Layton regains his footing

…on the reasonable accomodation stuff. Duceppe asks him for power over immigration for Quebec. Layton sidesteps. Duceppe goes after him with the obvious club – Bill 101.

So much for the theories about an NDP-Bloc dirty deal in Outremonet and Papineau.

Harper’s plea for a majority

…because he doesn’t want another election? What?

Sounds self-interested. He’s equating the country’s disinterest in elections with the need for a Conservative majority. Bad strategy.

There goes the “bickering” word again. Iggy’s right on him.


Harper looks programmed.

Layton looks a bit off-balance.

Duceppe looks pissed off.

Ignatieff looks better than the Ignatieff in those CPC ads.

“You stiffed Parliament, Mr. Harper”

Kicked his ass, there. Harper still isn’t sweating, however.

“This isn’t bickering. This is democracy.” Iggy kicks ass, there, again. As close a defining moment as we’ll get tonight, I suspect.

Layton looks idiotic with this “Ottawa is broken” meme. Harper regains composure. Uses his FM radio news reader voice. Go back to sleeeeep, Canada….

Newfoundlander’s question

How are you guys going to work together? Good question.

Harper says he wants a majority. Ignatieff goes after him, face on. He should speak more straight to camera.

Harper is contemptuous of contempt. Mentions another election. Doesn’t mention “coalition”!

Iggy: “You haven’t earned a majority…you toss people out because you’re afraid they might ask a tough question!”

He hits him hard. This part’s a clip.

“Let some flowers bloom”

That’s what Iggy said, then he imitates flowers blooming. That’s a first for a leaders’ debate.

Harper seems medicated. He is being accused of myriad crimes and doesn’t break stride. Unflappable, so far.

The set, by the way, resembles a number of original series Star Trek episodes.