Trump Virus: now in Kelowna

…my wife’s former town. Got a lot of friends there, too.

From Kelowna Now: “Some students at the UBC Okanagan campus in Kelowna were shocked to find pro-white posters telling readers to abandon political correctness and multiculturalism and free themselves of “white guilt.”


Being a contrarian, here is my defence of Monsef

From next week’s column:

A year later, the electoral reform promise is in shambles. And, when you think about it, the “democratic reform” file has been a fiasco from the earliest days.  

The minister responsible, Maryam Monsef, bears responsibility for some of that. Monsef did herself no favours by criticizing the work of an all-party committee into the issue – or by sounding less-than-candid when some conservative conspiracy theorists earlier cooked up a racist “birther” narrative to destroy her and her policy.

 But she has also been subjected to more abuse and derision than any cabinet minister since Bev Oda, she of the $16 orange juice fame. This writer’s strong suspicion is that the hostility and hatred that Monsef has endured (as with Oda) possibly had something to do with (a) her gender and (b) her race. We’ll never know that for sure, of course, but (as with Oda) Monsef’s coming punishment seems to be far, far out of proportion to the offence.   

There is plenty of blame to go around in this ignominious mess. Personally, this space is unimpressed with all of the combatants in this hellacious mud-wrestling match.   There is much to oppose, if you are a sensible person.

Kellie Leitch endorsed by white supremacist group

The Council of European Canadians has endorsed Conservative Party leadership candidate Kellie Leitch.

They’ve done that because Leitch is channeling Donald Trump.  She, along with that misogynistic creep Brad Trost, is fully the candidate of the extreme Right – and, in her case, the racist Right.

I say that because the far-Right Council of European Canadians is a racist group: as the National Post has reported, its preoccupation is keeping Canada white.  They are regulars over on the top neo-Nazi online gathering place, Stormfront, and the stuff they say is racist. To wit: “We believe that mass immigration is destroying the Anglo/French/European character of Canada, and thus in the name of our cultural right to preserve our heritage we oppose mass immigration.” And: “We are not interested in playing the current game of open borders, “diversity is our strength”, “we are all immigrants”, “immigrants are the source of Canada’s prosperity”, “we are all human beings”.”

So there you go: Kellie’s latest endorsement comes from a group that claims immigrants are destroying white Canada, and who don’t think non-white immigrants are actually “human.”

Kellie eventually disavowed the support of the Council of European Canadians, as Donald Trump eventually disavowed the support of the Ku Klux Klan.

But by your words, and by your friends, we know you.

We know you well.