Two Western snippets from next week’s column

I’ve picked these two because (a) I remain a displaced Westerner and (b) I’m a bit bored and want to rile folks up. 

Out in BC, Christy Clark owns the strongest economy in the federation. However much the BC NDP try to lay a glove on her, they can’t. She’s got the biggest smile in Canadian politics, and for good reason. She’s winning. 

In my Alberta home, I don’t think Rachel Notley is doing nearly as badly as pundits and politicos claim. Her main opposition remains divided, she is impossible to dislike on a personal level, and there isn’t much (apart from an in-recession carbon tax) that you couldn’t picture her opponents also doing. Jason Kenney who?

This week’s column: little shovels, big graves

Back when he was Liberal leader, I worked for Jean Chrétien. 

I was his Special Assistant. I wrote speeches for him, helped out on Question Period, approved his correspondence, stuff like that. I didn’t ever have anything to do with his trips to different parts of Canada, thank God. Other guys did that. 

Early on, one story made the rounds in the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, however. All of us heard about it, and we didn’t forget it. 
Chrétien was out and about in the hinterland – Northern Ontario, I think, but it doesn’t matter. He and his one assistant clambered off the plane, alighted on the tarmac, and they saw It. 

It was a limo. 

It stood there, all shiny and big and black, a beaming local Liberal organizer beside it. The local organizer had rented the limo to squire the Liberal leader around during his visit. 

Chrétien’s face reddened. The assistant stammered. The local organizer frowned. 

“We will not get in that,” said the assistant, trying to be as nice as possible. “We will wait here until someone shows up with a Chevy or a car like that, please, one ideally made in Canada.”

“It shouldn’t be fancy.”

There may have been some swear words somewhere in there, too, but this is a family newspaper. Suffice to say that all of us who worked for Jean Chrétien – and all of the local Liberal organizers, too – got the message. 

The message, per the political bard (Tip O’Neill, natch), is this: in politics, take the job seriously. 

But don’t take yourself seriously. 

That’s the main problem, of course, with the expense account stuff now buffeting the Trudeau government: some people are taking themselves way too seriously. They work hard, so they tell themselves they deserve that shiny black limo, purring as It awaits them at a curb somewhere. They think – to recall that line that will forever live infamy – they’re entitled to their entitlements. 

More than ten thousand bucks to hire a photographer to snap pictures of a Minister and her staff (Staff? STAFF? Um, why?) Thousands spent on limos and lounge passes. Untold thousands to ferry the Prime Minister’s staff and relatives to sunny beaches on government jets – and the evidence later altered to show something else. 

None of these people are corrupt, as some conservative voices are now suggesting. They are not stupid people, either. They are not intrinsically evil, as far as I know. 

They are, however, about to learn Kinsella’s Political Rule Number One: big political graves are dug with tiny shovels. 

Sixteen dollar orange juice. Gucci loafers. Gold-plated faucets on a plane. Claiming per diems for a house you don’t actually live in.  

None of ’em added up to big dollars. But all of them contributed to very powerful losing power. 

The Trudeau regime spinners are now trotting out the same facile spin lines as every government (the Chrétien one excluded, that is) since time immemorial. Here they are. 

• “The other guys did it too!” – This one didn’t work when you were seven and you and your sibling ate all the Halloween candy, and it certainly won’t work now. Saying you are as covered in sin as the other guy isn’t an excuse, it’s an admission of guilt.

• “It’s cheaper than the alternative!” – The Environment Minister gave this one a whirl for a while. Said they: “We could have flown over a photographer from Canada, but we saved you lots of money by hiring a photographer in Paris!” Um, no. Firstly, you have those government-issue smart phone things to take pictures, and government-issue staffers to snap the damn shutter. Secondly, there’s no such thing as a cheap anything in Paris. 

• “Canadians don’t care. Nothing to see here, move along!” – The Harper guys loved this one. They used it all the time. Got them kicked out of government, didn’t it? Ipso facto, Kinsella’s Political Rule Number Two: a significant number of Canadians don’t know how many million are in a billion. But they sure as shit know you can afford to pay for your own parking out of your own paycheque. 

And therein lies the rub. As I sat with Jean Chretien on a Summertime bench on Sparks Street, munching a two-dollar hot dog paid for out of our own pockets – bureaucrats on their way to fancy expense account lunches at the NAC, agape at the Prime Ministerial presence – I made a mental note to scribble down Kinsella’s Political Rules Three and Four for later use. 

They are: Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less. 



(Also, don’t ever get in the limo.)

Mark Critch is an asshole

Seriously, he is. Even the Star seems to think so.

Here’s what he put up on the Internet. 

So, in his defence, Critch allegedly does comedy. I haven’t ever watched his show or whatever, but I would imagine trying to be funny is hard. (I guess.)

Anyway, on the day Stephen Harper packed it in as an MP, Critch posted the thing above. It’s apparently a joke about Harper hiding in a closet on the day a self-appointed jihadist murdered a Canadian soldier and stormed Parliament Hill, shooting at people. 

I’ve talked about that day with MPs from all parties. All of them say they are still a bit haunted by what happened, and they’ll never forget it. All of them were hiding on the Hill, that day, hoping to avoid getting killed. All of them. 

One said to me afterward: “The shots were really, really loud. They were happening right outside our caucus room door. We didn’t know what was happening, but we knew we could could get shot. We were all texting our families.”

Here’s the thing, Mark Critch comedian guy: if Stephen Harper was in a closet, it’s because the RCMP pushed him in there, you feckless moron. 

I’ve worked for a Prime Minister, and walked around with him on the Hill and off, and I can tell you that’s the RCMP’s  job. Just like that time a bunch of Secret Service agents threw themselves on top of Ronald Reagan to keep him from being shot again, remember? That’s the job. It didn’t look like John Wayne in the movies – all swagger and indifference to bullets flying – but it probably saved the President’s life. 

Stephen Harper, and now Justin Trudeau, didn’t sign up to get killed. They didn’t ever claim to be experts on personal security, either. Leaders and their families deserve every bit of the protection they get, and more. When there’s a real threat, the RCMP take over, not the politicians. 

And if that means the cops have to push the politicians into a fucking closet to protect them from an active shooter, that’s a good thing. They are being smart and brave. 

You, meanwhile, are being an asshole.