I have to get something off my chest about Elvis Costello

Me and the Hot Nasties saw Costello and The Attractions [emphasis added – ed.] for the first time on November 15, 1978 at the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary. There was a minor riot at the foor of the stage involving the bouncers, us, and Costello. We refused to sit down and jumped into the orchestra pit to dance; the big hippie bouncers didn’t like that, and started to toss us around like matchsticks; Costello didn’t like that, and threw his mic stand at the nastiest, meanest bouncer. It was glorious.

Anyway. In those days, Costello was backed by Steve Nieve (ivories), Pete Thomas (skins) and Bruce Thomas (four strings).  They were gods.  Evidence, here:

Now, here’s Costello in his later years, without The Attractions [emphasis added – ed.]:

With The Brodsky Quartet? A classical ensemble? Seriously?

Like I say: I’ve been keeping this inside for too long. Elvis Costello TOTALLY SUCKS without The Attractions. He’s a boring old fart – the gravest crime for which you can be convicted, in my books.


My additional reaction to the Hunter Tootoo case

Seriously, guys: fish or cut bait.  If you have an allegation to make, make it. But it’s not particularly fair to condemn a guy for the fact that you don’t have evidence he did something wrong.

How to beat Donald Trump, in one easy step

Here it is:

His voters don’t read or watch mainstream media.  So condemning/investigating/bashing him with traditional media works to his advantage – his supporters like it.  They feel mainstream media disrespects them as much mainstream media disrespects Trump.  Reach those voters, instead, with the media his vote trusts.

Also, this.  This should be a big hit, and played on Down South every talk radio show, 24/7.  This is how you win, in one minute and 44 seconds, Hillary.

A minister resigns, plus Ottawa after dark

I wish him and his family luck.  Ottawa doesn’t make this kind of problem easy.

On the Hill, the hours are crazy.  So are the demands on you and your family.  There’s a lot of pressure, there’s a lot of isolation, and there’s a lot of scrutiny – so people dealt with all that in different ways.  Back in my day, there weren’t as many bars and whatnot around.  But there was certainly a lot of people who would go for a drink after work.  They’d do that every single day.  That’s how they’d deal with how it is in Ottawa.

I was (and am) weird: I’d come from a punk Straight Edge scene, so I just never did that sort of thing.  And – I confess – I didn’t often hang out with, or ever hire, those who did.  Loose lips sink governments, etc.  If you were a regular on a bar stool at D’Arcy McGee’s, I kept away.

Anyway, for those of you who are in Ottawa, peering at this on your government-issue device, wondering if what happened to this formerly powerful cabinet minister could happen to you, this is a useful rule of thumb.  Fifteen or more a week? That’s a problem.

If you’re doing that, day in and day out, you need to do what Hunter Tootoo did.  Get help.

About that Tory convention, and marriage

It looked like they had a good one – a great one, even.  Even CBC says so.

I have a column about them, and their convention, in today’s Hill Times.  I will have it up on The War Room tomorrow.

In the meantime, allow me to dissent from the joyful chorus about this – the overwhelming vote of CPC delegates to accept equal marriage.

They had to pass a vote about that, you see, because their official policy book actually defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman.  To be precise, the party said marriage was, quote: “union between one man and one woman.”

That’s what it said, as recently as 2016 A.D.  Since 2004 A.D., however, marriage has actually been defined differently.  No less than our highest court said so, right here.  After a bunch of provincial Courts of Appeal radically embraced the proposition that that everyone is equal, the feds made a reference to the Supreme Court.  Among other things, the Supremes said:

The mere recognition of the equality rights of one group cannot, in itself, constitute a violation of the rights of another. The promotion of Charter rights and values enriches our society as a whole and the furtherance of those rights cannot undermine the very principles the Charter was meant to foster.

See? Equal means equal.  No one gets hurt.  Gay people are entitled to have free and frequent access to messy divorce actions and custody squabbles, and unrelenting misery, just like the rest of us.

The Conservative Party of Canada – who were the government for most of the years that followed 2004 – refused to go along with that, however.  They continued to say marriage was the union of one guy and one gal. That’s it.  They stubbornly, wilfully refused to accept the change that had been, er, mandated (pun intended) by several Courts of Appeal and one Supreme Court.

They refused to accept the law of the land.

Anyway, this past weekend, they finally did.  Great. I’m happy about that, I guess, but I would have been a lot happier if they had done so, say, a decade ago.  When it was, you know, constitutionalized.

You will forgive me, therefore, for declining to heap praise on the Conservative Party’s weekend decision to go along with the law and the Constitution.  I don’t think anyone should ever get awards for obeying good laws or respecting the Constitution.

Especially, you know, the people who are supposedly lawmakers.
