Rosie Barton is hunting me

I’ve wagered 20 bucks she won’t find me. Hint: I’m somewhere in downtown Ottawa.

In the meantime, here is part of the speech I’ve scribbled out at…wherever it is that I am!

“…We Liberals, meanwhile, have a few points to make, too. They are the kinds of arguments that public opinion research tells us gets a lot of heads nodding, too.

For example: Mr. Harper, you divide and conquer to stay in power. You say you want to clean up politics, but then you let things like Rahim and Helena happen. You say you are the best guy to handle the economy – but you’re the same guy who turned a record surplus into a record $60 billion structural defcit.

You are the guy who is increasingly out of touch with Canadians – and who is secretive, and autocratic, and who acts like he is the President of Canada.

Canadians, most Canadians, know you by now. And most of them don’t like what they see…”

This Reformatory anti-CBC stuff is boring

It’s useful as a fundraising tool with CBC-hating SoCon grassy knoll types, I guess, but it’s also a lie.

To wit:

  • “I’m not a CBC booster, but the CBC was the best.” Stephen Harper, Globe, November 20, 1995
  • “The CBC/SRC is and will remain Canada’s public broadcaster.” Stephen Harper, National Post, September 15, 2006

Holy rookie mistake, Batman!

For the first time that I can remember, Mr. Angry has been the first politician to invoke the “E” word.  So much for his ever-helpful “unnecessary election” talking points.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

If there is an election, the Libs/NDP/Bloc should save that headline: it’ll help to remind everyone, in a paid campaign, who is really to blame.

UPDATE: Who says PMO doesn’t watch this web site?  They got on the blower to CTV to complain, and the headline was changed!  (Should’ve got a screen cap – I wonder if Kevin Bosch did?)

UPDATER: Never mind.  I did it myself.  You’re welcome.

“Would it be unprofessional to say we worshipped you, and named our band after you?”

The Mesleys.  (Not exactly as pictured.)

Today I was interviewed today by the CBC’s Wendy Mesley about the Jaffer/Guergis/lobbyist/blah blah blah stuff.

It’s an interesting subject, I guess, but I had other things on my mind. The whole time, I wanted to tell her:  “In Ottawa, four of us had a band we named after you, The Mesleys.  Our greatest regret was that we were never able to present you with our first platinum record.”

Actually, we never had a platinum record.  Or a gold one.  Or a tin one, even.

Anyway, I didn’t tell her about the band.  I chickened out (sorry, Yaz).  Meanwhile, Wendy’s story is on The National tonight.