The pigs of liberalism

That’s the title of Ross Douthat’s column in today’s Times. It’s important.

Maybe [Weinstein’s] overdue exposure shows that the world has changed, and progressive industries are finally feminist enough to put their old goats out to pasture.

But it might just show that a certain kind of powerful liberal creep only gets his comeuppance when he’s weakened or old or in the grave. The awfulness of Ted Kennedy, at Chappaquiddick and after hours in D.C., can be acknowledged only now that he’s no longer a liberal lion in the Senate. The possibility that Bill Clinton might be not just an adulterer but a rapist can be entertained now that he’s no longer protecting abortion from the White House. The sins of Woody Allen … well, I’m sure Hollywood will start ostracizing him any day now.

Last Sunday I wrote a harsh obituary for Hugh Hefner, which noted that he represented a certain style of liberalism — progressive and yet chauvinist, liberationist and exploitative — that perdures in our society to this day. Some readers were skeptical: Didn’t Hef’s feminist critics win the fight for liberalism, while his Playboy philosophy became something of a joke?

After he started having sex with his daughter, I resolved never again to pay for a Woody Allen movie. After I passed adolescence, I decided Hugh Hefner was a caricature, a joke of a man, padding around in a housecoat with pneumatic women young enough to be his granddaughters. 

And, when I was involved in daily politics, I developed a deep dislike – bordering on hatred – for politicians who use their power to get what they wanted from less-powerful women. I soon learned, too, that these “men” came in all ideological sizes and shapes. Conservatives, Liberals, New Democrats: all of them had their share of rutting male pigs. 

I don’t think I ever heard my father call himself a feminist, but I think he was one. My brothers and I were brought up to believe in equality, and to fight for it. Women were to be treated, always, with respect and  near-reverence. My Dad didn’t want Playboy in our home because he was a censor – he forbade it because it was disrespectful to our mother. 

But am I the type of liberal hypocrite Douthat describes in his column? I am, I am. As a teenager, I still secreted Playboy into the house. As a man, in relationships, I behaved abominably with too many women. And, of course, there was that time I met Bill Clinton and cheerfully posed for a picture with him. It’s even on the back cover of one of my books. 

Am I a feminist? No – not yet. I think I am still unfit to be one. I am a work in progress. And that is why I still wince when I hear the likes of Justin Trudeau call themselves feminists, like it is a talking point. 

Stop calling yourself feminists, fellow liberal men. 

Try being better men, first. 

Thank you to every Canadian MP


The pro-Russia group denies any connection to the Kremlin, but lawmakers say the push fits a pattern of Moscow-backed interference in the West. And they say that the lobbying campaign, which began in 2014 and grew with attacks last spring on Canada’s foreign affairs minister, Chrystia Freeland, highlights the dangers of Russian meddling in Canada.

Nonetheless, the bill passed unanimously in Parliament on Wednesday evening. It allows Canada to sanction, freeze assets or deny entry to foreigners from any country that has violated human rights or engaged in corruption.

More on the Ford Park thing

I’ve stated my view: I thought it was a kind gesture on John Tory’s part.

That said, Doug Ford – Who I don’t dislike! We’ve had a few laughs together! – does himself no favours in this radio interview.  In it, he says of the councillors who voted no:

  • “They hit a new low…[they’re] really disgusting.”
  • “They’re disgusting people down there.”
  • “Rob has done a thousand times more than those councillors.”
  • “He was ten thousand times more popular.”

Look, the guy loves his brother.  That is is understandable and defensible.  (I kind of have strong feelings for mine, too, although I’d never say so publicly.)

But I don’t know how this helps make the case that Doug can get along with, and work with, councillors he’s just called “disgusting,” “low,” and “unpopular.”

In politics, I always like to advise: be critical if you have to, make your case.

But don’t overstate your case.


Melanie Joly Watch: the latest media roundup

She’s a disaster, but you knew that already.

From the Canada Day fiasco, to these:

  • Globe: “Her fall from grace in her home province has been swift and merciless, sped by her maladroit attempts to sell a deal with Netflix…”
  • National Post: “[Joly] she has been savaged in Quebec media, artistic and political circles.”
  • Globe: “The Minister has been roasted and ridiculed to her face on live radio and TV, and dismissed by commentators of all stripes as naive and – worst of all – unable even to understand what the fuss is about.”
  • Québec’s culture minister: Joly makes him “speechless and angry…[she] legitimizes a fiscal inequity which grants preferential treatment to a foreign company over Canadian companies.”
  • Globe: “No magic will restore Ms. Joly’s footing…She needs to stop making rookie mistakes and start thinking about policy in terms of clear rules that make sense from every angle, not just one.”
  • Gerald Fillion, Radio-Canada: “You [Joly] are not hearing us.”
  • Paul Arcand, 98.5FM: “You can’t be naïve and sign blank cheques for American multinationals…[Joly] is a nice cassette.”
  • Sophie Pregent of Union des Artistes: “She underestimated the furor in the industry, on the ground. I think she didn’t see it coming.”
  • Michael Harris, iPolitics: “Joly’s medicine worse than the disease…[Joly’s policy] is absurdity in hot pursuit of farce.”
  • Journal de Montreal: “[Joly has engaged in] dereliction of duty.”
  • Richard Martineau, Journal columnist: “[Joly sounds] like a living answering machine having a nervous breakdown.”
  • Tout le monde en parle: “She makes us fucking angry.”

Wow! Great job, Minister Cassette!

But she wasn’t done.  No, Melanie Joly and her whiz-bang staff weren’t finished alienating millions of Canadians.  No, just a few days ago, Joly’s department approved a Holocaust monument plaque…that doesn’t mention Jews.

I’m not making this up.


Joly’s Holocaust memorial fiasco attracted headlines around the world. It made Canada look ridiculous, or grossly insensitive, or both.

Joly hastily announced that the plaque would be replaced, but the damage had been done.

So, again, we ask: does Melanie Joly have photos of the Prime Minister in a compromising situation? Because there no longer is any rational explanation for her have “P.C.” appended to her name.
