
My new best friend.

Found this cool little guy in bathroom. Anyone know what he is? Will he make a good pet?

Spare a thought for Melania Trump (and all political spouses)

Married to a serial philanderer, a rank misogynist and an admitted sexual assaulter.  It can’t be easy.

Is she aware?  Of course she’s aware.  There’s plenty of evidence, right there in plain view.

She refuses to travel with him to his (medicated) State of the Uniom, and takes her own car.  She is in seclusion after a story breaks about her husband’s tryst with a porn star, and the hush money paid to said porn star. She refuses to travel with her husband to important international meetings. She condemns online bullies, knowing full well – as does the world – that her husband is the biggest online bully in the history of the world. She swats away his hand in public.  She declines to celebrate the fact that she is married to Donald Trump.

She wept, we are told, when he won – because (we suspect) she knew (a) it would only encourage him to continue to act like a pig (and it has) and (b) it would mean that she would have to continue to be with him (and she has).

At the start, I didn’t think she was serious First Lady.  Now, I think that she truly deserves our sympathy – for all that she has to endure in public, day after interminable day.  It must be excruciating.

So, say a prayer for Melania Trump, then, and all political spouses like her.  It can’t be easy to be married to a politician like that.