Trudeau, Harper, image, substance

Here’s a Brit-born writer living in Toronto:

Harper embodied the qualities you’d look for in a bookkeeper or accountant: he didn’t seem to have much personality to get in the way of the dull tedium of governing the country. That’s the source of the Trudeau costernation. Conservatives fond of Harper aren’t so much offended by Trudeau’s earnest popularity as they are mystified by it: they can’t imagine why anyone would want to take a photograph with the person they chose to run their country. The warmth and geniality Trudeau project so effortlessly are not, at least to the incurious or unimaginative, easily reconciled with the demands of the Prime Minister’s office.

Some great writing, therein, and I’m pissed off he anticipated my next Hill Times column, which reads in part:

“So too Justin Trudeau, who the camera loves and – to his critics – loves the camera right back. Trudeau knows, perhaps, that leaders are measured by the impressions they create, not the policies they promulgate.  

 There’s a risk in all of this, naturally. If, six months from now, Trudeau is indeed branded as Prime Minister Selfie – if his administration is simply regarded as a four-year-long photo op, punctuated only by state dinners and the occasional foreign trip – he’ll be in trouble. He needs to be more than the callow and shallow caricature his opponents suggest he is.”

Conservatives forget they had their own image-conscious deity, however: Ronald Reagan. 

And he was popular for a long, long time, as I recall. And lots of conservatives would’ve lined up for selfies with him, too.

Highly-Scientific Polls: colour me surprised

Ran those fun little polls yesterday on 2015’s Best Politician, Best Political Advisor, and Best Political Strategy. Check out the results for the several hundred who voted, below. It wasn’t even close.

Here’s what you said as of this hour:

  • Best politician: Stephen Harper – 342 votes over 241 for Justin Trudeau
  • Best political advisor: whoever advises Brad Wall – 314 votes over 173 for Trudeau’s principal secretary
  • Best political strategy: never, ever using social media – 301 votes over 179 the Grits’ “real change” mantra

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World’s Worst Journalist, still

And while I am on the topic, the world’s worst journalist – TWWSNBN – still holds that title. Sending out one of your bosses to harangue me won’t help, big guy. It’ll just persuade me to keep doing it for the next, say, twenty years or so.

Somewhere, a couple guys are laughing.

Dishonest column of the month award

…goes to this Rosie DiManno gem in today’s Star. In it, DiManno commences by castigating comments, and looks completely ridiculous by the end. A short-form DiManno, herewith:

  • I don’t care about comments, but here’s a whole column about comments
  • I don’t like the invective commenters spew, so here’s some invective of my own
  • I don’t care who the commenters are, but I sort of researched them enough to know every single one of their names
  • The Sun did it to us

It’s a competitive category, but I think we have a winner for the Most Dishonest Column of the Month Award, folks!



Cancer Bats tonight!

Daughter Two and me are seeing the Cancer Bats at the Hard Luck tonight (Bjorn and Lala bailed; got a spare ticket for whoever wants it).  It’s a Christmas tradition – taking in the Bats, or the Flatliners, as they all head back to their Canuckistan home for the holidays.

Here’s Daughter’s fave CB tune, Lucifer’s Rocking Chair.  God, I love these guys.  See you in the pit (or near it).

Highly Scientific Polls™: the year’s political best

It’s that time of year, when newspaper space gets filled with Highly-Subjective™ best-of lists.  I have my personal preferences, to be sure, but I wanted to hear from y’all, first. So here’s three Highly-Scientific™ polls, representing three main categories: best politician, best political advisor, and best political campaign strategy.

Now, I would ask that you resist the temptation to do what too many North of the Queensway ink-stained wretches do: that is, call the winners of elections heroes, and dismiss the losers as zeroes.  But you control your cursor, not me.  If you want to be Captain Obvious, that’s your problem.

Herewith and hereupon, then, the Highly-Scientific™ Polls.  Vote now, vote often!

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