Musings —06.29.2019 03:52 PM
—The Toronto Star (!) condemns Trudeau
The @TorontoStar (!) concludes what many of us have: the Trudeau government’s biggest problem is Trudeau. After four years, @ElizabethMay @AndrewScheer or @theJagmeetSingh would all be better. #cdnpoli #lpc #cpc #gpc #ndp
— Warren Kinsella (@kinsellawarren) June 29, 2019
.. you see Andrew Scheer .. as the solution.. or failing that.. Singh.. sigh.. It’s all Smashed In Buffalo Head.. leap of th cliff..
but.. I will depart a Canada with Andrew Scheer as Prime Minister.. migrate to Turks n Caicos Islands.. 1 way ticket.. toleration level of scumbag evangelicals – such as Scheer – zero – but ‘fill yer boots’ as they say
Scheer is Catholic, not Evangelical.
Yeah, but your average staunch RC is pretty much on the same page as your average EP.
In my case, I’m a committed cafeteria Catholic, especially on social issues.
“Scheer is Catholic, not Evangelical.”
And hardly a “scumbag”, either.
Scheer is the answer to Canada’s problems! He will straighten out everything with God’s help! Canadians will breathe again!
Headline should read: “TorStar editorial board begs Trudeau to grow up ahead of next election”
Precisely. I could also add we’re still in your corner (yelling)!
Are they kidding? With all the negative pile on over the last few months the fact that Nanos has him even with Scheer is amazing. I think a lot of the media are in for a surprise come October.
That sounds just like those Trump supporters who insist that if it weren’t for all of the negative coverage from the Fake News Media (you know, the Enemy of the People), Trump’s approval ratings would be like 90%.
No, what I said sounds like fact based thinking. What you said sounds Trumpian. You’ve always seemed like a sem- reasonable Conservative on this site. Let’s not screw up a fairly good track record.
You need to read Doc’s comment again cause you clearly don’t get it. Doc is in no way advocating for the argument that was put forward.
Why don’t you explain it to me Ronald. My reading says he was implying my comment had Trumpian fanboy overtones. And then of course the resident grumpy right winger from B.C. stuck his nose in.
“You’ve always seemed like a semi- reasonable Conservative on this site. Let’s not screw up a fairly good track record.”
I’m sure Doc would be just devastated to lose your personal approval of his political opinions. I know I would be…
Their last line implies that they think it is recoverable which is patent nonsense but typical of The Daily Star.
…sigh… the best thing not crazy Liberals can cheer for is that the Zoolander mess will be decisively ended in about 16 weeks.
Gees – I’m getting that “Trump can’t possibly win in 2016” vibe for Trudeau. To my way of thinking the election will come down to how many votes bleed from Trudeau to Singh and May and how many make the gigantic jump and switch from Liberal to Conservative. But of course what do I know!
Scheer makes me miss Harper. Incredibly, seriously. And those from yesteryear remember how much Harper was mon homme, in the good old days…when the regional organizer burst out laughing as soon as he saw me wearing that Harper button.
To be fair, Harper was a wet noodle when he first became CPC leader. We thought our present PM capable of political evolution back in 2015. Maybe Scheer can grow in the job, or he’s just another Trudeau. It’s a roll of the dice, folks.
My thoughts as well, Ronald. We already know what we will get from Trudeau if he is reelected. Andrew Scheer may or may not prove to be much better, but he can hardly be worse.
When people ask me why I won’t vote CPC, I always give them the following: I have my view of Canada. It doesn’t even remotely resemble the Western view or the Alberta view. So, my view is equally respectable as other views. My view is no better or worse than other people’s view. But in my case, I simply can’t and won’t vote CPC as long as it does not, within limits, reasonably reflect my view of Canada. That may be right or wrong but at least it’s fair.
” That may be right or wrong but at least it’s fair.”
Damn right it is, and no one can ask for more than that.
“I am intensely unhappy at the way our country is going. So, this blog owner’s predilections notwithstanding, I’d take Trudeau over Scheer every single time.”
So…you don’t like what’s happening, but your vote will be to stay on the same path?. Interesting.
“There’s poor performance but a real Canadian – that much is clear, and then there’s a dull market-agenda-driven parochial dunce from the Prairies. ”
And Andrew Scheer isn’t a ‘real’ Canadian, either? Okay…
Even if you don’t like the current path, that doesn’t mean many alternatives wouldn’t be worse.
So Scheer’s not a “real Canadian”? What is this, some Liberal version of a Birther Conspiracy?
I quite literally raged at Just Visiting because it was so damned effective and Michael, for all of his tremendous intellect, couldn’t effectively counter-argue that one. It was a fucking master stroke. But Harper, to the best of my knowledge, never called Ignatieff un-Canadian. Not a road for any politician to go down.
I like everything about this government. Good economy, great job reports, action on climate and help for my kids young families, not to mention the equal number of women in cabinet. Petty scandals cut no ice with me.
Every party would have done the same thing re Snc Lavelin. Minor screw up re someone providing plastic straws is insignificant compared to the potential for disaster with a Con government.
I’ve NEVER liked everything about any of the governments I’ve supported at the ballot box. Need I say more?
If you’re a Liberal and the Red Star turns against you, you know your days are numbered.
In truth, this is already Scheer’s election to lose. One proviso: the PM is a reasonably good debater. So, Scheer must not blow the debates otherwise Trudeau becomes the comeback kid. Not likely but certainly NOT impossible.
When Canadians look around the world at the nasty nationalism taking place along with the horror on the border down south they deem these minor
missteps by Trudeau as irrelevant. You are right about his debating and he will make mince meat out of Scheer this fall.
I wouldn’t call them minor missteps but I’ll give you this: if the Liberals hold women and First Nations on E Day, then JWR, JP, Kinsella and yours truly are on the wrong side of these issues, as far as the voting public is concerned.
To quote Lady Mary Josephine Talbot (née Crawley) in the Downton Abbey movie: “(H)ardly.”
“Petty scandals cut no ice with me.”
“they deem these minor missteps by Trudeau as irrelevant.”
Good to know that you consider obstruction of justice and political corruption to be so unimportant. Doesn’t surprise me at all, in light of your apparent fanboy worship of PM Zoolander .
(and just for the record I’m not “grumpy”….just amused…:)
Trudeau gave Canada the carbon tax 6.5 & this will only go up at our cost! Take paper & light it & that gets rid of carbon. Even the trees do that! The liberals introduced Hydro 1 to Ontario! That was well planned in advanced! He did nothing for the seniors or our Vet soldiers! He wanted to take away the diabetic supplement! He is promoting drugs! Canada needs to get rid of that, help our youth! He needs to increase CPP & have respect for the seniors!