, 10.25.2023 09:51 AM

Thirty years ago today

Thirty years ago today, this guy got elected with a massive majority. It was an honor to work for him.


  1. PJH says:

    Mr. Mulroney stayed too long…..the party old guard went for Kim “What are you afraid of?/a campaign is no time to discuss policy” Campbell, not to mention the incredibly stupid campaign attack on M. Chretien’s appearance….and we got our asses kicked(and rightly so) M. Chretien to his credit(and his war room) ran an almost flawless campaign.

    Had the party elected Jean Charest, we would not have been hammered in such a fashion, and would’ve lived to have fought again. Refoooorm would have returned to being a rump Western protest party. What might have been. Sigh.

    Full disclosure: I worked on Hedy Fry’s campaign{{{shudder}}} that election, so worried was I about a Refooorm victory. I suspect Ms. Fry is one of the few MP’s still remaining from that tsunami like Liberal victory.

  2. Robert White says:

    Thirty years ago the greatest Canadian prime minister
    ever stepped up to the helm to show the world how to lead
    a nation via politics & compassion.

    Nobody since has measured up to the standard he
    brought to Parliamentary democracy. Prime Minister
    Chretien even managed to pummel that deranged
    SOB Dubya Bush the crazy bastard that destroyed
    Iraq and the oldest antiquities of civilization via theft
    of their antiquities holdings through war.

    God bless PM Chretien and everything he holds dear.


  3. Martin Dixon says:

    How far the Liberal party has fallen.

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