09.17.2022 05:22 PM

Woke schmoke


  1. Dave says:

    Woke: A state of awareness only achieved by those ignorant enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior. Your a center of the line Liberal/Conservative…… but not woke ( as defined by the newer woke folk) IMHO.

    • Sean says:


      I don’t think Warren is woke either…. because he’s a serious guy who only gets into fights that are a) real and b) matter.

  2. Warren,

    Government’s highest function is to serve as a force for good and collective redress. People come in so many varieties but those who are most highly evolved instinctively look to seeking out injustice and inhumanity and doing what they can to root it out or prompt restitution. Others talk the talk, but talk is cheap without also walking the walk.

  3. laurent sauve says:

    I find it funny that those who use woke as an insult do not even know the origin of the term and are therefore unable to use if effectively. Originally, it was a mildly insulting way to describe a young white dude that suddenly realized a 100 years to late that racism did exist even if it had been obvious to his own grandfather. It really meant very slow on the uptake, there was nothing wrong with realizing the problem though.

  4. Sean says:

    The purpose of woke is to attack progressive / open minded allies when non-progressive people cannot be found. This gives woke folks the satisfaction of imagining they are doing something good.

    The idea is to imagine fake controversies which don’t exist / don’t make a difference. A classic example would be an educational institution cancelling a men’s sports team because there is no women’s team. Cancelling the men’s team is seen as a victory for feminism etc…..and if you don’t like it, you are sexist and misogynist. The person cancelling the sports team gets to imagine they did something progressive.

    Finding real controversies and countering them seriously, IE through the legal / political process takes too much effort. At its heart, wokeism is fueled completely by the laziness of affluent, comfortable, 1st world types who can’t find real problems to deal with.

  5. Scot says:

    Of course Cons don’t like woke. It’s basically people finally realizing what a bunch of hateful jerks they are. Anti fucking everything. Immigrants, social services, inclusivity, indigenous peoples, Jews, black people, vaccines. You name it, they’re against it.

  6. Steve T says:

    There are many definitions of “woke” going around. Some are attributes to which we should aspire. Others are the reason that “woke-ism” is much-maligned.

    For me, the issue is people who make a career out of finding fault in others, and/or who make themselves feel better by diverting attention away from their own shortcomings. Yes, I am not a good person, but that person over there is worse! Look at him, not me! That’s the subtle undertone of a lot of what the woke brigade stands for.

    It also is the backbone of the Grievance Industry, whose sole purpose is to create classes of victims who can receive handouts and special treatment. This is an increasing part of the economy – various groups competing to advocate that they are the ones hardest done-by and most deserving of something monetary or preferential.

  7. WestGuy says:

    There’s being aware of injustice and then there’s declaring that math is racist.

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