
How can Stephen Harper now demonize coalition – after what has happened in Britain, and after his own party was the direct result of one?

Discuss. Will approve your comments when the plane lands!


I am giving a speech – or about to – for a friend who is retiring.

Send comments about the Habs game so I can announce the score!

UPDATE: Wooot, as my son would say.

Dominic Moore (L) celebrates his first period goal in front of the Pittsburgh Penguins bench with teammate P.K. Subban

Before the Reformatory spin machine gets revved up…

…read this:

Fasken Martineau, a leading international business law and litigation firm, made the following statement concerning comments made today before a House of Common’s Committee.

In November 2006, Mr. Nazim Gillani of International Strategic Investments approached Fasken Martineau through one its partners, Alfred Apps, in connection with legal advice/services for International Strategic Investments. Mr. Apps met with Mr. Gillani, received documents from Mr. Gillani and accepted a retainer cheque from Mr. Gillani.

Mr. Apps previously had no knowledge of, or acquaintance with, Mr. Gillani. Very shortly thereafter, Fasken Martineau declined to act on behalf of International Strategic Investments. Mr. Apps so advised Mr. Gillani and returned the retainer to Mr. Gillani. Fasken Martineau has had no professional dealings with Mr. Gillani or International Strategic Investments in the intervening period.

Charlie Lewis, R.I.P.

This makes me sad. I used to work with a Charles Lewis at the Ottawa Citizen. He was a wonderful, thoughtful guy. There was no bigger supporter than him for the work I was doing exposing the religious right and the far right.  No one.

That’s why I’m sad to read tripe like the linked column – the hackneyed, clichéd, anti-CBC and anti-secularism/pro-Harper and pro-religious right claptrap that the Post churns out, endlessly, while completely indifferent to the effect it has on its circulation and/or credibility.  When I wrote for them, they – the great free-speechers! – refused to let me print a goddamned word that was positive about the CBC, the Star or related subjects.  When they also refused to let me say what I wanted to say about protecting human rights, I quit.  Now, I only read them online, and sporadically at best.

Anyway.  The Charles Lewis I knew isn’t the Charles Lewis I see in the Post this morning.  He’s left the building, and I sure miss him.

Frank Frazetta, R.I.P.

When we were nerdling teens (and when we became nerdling adults), he was a big deal to us – brawny sword-swinging brutes, buxom princesses, scary creatures roaming the landscape, all rendered with an unforgettable style – and we vainly tried to copy his art.  And it was art.

R.I.P., Frank. (Some of his work can be seen here.)

Rogers sucks

I don’t want to go all Star Wars bar scene on y’all, but this latest outrage by Rogers is well, an outrage.

When will this company learn? When will they get their corporate heads out of their corporate keesters? It’s amazing how dumb they can be. Does their greed know no bounds?

I’m a bit of an iPad nutcase, so forgive me. But Rogers really, really sets new standards for idiocy, sometimes.