Musings —03.02.2012 07:47 AM
—Life is full of challenges
A black cat just crossed my path. Being a descendant of a superstitious, backward people, this immediately terrified me.
I considered backing up down the street, but this would have meant slamming into at least two cars behind me. I therefore cast an ancient Gaelic curse (“Dóite agus loisceadh ort!”) on them, and deflected the black cat bad luck.
The day thus repaired, I carried on merrily.
I’d like to know what this ancient Gaelic curse was…
Dóite agus loisceadh ort.
I put it through the translator – that came out as something like “I want to go to the beach and party all day”… not sure what that has to do with black cats…
Burning and scorching on you.
I know, I know! I was kidding!
ah, but do you have a phonetic prononciation? The letter/sound association in Gaeilge and Gàidhlig I swear was invented just to further annoy the English…
And how did you like the smell of burning cat fur?
Oh, you have no idea how much I love to burn a particular fat cat’s fur.
Waaaait a minute. If you deflect a curse, aren’y you letting some other poor joe from Palookaville take the hit? That’s bad karma.
Look, I’m not a nice guy. I admit it.
FYI, my Warren Kinsella voodoo doll is almost complete. So watch out. Although, my Dalton McGuinty voodoo doll doesn’t seem to be working. Disappointing.
My ex has the one that works.
sorry….couldnt resist……
and this one
best black cat song ever