02.29.2012 05:00 PM

RIP, Davy Jones, from the Hot Nasties

…who has passed away.

We of the Hot Nasties (like all punks) were huge Monkees fans.  In the Nasties, in fact, we covered Monkees tunes more than any other band’s.

Here’s our take on ‘Steppin’ Stone,’ from our self-made LP.  (If you listen carefully, you can hear my circa-1980 voice break.)



  1. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    Damn….another vestige of my youth….gone……rest well, Davy…..

    Cool cover of the Monkees classic, Mr. Kinsella…..Daydream Believer is still my favourite, but I suspect it was a little too saccharine for the Hot Nasties……

  2. student501 says:

    Whodathunkit – SFH covering The Monkees.

    Bravo !

  3. your voice was way better then……sorry

  4. David Bailey says:

    And written by Bobby Hart and the late Tommy Boyce who also composed Last Train to Clarksville, I Wanna Be Free and Galleries amongst many others.

  5. David Bailey says:

    Um yes well that should read Valleri. Botched up my first post. I’ll never live this down.

  6. bigolgoofyman says:

    I am Bocanut, and I am a stalker and a loser.

  7. Conservative Socialist says:

    The Beatles were overrated hacks. As a punk, surely you must agree.

    Does the Lennon/McCartney partnership come close to the poetic prose of Tork/Dolenz? I dont think so.

    The Monkees had their own car and better knitted hats.
    …..and a TV show.

    Davy Jones took tambourine playing to a new level. RIP

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