, 12.09.2023 03:14 PM

My latest: give them the needle

Ehrlich Anthony Coker was a rapist.

He was a murderer and thief, too. While serving three life sentences at the Ware Correctional Institution in Waycross, Georgia, Coker escaped.

On that same night, Coker broke into the home of Allen and Elnita Carver and held the couple hostage. He raped Elnita, and then took her with him, using the couple’s car. Elnita got free, and the police re-captured Ehrlich Anthony Coker.

This time, he was charged with a capital crime – rape. In Georgia, North Carolina and Louisiana, in those days, rape was punishable by death. Coker was sentenced to death.

The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Justice Byron White wrote for the majority. White wrote that rape is a crime that shows “almost total contempt for the personal integrity and autonomy of the female victim.” Apart from murder, rape is, White wrote, “the ultimate violation of self.”

The ultimate violation of self: that is what it is – and, as we have learned in the intervening years – it is really not just about sexual gratification. It is, as White wrote for the highest U.S. court, an act that “inflicts mental and psychological damage.” That, oftentimes, is the rapist’s purpose, their goal: subjugation, degradation, domination.

That was the goal, too, of Hamas on October 7. They slaughtered 1,151 Israelis, their government now says, and they took 240 hostage.

But Hamas also raped many of them.

At the United Nations this week, there was finally a presentation about Hamas’ use of sexual violence. CNN, which has been frequently critical of Israel’s war against Hamas, reported – as fact – that the U.N. was shown “evidence of sexual violence [that] was ample and overwhelming and came from different sources.”

Here is just a short summary of it.

• “A woman was shot in the back of her head, lying on her bed, naked from her waist down. A live grenade was planted in her hand.”
• “[Another woman] had nails and different objects in her female organs. Her body was brutalized in a way that [first responders] could not identify her.”
• “There were girls with broken pelvis due to repetitive rapes, their legs were split wide apart.”
• “We heard girls that were pulled out from the shelters. Girls that shouted. They raped girls. Burnt them just after that. All the bodies outside were burnt.”
• “Several female soldiers were shot in their crotch, intimate parts, vagina, or shot in the breast. There seem to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims.”

And, now, CNN reported, “dozens of hostages have been released from Gaza as part of a truce between Israel and Hamas and some have also mentioned sexual abuse during their testimonies.” So the rape and torture and sexual violence that happened on October 7? It continues.

A few weeks ago, this writer (and others) was invited to the Israeli consulate in Toronto to see video shot by Israeli first responders, or Hamas terrorists themselves. Over the course of 42 minutes, I saw 138 people killed by Hamas, or the immediate aftermath. Men, women, children and babies. Over and over and over.

We also saw something else: many, many women and girls, stripped below the waist, legs apart, their bodies bloodied and charred. We didn’t need to be told what had happened to them. We knew.

Despite that – despite all of us knowing that denying sexual assault re-victimizes the victim, despite the lessons of #MeToo – some denied it all. The former Ontario NDP politician Sarah Jama denied it. So did the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre. So did a Victoria, B.C. city councillor, Susan Kim. So have others, using cowardly, slippery phrasings online.

And some have just ignored it. It was only this week, in fact, that Canada’s own Minister of Global Affairs, Melanie Joly, finally issued a clear statement on the rapes and horrors of October 7.

Sixty-two days after the rapes took place, Joly put up a few words on X: “Using sexual violence as a tactic of war is a crime. We strongly condemn [sexual and gender-based violence], including rape, perpetrated by Hamas against women in Israel on October 7. We believe Israeli women. Canada will always stand against #SGBV and advocate for justice for all victims.”

Except Canada didn’t strongly “advocate” for Israeli women, in that way, for many weeks. Despite being asked to do so. Despite clear evidence that “the ultimate violation” had taken place on October 7.

Which leads us back to the 1977 judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court in the appeal of Ehrlich Anthony Coker. Capital punishment was too harsh a penalty for Coker, the Court ruled.

For Hamas, it isn’t.

Find them, and end them all.


  1. Dean Sherratt says:

    A tough read but very necessary.

  2. Warren,

    You can feel it in the air: the subtle influence of detachment that is already well on its way. Incredible as it may seem, people psychologically amongst the general public are moving away from terrorist crimes against humanity.

    The war to wipe out Hamas is increasingly heading into the background of the news cycle. It’s back to Trump and other assorted stupidities.

    Societies should be ashamed of themselves. Instead, a common reflex is that of turning a page. Absolutely incredible…

  3. PJH says:

    Once all the Israeli hostages are released, I hope the IDF fl00ds all the Hamas tunnels, and drowns the remaining terrorists like the rats they are.

    • PJH,

      I contend that Hamas has no intention of releasing all of the male hostages. They’re using them as life insurance. They’re gambling that the IDF won’t go full force against them in the tunnels as long as some Israelis and other Jewish people are still being held there. However, if that’s the case, they will likely find out differently when Netanyahu eventually elects to go full bore.

      • PJH says:

        I agree…..as much as it pains me to think about it, I suspect you are correct about Prime Minister Netanyahu. Sometimes the ends justifies the means.

  4. Fred J Pertsnson says:

    Joly is an idiot.

  5. Fred J Pertanson says:

    Keep it up, Warren. Your voice is important.

  6. Steve Teller says:

    Speaking of this UN “investigation”, it seems that the body conducting the investigation may not be exactly impartial:

  7. Steve,

    How can any sentient individual not realize that the UN General Assembly and Security Council haven’t been impartial since the 1950s? It’s obvious for all to see. Just look at pretty much all of the American and Russian vetoes. (I happen to support the American veto cast this week.)

  8. PJH says:

    PS: For all you Hamas supporters whinging about your captured terrorist buddies being paraded about and held(temporarily) in their underwear by the IDF, with Mr. Kinsella’s kind indulgence, I tell ya, y’all can kiss my ass. 65 days since the horrific terrorist attacks of Oct 7th. Hamas is on the ropes….and their leadership is running scared. God willing, the job will be finished soon. Do cope.

  9. Jason says:

    I agree that Mr. Coker should have been put down like a dog.

    The question is, if disposing of him required the death of, say, a dozen of Coker’s cousins, siblings, neighbours, and children from a nearby playground to get the job done, would we still high five each other and say “worth it” when they rolled his corpse into the county morgue?

    Everyone had best start looking inward to answer this question, because it is relevant AF to determining what kind of world we want here.

  10. Peter says:

    I used to comment here frequently. We didn’t always agree, and you even banned me briefly a couple of times, but generally it was a fun experience. I have been tracking your posts, columns and activities since October 7th and I have to say I have nothing but the greatest admiration for you and a boundless, heartfelt appreciation of your courage in what must at times seem a tragic and lonely battle. All credit to you, Sir, please don’t let up. It’s probably the most important struggle you have ever engaged in. All the best.

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