In today’s Sun: best and worst political moves of the year

“This was a year of new controversies, like prorogation and WikiLeaks. It was also the year of old battles, in the Middle East, and between the Koreas, and in the grinding and never-ending war against terror.

It was a year of wonderful highs, like the Vancouver Winter Olympics and Sidney Crosby’s gold-plated goal. And many, many lows, as in the economic recovery that never seems to feel like one, or Stephen Harper’s brutalization of the pregnant Helena Guergis, or Maclean’s calling all of Quebec “corrupt,” or the G20 fake lake costing tens of thousands, or …”

What Christmas is all about

What’s it all about?  Well, I watch this every year with my kids, who I  miss.  Linus sums it up well, I’d say.

Hug yours, right now, and Merry Christmas.


On rumour’s tongues, continual slanders ride

This is very sad and unnecessary. But it’s also unstoppable, in my experience.

To see what I mean, plug in “Warren Kinsella” into a Google search, and read what comes up as recommended search terms two, three and five.

In our case, it happens to be true.  In our case, in fact, political enemies of mine – Conservatives and Liberals – have circulated copies of the pleadings to two newspapers, three hate bloggers and each other.  I know who did it, and I’ll be dealing with all of them soon enough.

But in respect of any family, here’s free advice: don’t be a complete lowlife and scumbag.  Leave them alone.

(And I can’t believe this crap is happening at Christmas, either.  But it is.)

UPDATE: The Globe has removed the posting it had up this morning.

OK here I go again

You know what they’re doing, and you want to look away, but you can’t.

Consolation: there are 21 million others like you.

Share Christmas

If you live in Toronto – or if you live near Toronto – I’m extending an invitation.

This afternoon starting at about 4 p.m., my kids and I will participate in Community Centre 55’s annual Share A Christmas campaign.  If you’re nearby, and you have time, you should, too.

In Share A Christmas, we deliver food and toys to hundreds of families in Toronto’s East End.  Families apply to receive the food baskets and toys, and they come all faiths and walks of life.  We’ve delivered food to community housing neighbourhoods, but also to addresses where families have fallen on bad luck, or worse.  For my kids, it is always an eye-opener, and it always leaves a big (and positive) impression on them.  You get rewarded in a special way, too.

C’mon by.  You – and we – will be glad you did.

Details are here. We converge on Centre 55 at 97 Main Street, between Kingston Road and Gerrard, at about 4 p.m.  We get food – and, if there are kids in the family, toys too – and start delivering right away.  It’s an amazing program, and one that helped more than 600 families last year.

Hope to see you there.

In today’s Sun: the Chretien-Harris prize fight

The original.  The 2010 version.  Don’t try this at home, kids, without adult supervision.

“As the assembled Conservatives watched, horrified – and as the many more Liberals present looked on, delighted – Chretien slapped the fabled “Shawinigan Handshake” on Harris.

The devilish move, from which few ever recover, traces its origins back to February 1996, when Chretien was wading his way through a crowd in Hull, Que., and a group of anti-poverty protesters mobbed him.

One of the protesters, Bill Clennett, tried to block the prime ministerial path.

Big mistake.”