Feature, Musings —11.04.2023 12:46 PM
—My latest: the Magna Carta of Evil
It’s the weekend, so there’s going to be more demonstrations against Israel.
They’ve been happening every weekend since October 7, pretty much. There will be chants and signs and banners, proclaiming participants to be “anti-Zionist” (read: mostly anti-Semitic) and “pro-Palestine” (read: too often, pro-Hamas).
By now, everyone knows who Hamas is. They are a terrorist group who swept into Israel on October 7, and murdered 1400 Israeli men, women, elderly, children and babies. They also took more than 200 hostages.
As we say, everyone knows that. What they don’t know, too often – what the people participating in those marches don’t know – is what Hamas stands for.
It’s not hard to find out. Hamas published its “charter” for all to see back in 1988. It’s their constitution, their ultimate law.
It doesn’t disguise the reality of Hamas. And it’s really important that the people marching this weekend know what Hamas thinks of them. Here’s a short summary of the most important “articles” in the Hamas Charter.
• ARTICLES 1 AND 2: These say Hamas is an “Islamic resistance movement,” and call for a “complete embrace of all Islamic concepts of all aspects of life, culture, creed, politics, economics, education, society, justice and judgement” – as well as “conversion to Islam.” Meaning, only Muslims are truly welcome in Palestine – and Hamas’ rules apply to every aspect of every person’s life. No exceptions.
• ARTICLE THREE: If you’re in Hamas, you are required to “rid the land” – kill, mainly – people who are “unclean, vile and evil.” That is, anyone who isn’t like them.
• ARTICLE SIX: This one says the goal is Islamic rule “over every inch of Palestine.” Anything else spreads “evil, schisms and wars.” If you’re not properly religious, “there is no life” for you.
• ARTICLE SEVEN: This is an important one. Hamas says it wants its control to “spread all over the world,” not just Palestine. It calls Jews “Zionist invaders,” and calls for Jews to be killed, wherever they are hiding, “no matter how long it will take.”
• ARTICLE ELEVEN: Hamas and its ilk are entitled to take back Palestine “by force.”
• ARTICLE TWELVE: Women and slaves are talked about in this article – yes, lesser beings like slaves are permitted in the Hamas caliphate, and women are considered lesser beings, too. They can “fight the enemy,” however.
• ARTICLE THIRTEEN: Pro-Palestinian types may want peace, but Hamas doesn’t. Ever. It calls them “so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences [that] are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.” It says they are “a waste of time.” Peace talks only help “the infidels,” says Hamas. All that is permitted is “jihad” – that is, holy war.
• ARTICLE FOURTEEN: It is “a horrible mistake” and “a sign of deep ignorance” to question jihad against the Jews. Ridding Palestine – and the world, see above – of non-believers is “an individual duty for very Moslem wherever he may be.”
• ARTICLE FIFTEEN: Pro-Palestinian educators, professors, educational unions take note: there will be “changes in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion” caused by Christians, Jews and non-Muslims generally. It’s “a duty.”
• ARTICLE SIXTEEN: This article is similar. The main textbook is to be the Koran and materials only from “authentic sources.” Only “specialized” people will be allowed to teach. There will be permitted study of the weaknesses of the Zionist and Christian “enemy,” however.
• ARTICLE SEVENTEEN: This is a really important one. It’s called “The role of the Muslim woman.” It’s pretty simple: the role of women is to make babies, ideally male babies. “She is the maker of men.” Hamas’ enemies try to manipulate their baby-makers with films and school curriculums,” but also – and this is a quote – “Freemasons and Rotary Clubs.” They “are all nothing more than cells of subversion and saboteurs.” When Hamas runs everything, they “will be obliterated.”
• ARTICLE EIGHTEEN: Women are supposed to “look after the family,” full stop. Women are expected to follow Islamic principles every day. Their role is “performance of housekeeping matters.”
• ARTICLE NINETEEN: Art is important, but only if it is Islamic art. “The book, the article, the bulletin, the sermon, the thesis, the popular poem, the poetic ode, the song, the play” are acceptable if they are “Islamic.”
• ARTICLE TWENTY: Jews are “similar to Nazis.” They are “vicious.” They permit homosexuals and transsexuals, apparently, “making no differentiation between man and woman.” Not allowed.
• ARTICLE TWENTY-TWO: Jews “took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations…They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions,” as well as World Wars, the Balfour Declaration, the League of Nations, and on and on. “There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it,” says Hamas.
And so on and so on. We could go on, protestor-types, but perhaps a picture is emerging. If you’re a woman, or a girl, or LGBTQ, or a believer in free speech, or just someone who has a faith that is different from theirs – well, they don’t want you.
And, in some cases, they will kill you, too.
From The National Post:
Former Israeli hostage negotiator says he’s cutting off contact with ‘evil’ Hamas official
Thanks for the link Ron, a great supporting piece to Warren’s article.
Both your link and Warren’s article are fundamental to Israeli support – for I don’t read / hear / see the nation of Israel promoting the annihilation of the other side. After all the troubles in the Sue’s, now TWO Yom Kippur surprise attacks and the 1948 war where others were attacking on the same day that Israel came into being? All these conflicts began with aggression toward the Jewish state with the very intention of refuting their right to exist.
Seems one side is hell bent on destroying the other and the other side is the gold standard for sticking up for themselves. God Bless Israel. I admire their tenacity. I also understand they can always forgive but that doesn’t mean you have to forget. Israel has little (no) reason to trust Hamas.
I do believe there are many good muslims in the world and in Gaza. Good people from time to time must stand up when they see wrong being done even when those wronged are not your allies – Just like the good people who sent their sons to die in Europe and Asia in the 1940s.
How do you negotiate with someone who wants your unconditional surrender followed by your extinction?
You don’t. But progressives will force you too than ‘grantee’ your safety.
Maya Angelou:
“When someone [HAMAS and their supporters] shows you who they are believe them the first time.”
Thank you for this article, reminds me of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that’s still around! Leaders of other religions around the world are mostly silent, as during WWII, dangerous times. Thank you again.
Thanks for doing the research for us.
I just want to make a few points. About 25% of Palestinians are Christians. Who helped to fund and create Hamas? That is very interesting.
Here’s a helpful hint: it begins with Q and ends with r.
And it goes without saying that Iran is the lead funder, arms supplier and political enabler.
One wonders why so many of them seem to need to be masked. What are they afraid of? That someone might recognize them and call them to account? Seems like a cowardly thing to do if you ask me. But then, Warren has done an excellent job in telling us just who they are and what they stand for. Remember the old saying “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”? Well it seems like far too many people in our country and other Western nations (people whom IMHO should know better) are falling for the lies of Hamas. Thanks Warren for exposing this hate. Your bravery and conviction are admirable.
Hamas is stark raving mad. My neighbours across the way have installed a sign that states ‘We stand with
In Orilla a Jewish family that lives rurally had anti-Semitic slurs spray painted on the exterior doors
of their home.
Hamas can’t be eliminated fast enough IMHO.
And after reading this article I’d hope any reference
to Hamas printed on a sign that demonstrators use will be considered in breach of our hate legislation given their anti-Canadian Human Rights stance via their published charter of hate.
Why does the left continue to support Hamas?
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Hamas is against the establishment. All establishment is bad. So Hamas is good. It really is as simple as that. Same reason middle of the road Americans supported Trump.
In a word – “decolonization”. It’s a simplistic binary test for deciding everything in their thoughtless, un-nuanced lives. Even the Iranian left supported the revolution which the ayatollahs welcomed, then when power was achieved the ayatollahs hung the gays from cranes to say “thanks!”. The people in our streets today are perfect amalgams of Iranian progressives from the 70’s.
Given that we all came out of Africa, and settled/colonized the rest of the planet, are we all supposed to return to Africa?
How about the anti settler/colonizing protestors emigrate first?
Decolonization doesn’t make any sense when it comes to Israel / Palestine. Even in that model, Israel is the home state, it therefore can’t also be a colony. In the same way Ottawa can’t be a colony of Canada, Paris can’t be a colony of France.
Agree 100% with Gersh… They just say “colonization” for everything they disagree with. You don’t like your garbage pick up policies? Just say the garbage truck is colonial which automatically makes the garbage crew racist.
I notice Nazi symbols in the Palestinian (i.e. pro Hamas) protests. Why aren’t so called progressive politicians and news media denouncing these Nazis?
It’s worth noting that Hamas won the 2006 election in Gaza largely due to Fatah’s corruption. They then beat Fatah in the brief civil war and surprise, surprise, no democratic elections were ever held again.
People foolishly think Palestinians in Gaza can oppose or even oust Hamas. You do either and you’re very quickly a dead man. So much for our democratic illusions.
PM Netanyahu’s popularity has decreased despite his call for unity. Many Israelis are now demanding his resignation. Correct me if I’m mistaken, but I don’t believe he has met one of the families affected or attended even one of the funerals of those killed on October 7th.
Imagine being a parent who writes the name of his or her child so that the child can be identified if killed. Imagine being in a refugee camp and losing your life to a bomb. Imagine a conflict in which half of those killed are children.
My grandmother was Jewish. She would be horrified to see what is happening today. Respect for innocent civilians appears to have vanished. Collective punishment is wrong.
Hamas isn’t stupid. They quite deliberately have command and control centers in public institutions, private residences and underneath same in tunnels. They know perfectly well that the above will not deter Israel (or anyone else) from hitting them hard and often to disrupt their command and control centers and eliminate Hamas leadership. So…the only conclusion you can logically come to is that they consider civilians as both potential collateral damage and ultimately expendable.
Some anti-Hamas perspectives from Gazans.
I hope they’re still alive.
Me too. They’re brave people indeed.
Elephant in the room time.
What makes us so certain that there is a distinction between the protestors calling for a ceasefire and hamas that wishes to behead everyone but themselves? Hamas, like ISIS in a precious life, follows certain strictures that the Muslim world has always preached. The more successful among them have acted upon that preaching, even if only for short stints.
So why are we surprised when a book that requires these above articles above continues to influence those who follow it?
The elephant in the room is that I don’t think Israel has an easy time agreeing about anything. They didn’t even want Netanyahu this time, took them 3 years of elections to finally give up trying to do better and settle for him.
Whereas Iran, the KSA, even turkey are united in calling for a ceasefire. To save civilian lives, they say. We must know at this point they want merely to have more cannon fodder for future incursions. Every young man that can fight, someday will.
Because this isn’t just the charter of a splinter terrorist organization. It’s familiar, over the last 1500 years. And will continue to be insofar as it’s tolerated as an ethos. Iran prays every Friday, publicly, for the extermination of Israel. The pro-palestine crowd refuses to see who is sending rockets to gaza in boxes so they can leave airborne.
The enemy is the idea that jews, Christians, atheists AND moderate Muslims alike all deserve the same fate. And until we address that, this region will never see peace.
C.ref. Ayaan hirsi Ali for ideas as to how Islam must reform if it is to continue. I think both “nomad” and “the caged virgin” are essential reads.
Fred Hahn CUPE Union President now has to face
sanction via the courts.
Hahn should have been outed as a racist long before
today IMHO. Moreover, he has been victimizing everyone on Social Assistance for his entire tenure
as racist-in-chief of Ontario’s largest union vis-a-vis
cost of living increases which appear to be not forthcoming since the Liberal era of Ontario’s leadership was ousted via Ford’s Conservatives.
Fred Hahn must be sent to prison for promulgating hate
IMHO. In addition, he must be ousted for his untoward
lack of any real leadership.
Yeah, perhaps that lawyer will have someone bound and gagged and God knows what else.
I appreciate the nuanced caution, Warren. And I get
that you want me to be less hyperbolic in terms of accusations levied.
I’ve never liked Fred Hahn whatsoever due to his
lack of support for people mired in abject poverty
throughout Ontario. As soon as CUPE got their
cost of living increases via their union bargaining units they immediately regressed to continued attacks Israel without a scintilla of support mentioned
for those mired in Social Assistance throughout Ontario. His agenda is clear as crystal.
God is watching. A lot of these people are in for one hell of a surprise when they croak, by natural causes, of course…
I fully agree, Ronald. And when Hahn testifies in court
he will undoubtedly make an attestation rather than swear to tell the truth with his hand on the Bible.
Be careful, lest ye be labelled as being intolerant of other cultures.