Musings —01.09.2012 07:35 PM
—W@AL: a fiery return to the Sun News set!
You remember. It was heated. It was harsh. It was hot.
Now, Warren returns to the Sun News set. Watch what happens. It’s shocking.
Musings —01.09.2012 07:35 PM
—You remember. It was heated. It was harsh. It was hot.
Now, Warren returns to the Sun News set. Watch what happens. It’s shocking.
Your FX department is better than most made-in-Canada TV/Movies.
Ah. Jason Kenney burped. Bad for you.
This seems to happen to you quite often.
Holy crap! Stop, drop, and roll!
Reminds me of that old recurring SCTV sketch in which a guest blowed up real good every time.
I surfed over to the Toronto Sun Columists’ webpage. Who’s taking the publicity photos?
Featured at the top, you have a remote faraway shot. Immediately next is Mr. Levant’s close-up shot.
And p.s., are you invited to the Sun News’ Freedom Weekend in February?
Damn! Where did that invite go?