Feature, Musings —05.08.2024 09:36 AM
—My latest: the hidden hand
JERUSALEM – Israel’s government is paying close attention to pro-Hamas, anti-Semitic protests and rallies happening in Canada and the West – and is very concerned, says a senior Israeli government spokesman.
Israel believes what is happening abroad isn’t organic or spontaneous, said Alex Gandler, deputy spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“There is definitely a hidden hand,” helping to organize and assist the anti-Israel protests, said Gandler. “This is not organic. This is not a coincidence.”
He adds: “This is this has been going on for years. And the infrastructure for the existence of these protests was set up years ago, pre-Hamas.”
The anti-Israel, pro-Hamas agitation is exceptionally well-organized and well-funded, Gandler said. “State-driven voices have been pushing these messages, and investing a lot of money [in the rallies and protests]. And not just money, but time – and they have been shaping what they want response to be when the day comes.”
And, following October 7, that day has come. As this newspaper has reported for months, foreign interests – Iran and Qatar – are supplying considerable material and rhetorical support to the anti-Israel forces. And, as we have also reported, protestors are even being paid to show up in cities like Victoria and Montreal.
And Israel isn’t their only target, says Gandler.
“This is more than that,” he says. “There has been heavy investing in changing or rearranging the political map of other countries. It is a political push.”
And, as Russia sought to do in the 2016 US presidential election – and as China did in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian federal elections – the anti-Israel “hidden hand” wants to destabilize and ultimately destroy Western-style democracy.
“It is Western liberal democracy that is on the line,” he says. “That is, Western democracy that is represented in Canada and the United States and Western Europe and also in Israel. The aim, at the end of the day, is to change all that into something else.”
Israel’s main focus at the moment is – understandably – winning its war against Hamas, getting back the hostages, and disarming Gaza. But, when the war is over – hopefully soon, Israelis hope – attention will turn to the other war. The global propaganda war against Israel and her allies.
Concludes Gandler: “We need to protect ourselves from the worst – by being the better.”
A Gazan who hates Hamas.
From the article; “No day passes without torture at Hamas prisons.”
Why does Justin support a group that routinely uses torture? Is it because he admires “their basic dictatorship”?
Where’s Justin? Jagmeet? Joly?
Where are the Columbia etc. students?
The same place almost every single person in this country is when awful things happen in Africa: disregarding it completely.
Biden just became Nigel Chamberlain.
Don’t be ridiculous. Bibi’s cabinet rebelled against him too when he tried pushing this last week.
Justin Trudeau
There is a difference between peaceful protest and hateful intimidation.
It is unconscionable to glorify the antisemitic violence and murder perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th. This rhetoric has no place in Canada. None.
“This rhetoric has no place in Canada.”
Unfortunately, it exists in Justin Trudeau’s Canada
The CBC is running a story today that attempts to debunk the “outside interest” angle of these university protests.
The CBC’s crack investigative journalism team did their work by interviewing…. students and professors on campus. Wow, great digging! I’m sure they will confess immediately!
This is one of countless examples of why Conservatives want to defund the CBC. It is a left-wing mouthpiece, funded by taxpayers, masquerading as objective journalism.
They’re liars. Or shit reporters.
Or both.
I think it would be a shame if CBC got defunded or eliminated or whatever, but the CBC digs its own grave when it engages in lazy, lousy reporting like that. Too often the CBC just seems to stick a microphone in front of some partisan lefty mouthpiece and do a tongue bath masquerading as an interview. No really tough questions, no challenging of obvious points calling out for that, and no real time given to the opposing side or view.
It’s a shame because some of their reporting and programming and people are good and professional. I think the problem might be quality of their editors and producers, where some are very good and some are hacks.
They think they’re entitled to their jobs and national editorial bent. They’re wrong. I don’t favour defunding but they think Pierre and the CPC are bluffing. They’re not, as they’ll find out when we likely form government.
They lost ALL credibility permanently when they refused to refer to Hamas as terrorists. That finished the Mother Corp off politically. End of story.
As for some editors and producers being very good, well, where are their collective principled resignations? Exactly.