanger with fury – plus, Joyce Manor, Menzingers, Against Me!


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    I had to back it up and replay what John Mraz said about Justin:

    “I don’t know how far whose hands has gone up his ass but we are going to see fingers out of his throat any second now”

    You’re welcome.

  2. Martin Dixon says:

    The Menzingers-Counting Crows on speed.

    I don’t think the flip flop will work. Justin is not Ford. And we have yet another ridiculous groupie who could lose her seat making things worse everywhere else:


    Her fellow Newfoundlander, Ken McDonald, who has been pushing for this for a year, when asked on P and P if he would cross the floor said-“not at this time”. So, he is not even sold.

  3. Warren,

    We already knew that the UN General Assembly was explicitly anti-Zionist. Now they have proven themselves to be at least implicitly antisemitic.

  4. Peter Williams says:

    I see that Melanie Joly wants a cease fire in Gaza.

    This would allow Hamas to fire its rockets in peace.

  5. Peter Williams says:

    Justin jumps the shark?


    What made me vomit was this passage from the article: “Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s former principle private secretary, once said that what he admired about the Prime Minister was that “he wanted to win with integrity, or lose.”

    I suspect Team Trudeau (with Jagmeet’s help?) have redefined the definition of integrity.

  6. Gilbert says:

    Benjamin Netanyahu needs to resign.

  7. Martin Dixon says:

    Another poorly thought out initiative I have complained about on this site. They extended the deadline only hours before the forms were due.


  8. Warren,

    Hum. Ivanka is not a party in the case and yet she’s moving heaven and earth NOT to testify. I would call that highly significant, if not a revelation. It speaks volumes doesn’t it. (My smile just got loads wider.)

  9. Martin Dixon says:

    Justin put in a tough 8 minutes today at QP and things got interesting right after:


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