On the set at CTV, 8 a.m. Sunday

I did my own makeup, so if I look worse than usual, that’s why.
CTV’s HQ, meanwhile, is pretty deserted.
Maybe everyone forgot about theDaylight Savings Time stuff. I almost did!

Questions, some easy, some not

¤ Has Christie Blatchford ever taken a position that was not pro-cop/pro-prosecution?

¤ Did my friends Tim Powers and Kory Teneycke independently – and simultaneously, and uncharacteristically – decide to beat the stuffing out of Rahim Jaffer and Helena Guergis, as they are still doing, or were they urged to do so by PMO?

¤ Have the reporters doing the flattering profiles of the Dragon’s Den regulars – one in particular, known as “The Octopus” – talked to any, say, past female co-workers about, well, you know?

¤ Would you, or anyone you know, actually eat seal meat?

¤ If you ran an organization with a high public profile, and which often calls for others to be more tolerant, fund and/or facilitate a junket for white supremacists?

¤ Does anyone know how I can backup a Mac to a Time Capsule using a USB cable, without turning on the annoying and redundant Time Capsule wireless function?

¤ Why are there any bidders interested in purchasing the National Post?

¤ Am I ridiculous for tearing up every single time I see Captain Kirk shuttle towards the Enterprise at the start of Star Trek Four?

¤ Is it accurate to describe the blogosphere demographic as mainly male, and Facebook’s as mainly female?

¤ Is rock’n’roll dead again?

¤ Does David Miller actually believe there is a single sane person in Toronto who believes he “found” $100 million?

¤ Are McDonald’s fries better than Wendy’s?

¤ Are you willing to provide your answers to these questions in comments, below, so that we can all have a bit of fun on a rainy, gloomy Saturday?

No Lady Gaga fan am I

…but there is Lynchian genius at work, here. Once you start watching it, you will watch it right to the end. Guaranteed.

Not suitable for work or little kids, BTW.  And if you figure out what it means, be sure to let the rest of us know.


The Hot Nasties?

Apropos of nothing, it was the name of a porn film, and it was also the name of a band I happened to be in. Just saw this page a fella did up on us. (And the NME, no less, takes note.)

Here’s a link to one of our tunes, I Am A Confused Teenager (and I am, still).

Plus, as an added bonus, here’s a shot of us, as on our little extended play.  Left to right: Nuclear Age, Wayne Sane Ahern, Ras Pierre Schenk and Just Plain Tom Edwards.  Tom’s a monk or something now.

Christ, am I ever old.

Wink, Sane Wayne, Ugly Ras Pierre, Tom. Outside the Calgarian Hotel, c. 1979.

Rise Against

My boys and I were on the way to school/work yesterday, listening to one of the greatest political punk bands on the planet, and my oldest told me that ‘Ready To Fall’ – RA’s pro-environment anthem – had been removed from YouTube. I told him I would find it if I could.

Here it is, buddy:

Watch your back, Iggy – Warrenmania is sweeping, er, India

“Outside parliament Wednesday, ministers and ruling party leaders ran away from the media, saying that the matter was decided by the court. Opposition Liberal Party leader Warren Kinsella said acquittal of the former MP shows that there are two set of laws in Canada – one for the common man and another for influential people.”

UPDATE: My friend Delacourt spots another bit of fun. Me? I’m on my Challenger, heading to Calgary to pick up a pizza for Kevin Bosch.

True story

A TTC guy at the Eglinton station just wished me a great day and complimented my tie.

Some folks may be experiencing bad TTC service, but not me!

By request, the tie in question. Wear it, and the subway will run faster.