, 04.12.2024 12:56 PM

Sun Media Panel: Justin’s polls – from Jamaica!


  1. Douglas W says:

    Team Red, solid on the island of Montreal: 20 seats.
    Still tracking well in the 416: 18 seats.
    Few safe seats in New Brunswick: 4 seats.
    Elsewhere: maybe 15 seats, tops.

    Donors: why waste our money?

    • Martin Dixon says:

      I do three things the first week of January, max out our TFSA contributions, max out next year’s RRSP contributions and max out our political donations-federally and provincially.

  2. Warren,

    From Newsweek

    And speaking of polls:

    “Joe Biden is Now Beating Donald Trump in the Majority of Polls

    While that remains the case, polls appear to be moving in Biden’s favor. The Democratic incumbent is predicted to win the popular vote in eight of the twelve most recent polls added to the RacetotheWH website, which tracks average polling.
    In the most recent of these polls, which was done by Reuters and Ipsos, the Democrat is expected to garner 41 percent of the vote share while Trump is predicted to win 37 percent of the vote. Ipsos polled 833 registered voters between April 5 and 9 in this survey.

    In another poll of 1,265 registered voters conducted between April 3 and 5 by IBD/TIPP, Biden is predicted to win the popular vote with a 3 percentage point lead, 43 percent to 40 percent.

    Meanwhile a Marquette poll of 674 likely voters, conducted between March 18 and March 28, suggested Biden will get 52 percent of the vote and that Trump will get 48 percent of the vote share.

    However, other polls suggest Trump might have more supporters come election day. One poll of 6,236 registered voters by Morning Consult predicted that the Republican will win 44 percent of the vote share compared to Biden’s 43 percent.

    Another by Emerson College of 1,438 registered voters suggested Trump will take 51 percent of the vote and that Biden would get 49 percent of the vote. This poll was conducted between April 2 and 3.”

  3. Derek Pearce says:

    I think Lilley is right– Trudeau is going to stay, and destroy the Liberal party in the process. I think he’s in such a bubble that he doesn’t realize what’s obvious to everyone but those in the PMO: he is widely hated and is long past his best-before date. I think the Liberals will be near-wiped out in the next election, and I don’t say that with happiness.

    • Derek,

      He knows. He just doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks. It’s the divine right of a fool. Translation: in his mind, no one can push him out. We’ll see. If they sink any lower in the polls then panic will set in and panic is widely known to promote the growth of balls, especially for those who are more concerned with saving their skin and achieving full pension status. If so, then finally under the bus he goes.

    • western view says:

      Perhaps the wild card now is the NDP. (Believe it or not.)

      Stories are circulating that a NDP Caucus meeting ten days ago got pretty rowdy with MPs giving Singh an earful about electoral prospects from being tied at the hip to the Liberals sinking ship. This was followed by three long time NDP MPs announcing that they will not run again.

      What does this mean for the Trudeau Liberals? The Confidence and Supply arrangement could be on its deathbed and if Trudeau was planning to resign and launch a leadership campaign it might be too late.

  4. Doug says:

    The intentional timing counters the Liberal budget before it is even released: https://youtu.be/Zrrcr-gWF2Q?si=N99j6W4jPPv1HiO_

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