07.29.2015 09:49 AM

Signs that you are old

You actually enjoy talking to the pigeons outside one of the Starbucks on Robson. 


  1. SmallTownON says:

    Tuppence, tuppence, etc.

  2. edward nuff says:

    you,re only old if they talk back.

  3. justin says:

    Remember, bread is bad for them. But I’m sure the pastries at Starbucks would be even worse.

  4. davie says:

    Ladies helping you out at the credit union call you ‘dear.’

  5. Student501 says:

    Begin to worry when they don’t ask to see your ID at Shoppers Drug Mart on Seniors Day.

  6. Krago says:

    Just discovered the Wu-Tang Clan Nickname Generator: http://www.mess.be/inickgenwuname.php

    Warren Kinsella from this day forward
    you will also be known as

    Profound Watcher

    As for the party leaders:

    Gilles Duceppe from this day forward
    you will also be known as
    Sarkastik Bastard

    Elizabeth May from this day forward
    you will also be known as
    Master Warrior

    Justin Trudeau from this day forward
    you will also be known as
    Annoyin’ Professional

    Tom Mulcair from this day forward
    you will also be known as
    Smilin’ Menace

    Stephen Harper from this day forward
    you will also be known as
    Sarkastik Professional

    • MM says:

      But … if you use full names you get a different story:

      Elizabeth Evans May from this day forward
      you will also be known as
      Shriekin’ Wanderer

      Justin Pierre James Trudeau from this day forward
      you will also be known as
      Amazing Prophet

      Stephen Joseph Harper from this day forward
      you will also be known as
      Lazy-assed Ambassador

      Thomas Joseph Mulcair from this day forward
      you will also be known as
      Amazing Conqueror

      Warren James Douglas Kinsella from this day forward
      you will also be known as
      Lucky Bastard

      (and yes, I do have more important things to do but I couldn’t help myself)

      • Krago says:

        Paul Wells from this day forward
        you will also be known as

        Lazy-assed Bandit

        David Akin from this day forward
        you will also be known as

        Mighty Commander

        Mike Duffy from this day forward
        you will also be known as

        Master Hunter (was expecting Master Baiter)

  7. Yukon Cornelius says:

    I’m dreading the day I get offered the senior’s discount.

    • davie says:

      When that day comes your attitude changes, and you ask for it everywhere, every time. It’s like a farm team for the senate.

  8. AAJ says:

    Warren…. be kind to pigeons…. for one day they may erect a statue of you and pigeons will …. you know …. ! ! !!!

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