Back-to-school bits and pieces

After a marathon journey from Maine (note to file: Border Services regard “puppies” as “goods”), I was able to get oldest child to her first day of Grade Ten. She was disinterested in my many stories about my first day of Grade Ten, back at Bishop Carroll High in Calgary.


Some bits and pieces for back-to-school Tuesday!

  • Justin Trudeau packing it in? I certainly hope not.  I haven’t heard from my old friend in a while, but I think he’s one of the brightest of the bright lights in the federal Liberal caucus.  And on mornings when no less than the Montreal Gazette is urging people to vote ADQ in St. Laurent, we Grits need the likes of Justin carrying the torch in Quebec.
  • Sun TV hysteria, redux: Margaret Atwood, former author/free speech advocate, did herself no favours last week when she seemed to call for the censorship of a TV network that doesn’t even exist yet. Ditto that obtuse Soros online petition, that was so totally stupid it became (for a variety of reasons) the object of nation-wide ridicule.  This week, I expect more of the same, because stupidity is self-replicating.  Here’s a tip, folks: Kory – now on vacation in Florida with his family – couldn’t buy this kind of publicity for a kabillion dollars.  Sheesh.
  • Bruce Carson, new COS: Well, not so fast.  Some say he ain’t gonna be the top PMO aide.  But if he is, then he’d be a good pick.  He’s widely respected by the Cons I know, and I’ve found him to be pretty easy-going fella, too.  However, my fave pick – from last week’s comments – is found here.
  • Rocco and Rush: Rocco, still basking in the tripling of his support from last week’s poll, does well at the Labour Day parade; Rush Ford, in this Marcus Gee column, not so much. Fun quote: “people will sour on Rob when they figure out that half of the stuff he says is wrong, that his figures don’t add up and that you can’t fix what ails the city just by cutting city council in half and slashing what councillors spend on photocopying toner.”
  • Morissey is the “sub-species,” actually: As one of the many with a lingering fondness for the Smiths – and an enthusiasm for animal rights work – I was disappointed, to the least, to see Morissey refer to the Chinese people as “a sub-species.”  It made me feel like I did when Woody Allen married his daughter: at a certain point, an artist shouldn’t expect that what he or she does in his or her personal life won’t end up negating all the greatness of his or her art.  At a certain point, you just stop paying attention to them, artistically and otherwise.

Hurricane Earl hits!

I’m at our place by the beach in Maine as I write this.

If Hurricane Earl has devastated the coast, as the media said Earl would, someone should tell this guy who is swimming in the tsunami-sized waves.

Also, the family who brought their kids down in that wagon. They look terrified, too.

The horror, the horror.

Nominate new PMO Chief of Staff here!

While the Parliamentary Press Gallery furiously debate who,exactly, first broke the news about Guy Giorno’s departure, I think the rest of us should wildly speculate about who will be his successor.

We’ll have zero impact on the decision, naturally, but it’ll be fun. And – who knows – someone may actually get it right. Nominate your pick(s) in comments.

From the deepest Annex

This is totally absurd. Honestly.

For the love of God: the new network hasn’t even broadcast 60 seconds of content, and it’s already generating historically humongous levels of hysteria, histrionics and hyper-ventilating (I love alliterations, guilty as charged, etc.). Get a grip, Maggie!

Among other things, I have never seen a media launch generate so much useful, and free, P.R. Never.

Right about now, I can picture Kory Teneycke grinning, can’t you?

Vital statistics

In case you were wondering, which you weren’t, the new-look has apparently surpassed 3 million visits.

That is spread amongst some 560,000 unique visitors, Team Propellerhead tell me.

Suitably impressed comments are of course welcome.