11.15.2023 05:23 PM

Before you do anything else, watch this.


  1. Warren,

    A lot of groups come under the Rights section of the Charter. If you hate any group that comes under one of those enumerated sections, then you’re beyond doubt a certifiable bona fide piece of shit on your best day. End of story. Only little, pathetic, useless excuses for a human being give in to hate impulses. Normal people quite deliberately reject them.

  2. Sean says:

    This is powerful and fits the times perfectly.

  3. Steve T says:

    Powerful video, for sure. Unfortunately, more and more people ARE willing to “get out of the truck and say it to their faces” – and we seem to condone it.
    This is a particular problem here in Canada, where we have a split personality on “hate speech”. On the one hand, some groups are essentially untouchable when it comes to any critique or discussion – even commenting on some topics is labelled as “hate speech” (a clever way for special interest groups to leverage our political correctness run amok to their advantage). On the other hand, blatant anti-semetism can get wrapped up as “opposing settlers” and/or “anti-war” and go on perpetually. This has run in low profile for decades, but the Hamas attacks have brought this true “hate speech” to the surface in a heightened way – and people keep getting away with it.

  4. EsterHazyWasALoser says:

    Amen. Thank goodness that parent at least took an interest in what his son was doing on-line. How many don’t bother? Unfortunately, that teenager may have picked up his anti-semitism in school. Believe me, it is being preached there. Our Minister of Education, our Premier and especially our teacher’s unions are MIA.

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