, 03.07.2018 08:50 AM

Kevin J. Johnston’s hate tour – let’s cancel it

Late yesterday, I was sent this:

The piece of human garbage pictured, on the right, is Kevin J. Johnson. (That’s a swastika on his poster, to the left.)  Lately, he’s been showing up at Doug Ford events. Johnston was charged in July with wilful promotion of hatred, mostly against Muslims.  A condition of his bail was that he stay away from any Muslim mosque or community centre.

That bail condition is why I was suspicious by Johnston’s apparent intention to speak at the Brampton Islamic Centre on March 21.

But better safe than sorry.  So, we got word out to our contacts nationally in the Muslim, Jewish, LGBT and other communities.  We needed those centres/locations contacted, as soon as possible, to shut this bastard down.

So my online friends got to work.  Here’s the latest:

  • Simcoe County District School Board investigated and said no way.  Thank you to them.
  • Sudbury – the good folks there have told us no such event is taking place at a Greater Sudbury library or City facility.  Here.
  • Cornwall Collegiate – likewise.  The advertised hate fest “will not take place,” they told us.
  • Barrie’s Mayor, the terrific Jeff Lehman, also made clear this racist thug wouldn’t be welcome in his town, as seen here.

The Sleeping Giants approach works, folks.  Contact the people in charge at the locations listed on the poster.  Be factual, polite and make the direct request: that (a) they confirm no such event is taking place under his or some other name and (b) that, if it is, they shut it down.  That’s it.

Need your help, folks.  Please get involved.  Thanks.


  1. Peter says:

    Where did he get the idea that John Gotti would make a good poster boy for Aryan supremacy?

  2. Richard says:

    Warren, thanks for your ongoing work on stopping hate propaganda. I emailed the Winnipeg Public Library and they confirmed they have no such booking (none of the library branches are even open at that time).

  3. Sean says:

    I don’t have a dog in this fight, but I would never vote for Doug Ford.

  4. Standstraight says:

    So the National Muslim March last week intent on promoting hatred towards Jews and Christians is okay with YOU right Warren? Don’t see you speaking out against that now do we? While the Far-Right is dangerous even more so is the Far-Left elements of the NWO and deep state. I sense you fall into that category as you seem to have no issue with BLM (a terrorist group) Hamas (another terrorist group) and ANTIFA! People like you disgust me!

  5. Allan Simpson says:

    Thank you for standing up

    We cannot let the world fall back into the 1930s ever again against any group of humanity


  6. Panda says:

    There is no swastika?
    All there is, is a ” * “

  7. LL says:

    Left wing nuts are always mischaracterizing miss labelling dictators telling everybody else where to go and what to do while hypocritically being the fascist that they falsely claim they’re trying to get rid of.

    Do you notice how the left wing nuts are always lying deceiving and destroying everywhere they go and everything they look at at taxpayers expense claiming falsely they here to get rid of communism well they in fact are the biggest communist with an attitude of entitlements poverty pimping and capitalizing out of the destruction left wing nuts are orchestrating by Design.

    Let’s Wing nuts don’t say a peep Nora poop about Sharia law, nor legitimate oppression of women under Sharia law such as 49 year old man marrying a 8 year old child.

    Nor do these fraudulent deceptive lying left wing nuts care about legitimate human rights as left wing nuts are self-serving sociopath misrepresenting themselves as Noble when in fact beneath the surface left wing nuts plant the seeds of Destruction.

    Whatever happened to my body my choice my ears my choice my eyes my choice while left wing nuts unbenounced of taxpayers have Canadian taxpayers flipping the bill for other agendas while we can’t even pay for our self agendas such as breast augmentations facelifts ball reconstruction sex changes male and female hormones steroids growth hormones because they want to believe our claim to be something they are not. I’m sick and tired of these damn imposters blocking facts truth and reality. When left wing nuts existence relies upon your destruction that’s causing harm and frankly, an irrational illogical mind should not be the producer conductor nor director of this country’s future if you doubt this then just take one look at the politics calamities emanating from con artist politicians untrustworthy to the very breath.
    I’ve never heard Kevin J Johnson not make sense.

    If you don’t want to see Kevin Jay Johnson then change your channel close your eyes or go somewhere else but do not tell tell us how to live our life if you don’t want us to tell you how to run your life hypocrite left wing nuts.

  8. ABborn;timetomove says:

    Now he’s running for mayor in Calgary. This will give him access to the voters’ list, and all their names and home addresses, including those of police officers and people he has threatened. What could possibly go wrong?


  9. Barry mikolayczyk says:

    Income tax

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