
We’re having an okay couple of days.  So what does some right-wing asshole do?  He/she puts a piece of personalized hate mail in my mother’s mailbox.  She lives alone, in another city, and is near 80.  She called me, and she was upset.

So…we’re putting up security cameras at her place, now.  But – here’s a promise – if you go back, tough guy, I’m going to put you through a meat grinder, I swear to God.

That’s a promise.

Poll: McGuinty choice for best Premier; Ont. Libs deserve re-election


Now, back to work.

TORONTO – On the heels of an election poll that put the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives in a dead heat, exclusive new numbers suggest voters feel Dalton McGuinty would make the best Premier of Ontario.

An Ipsos Reid poll done for Global News found that four in ten (39%) voters believe McGuinty would make the best provincial leader, compared to only 31 per cent for PC Leader Tim Hudak. Twenty per cent of those polled said NDP leader Andrea Horwath would do the best job, while 10 per cent aren’t sure.

Perhaps even more telling is that almost two-thirds (63%) believe the province is now on the right track, a jump of 12 points in only one month.


Ouch! Hudak PCs leaking their own leader’s speeches!

Liberals say ‘red’ Tories angry with Hudak and moving to them for Oct. 6 vote
Source: The Canadian Press
Sep 13, 2011 17:02

CHATHAM, Ont. – A week after the Ontario election campaign began with an embarrassing leak of the Liberal platform, the Liberals are turning the tables on the Progressive Conservatives.

Just as PC Leader Tim Hudak was about to hold a campaign event today to attack the government over the eHealth scandal, someone gave all of the party’s background materials to the Liberals.

A copy of the documents obtained by The Canadian Press shows the Liberals were given Hudak’s speech, his talking points, the questions he could expect from the media along with scripted answers, plus so-called ”proof points” to show how the Liberals have wasted money.

The Liberals say the leaked materials could only have come from a top Tory strategist because rank and file party workers would not have access to such important briefing papers.

A Liberal source says many so-called red Tories are unhappy with the direction of Hudak’s campaign and are now reaching out to the Grits.

The Tories laughed off the supposed leak, saying they intentionally distribute their messages widely and wouldn’t be surprised if the Liberals were on their distribution list.

The Liberals say Hudak has been having a rough week after criticizing them for favouring what he calls ”foreign workers” with a tax credit to help professionals educated in other countries land their first job in Canada.



Hudak hypocrisy, humungous


His morning stunt, in London, was revealing.  One, he didn’t mention immigration – meaning the issue is, indeed, hurting his Tea Party’s fortunes.  Two, he walked straight into a proverbial glass house, and started throwing stones.

Ipso facto, remember this?

Sun News, Sept. 12: it’s about Hudak’s judgment

That should have been my first answer to David’s first question: that real reason the Tea Party Cons are dropping, and the reason why we’re moving up, is that voters are becoming familiar with Hudak’s judgment, and they don’t like what they see.

What’s your theory?

Stanford: “Change-book” is Deranged-book

  • “[Changebook showed] a consistent pattern of misleading visual presentation in those graphs, including a lack of quantitative proportion in graph objects, mis- labeling and/or arbitrary and/or inconsistent scaling in graph axes, inadequate or incorrect sourcing, and other fundamental flaws.”
  • “…not one of the 13 graphs conforms to the standards of presentation that are normally required of statistical presentations in academic and professional practice.”
  • “Whatever one thinks of the changebook’s policy proposals themselves (and those proposals, per se, are not the subject of this commentary), the consistently misleading and inaccurate statistical representations contained in the changebook are lamentable.”

Vander Doelen in Windsor Star

“Meanwhile, some PC insiders complain Hudak has badly misplayed the issue, falling into an obvious Liberal trap.

Some believe the reverse head tax was just a ruse intended to trick the Tories into criticizing immigrants so they could be denounced by the media in immigrant-heavy cities.”

In today’s Sun: [insert your topp joke line here]

It’s reach for the Topp!

Monday’s news wasn’t really news — veteran NDP backroom guy Brian Topp has finally revealed what pretty much everyone already knew: He covets the New Democrat leadership, and will formally seek it. Around Ottawa, it’s been an open secret almost from the moment of Jack Layton’s sad passing.

While not news, Topp’s ambition does provide us all with an unprecedented opportunity to have fun with words.

When we meet his family, will the event be hailed as “Pop of the Topps”? Is Brian at the Topp of the leadership pack? Will he now claim to be a Topp-drawer candidate?

Anyway, you get the idea. It’ll be fun for headline-writers, but possibly not Brian Topp.