Tax Dodger Man™ in the news!

  • Ottawa Citizen: “The questions for Randy Hillier about his unpaid taxes have now grown sharper, with the revelation that the MPP did not disclose the issue to the provincial integrity commissioner when making his financial declaration last year.”
  • Sun Media: “The Canada Revenue Agency put two liens worth about $15,000 on Hillier’s home in July 2010, a fact Hillier did not mention on his MPP disclosure filed less than two months later. Both his party and his leader were also in the dark about the tax issue.  Hillier did not respond to a request for comment Sunday.”
  • CP/Huffington Post: “Tim Hudak’s campaign mantra that Progressive Conservatives are the only ones who will defend hardworking taxpayers was derailed Friday by revelations that a high-profile Tory is embroiled in a long-running tax dispute.”

Tax Dodger Man™ Update

HAMILTON – Liberals ridiculed Tory MPP Randy Hillier’s claim he “misread” disclosure forms, omitting an unpaid tax bill the federal government is trying to collect from him.

The Grits even produced a video on Sunday modelled after the Progressive Conservatives’ Tax Man spot targeting Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty — instead calling Hillier the Tax Dodging Man.

“Pay your taxes, Randy. The rest of us do,” the spot said.

And the party put out a press release playing off the yes or no disclosure question on whether he or his wife owed any back taxes that Hillier said tripped him up.

“Is Tim Hudak A Leader? Yes ( ) No (x)” the release said, slamming the PC leader for not publicly chastising the usually outspoken Hillier.

The Canada Revenue Agency put two liens worth about $15,000 on Hillier’s home in July 2010, a fact Hillier did not mention on his MPP disclosure filed less than two months later. Both his party and his leader were also in the dark about the tax issue.

Hillier did not respond to a request for comment Sunday.

“I don’t understand why he refuses to take a stand on what his candidate has claimed,” Liberal MPP Linda Jeffrey said of Hudak.


In today’s Sun: why does Tea Party Tim dislike “foreigners” (now)?

Spot political quiz time: Who said this?

“(We need) practical and affordable measures to help new Canadians find employment and create jobs.”

Here’s another one. Who said this?

“(Immigrants) have great challenges in having their foreign degrees and qualifications recognized by the relevant licensing bodies here in Canada — we all have a role to play in helping new Canadians make the transition into our workplace.”

Weak-kneed lefty politicos? Soft-hearted Liberal premiers like Jean Charest? Christy Clark? Dalton McGuinty? Were those welcoming words uttered by Grit politicians, seeking re-election in Quebec or B.C. or Ontario with the help of so-called “ethnic” communities?

Nope. No, they weren’t.

Those words were voiced by senior Conservatives. They were the words of Ontario Conservative Leader Tim Hudak, in fact, and federal Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.

Q and (no) A

CP reporter to Hudak: “Why are you allowing your party to put out ads lying about the Liberal promise?”

Two views about week one

John Ivison: “[McGuinty] scored a priceless photo op with a heart-throb from the sub-continent, at a time when his closest political rival is being portrayed as a xenophobe. This election may come down to such tinsel. There’s no question who has been more sure-footed on the stump during week one.”

Matt Gurney: “What the province’s voters could stand to hear much less of, however, is the “foreign worker” nonsense that the Tories, and Tim Hudak himself, insist on peddling..insisted on offering us the nonsense about “foreign workers,” despite the fact that the Liberals say their plan would only apply to Canadian citizens who already live in Ontario. You know — not foreigners.  It’s a risky, pointless route for the Tories to take. One misplaced word can easily turn this unasked for gift from the Liberals into a live grenade without the pin. This is an issue where anyone speaking on behalf of the PCs, from Hudak on down to the lowest staffer for the most expendable sacrificial Tory lamb in a safe Liberal riding, can easily invite a public relations disaster simply by misspeaking. UPDATE: Check that — it might already be in progress. Jane McKenna, the PC candidate in Burlington, Ont., was quoted by local media saying, “When did we become for immigrants?…”


Tea Party North: just when you think they can’t get any more disgusting…

…they do.

TORONTO, Sept. 9, 2011 /CNW/ – The Ontario PC’s moral downward spiral accelerated this afternoon with the publication of a stunning news report by Metroland Media Group in which far-right Carleton Mississippi Mills PC candidate Jack MacLaren stated that he was in politics to fight for his “culture.”

MacLaren says in the report, posted to  “All across the Western world, countries are willing to stand up a little more.  I am willing to fight for my culture and heritage…”

MacLaren went on to state that it was “fair” to compare the rightward movement of Hudak’s PC’s to the U.S.-based, far-right Tea Party movement.

The report about MacLaren did not make clear which “culture” MacLaren is seeking to protect.  However, MacLaren and PC MPP Randy Hillier were founders of the Ontario Landowners’ Association (OLA), a fringe group long associated with inflammatory intolerance.  For example, the OLA’s manifesto opposed support for what it called “Native, Arts, Homosexual, Urban and Multi cultures.”

The rightward movement of the Ontario PCs, and the presence of OLA extremists, has even led to Hudak’s party being criticized by former PC leader Ernie Eves, who recently denounced his party for becoming the “Tea Party version of Ontario politics.”

Which “culture” is MacLaren and his like-minded Conservatives fighting for?  Does Tim Hudak agree a “culture war” is indeed underway?  Are Hudak’s attacks on what he has called “foreigners” part of it?