New thing I hate

Since they started offering free WiFi, every Starbucks has become a goddamned laptop farm.

No place to sit. I hate it.

Thank you.

Let’s defeat Sandra Bussin now!

Statement by Martin Gladstone

Candidate for Council, Ward 32 Beaches-East York

Today, I have made a very difficult decision, one which I believe is in the best interests of our community and the residents of Ward 32.

I have come to the really hard decision that the best way to serve the community of Beaches-East York is to withdraw from the race, and request that my supporters vote for Mary- Margaret McMahon for Councillor Ward 32.

Since August 12th, our team has worked very very hard to mount an effective campaign to defeat Sandra Bussin as Councillor Ward 32. The number of concerned community members who came forward to help has been one of the most positive experiences of my life, and I am truly grateful for the support I received.

As a community, we share the strong belief that our ward desperately needs change. Every day on this campaign residents have called me, written me, and at virtually every doorstep have expressed their anger, frustration, and lost confidence with our current councillor. They have also expressed their deep concern that the vote will split between the candidates and that Bussin will be re-elected.

After reviewing current poll results, Mary-Margaret McMahon is in a slight lead in this race. The reality is if I continue to campaign it will probably be at the expense of Mary-Margaret McMahon’s support which in turn will erode her lead and allow Sandra Bussin to squeak past and be re-elected by a small margin. I care too much about our community and our city to allow that to happen.

Mary-Margaret McMahon is a hard worker. She brings fresh energy and vision to the job. She has been a proven community leader and is ready to serve us with integrity and enthusiasm. She is the change we all want.

I hope my supporters will share my conviction that by making this decision our team is doing everything possible to achieve our original shared goal, which is to unseat Sandra Bussin and bring the real change we all desire to our ward and our city.

I wish to thank all my volunteers and donors for the support and enthusiasm they have brought to this election and I hope Ward 32 will support Mary-Margaret on October 25th .


Media contact Des Brown at 416 568 1214 or

Mary Margaret McMahon’s campaign: 416-690-5006

Election Ontario: one year today

The source of his inspiration.

One year from today, Ontario will go back to the polls.  We Ontario Liberals are already at work, and in fact have been at work for months.  We intend to continue to work very hard, to once again earn the confidence of the people.  And we intend to take our opponents very, very seriously.  We don’t, and will not, take anything for granted.

That’s because the choices are starkly different, and the consequences of making  the wrong choice are pretty significant.  So I think Ontario voters need to start pondering what would be the consequence of a win by our principal (but by no means only) opponent, Conservative leader Tim Hudak.

Here’s a very short summary of Hudak’s views and positions, mostly derived from his tenure as a Mike Harris disciple.  In the year ahead, you will be hearing a lot more about these.  Consider them carefully.  If you feel as I and many others do, we need to once again cast a vote of confidence in Dalton McGuinty [full disclosure: whose caucus I’ve given comms advice].

  • Education: Hudak and his caucus call full-day kindergarten ” a frill.”  He has supported funding private religious schools in the past, and he still does.
  • Health: When he was the right-hand to the Conservative Minister of Health, Hudak worked to close 28 hospitals and 7,110 hospital beds.  He also favoured firing 6,200 nurses.  His current plan is to cut $3 billion from front-line health care in Ontario. And he opposed cutting the cost of prescription drugs for Ontario seniors and families.
  • Economy: Many times, Hudak and his caucus have voted against tax cuts for Ontario families and businesses.  He also opposed the partnership with the auto sector, which saved hundreds of thousands of Ontario families – just as he opposed investment in Ontario infrastructure when the recession hit.  And, though he once opposed the HST, he now admits that it should be maintained.
  • Energy/Environment: When Hudak and his party were last in power, we had failed energy de-regulation, a “price cap” fiasco, and his Conservative friends getting rich off Hydro One with untendered contracts.  When he had a say, dirty coal generation increased 127 per cent.  And, of course, Hudak, and his party, created a system where people in Walkerton died, and where hundreds more became sick for life.

In the year ahead, you’ll be hearing more and more about these and other concerns.

And in the year ahead, you will hopefully come to know – as I do – that Dalton McGuinty is a builder.

Tim Hudak and his cabal, meanwhile, are the wrecking crew.

This morning’s Sun: Sarah on her “good friend” George (updated)

Sarah on George, in her own words (these are verbatim quotes):

As Rocco said: “They belong together.”

[Thomson – who perhaps was “just pretending” again – has deleted the blog post containing the above words.  Any readers who can find it?]

UPDATE: And intrepid reader Heather finds it, here!