, 04.14.2024 11:03 AM

KINSELLACAST 307: The end of multiculturalism? With Lilley, Kheiriddin, Adler plus Israel Vibration, Wailers and more!


  1. Martin Dixon says:

    The Skuddzies track was great. Now for the stuff between the tunes.
    Anyone who says they “know” the electorate like Charles did about 905 seems to have forgotten the lessons of 2016. Last I looked, Durham Tories picked up over 10 points. Had to be a couple of females in there.
    As far as the social benefits go, one of my practice areas is personal tax and I am in the middle of my 49th year of preparing them. Governments have come and gone in that stretch but one thing that very rarely ever goes is a material social program. That is just a fact, period. The card will get played, as it always is, that Pierre will throw people out into the streets but it is patent nonsense.
    And Warren is not giving up on his theory that Justin is going.
    “Whoever the Liberal leader happens to be”. Funny but hopefully right. I’ll take the increased risk of a loss all day long to see him dispatched.

  2. Warren,

    (And this time, it won’t be an April’s Fools joke.)

  3. Warren,

    The problem with this expanded war that supposedly both sides don’t want is that it will get expanded. Tit-for-tat response is inevitable, followed by more tit-for-tat responses. So, make no mistake, the regional war is well underway and in its first innings.

  4. Warren,

    Trudeau is full of shit. He reads “everything” they put in front of him, but then arranges for Telford to read 99% of intelligence briefings. That’s my bet.

  5. Warren,

    Agree with Tasha. It’s 99% self-interest and political survival of other despotic regimes that are sworn enemies of Iran. They know that many of them are next on Iran’s hit list.

  6. Warren,

    How sweet it is! I thank God every day to have Trudeau and Telford as my main political opponents. T&T, the gift that keeps on giving to Canada’s Conservatives.

  7. Warren,

    Yup, people want CHANGE and Poilièvre is the convenient political vessel. Pretty much it.

    • Douglas W says:

      Ronald, may I add: Poilièvre isn’t stompin’ on land mines like he used to.
      He and his handlers seemed to have learned that cheap, crass publicity stunts (like the parliamentary one in December) can quickly trigger doubts about his capacity to assume the top job.

      Looks like he’s figuring it out, and giving the other guys enough rope ….

  8. Well, where Kinsella goes, victory quickly follows.

  9. Warren,

    Frankly, we would need to make a huge mistake to reduce the polling trend during a campaign. If it happens and Trudeau is still there, then we’ll likely get reduced to a minority government, but I doubt that Trudeau will win suddenly out of nowhere.

  10. Warren,

    From Canadian Press:

    “PQ leader’s allusion to deportations, executions a threat to social cohesion: MP.”

    Rodriguez can say what he wants but St-Pierre Plamondon has all of the momentum. Not only will the PQ get a majority in the next election, but they’ll likely win the referendum. If they’re really tactical, they will wait for a second mandate first.

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