Metro morning



Ours, on top of theirs, which (a) came on a day when no one was paying attention and (b) repeats the Tea Party imagery. Happy.

Ex-PC leader Tory slams PC leader Hudak

It’s happened again. Yet another former Ontario PC Leader has slammed Tea Party Tim Hudak for his “righteous duplicity”.

This time it’s John Tory who said Hudak is “offering a menu of bologna” to Ontario voters.

Tory was referring to Hudak’s 180-degree reversal on the issue of getting skilled professionals living and paying taxes in Ontario, out of driving taxi cabs and mopping floors, and into the profession they are educated for.

Tory said Hudak is “pandering to the worst emotions of envy, jealousy and insecurity about so-called foreigners” while calling the Ontario Liberal plan “one of the best investments we [could] make… this is the right kind of thing to do.”

“Come on Tim – don’t put the brochures out stirring up envy and negativity about the exact same kind of program [you support] which does not come at the expense of long term Ontario residents who still have total access to the other Billions of dollars in training programs,” said Tory on CFRB Newstalk 1010.


What you need to know about Hudak’s politics of anger and division

This is about growing our economy, and also about our values.

What you are seeing from the PCs is the politics of anger, the politics of fear, resentment and division. What you get from Ontario Liberals is everybody working to move forward, together.

This is a tax credit for businesses that hire skilled Ontarians already living here to help them achieve the training they need for Ontario certification. So we’re talking about professions like lawyer, accountants or pharmacists who need Ontario job-experience in order to be certified here. These are folks who are in Ontario, but might be driving taxis instead of working in a pharmacy helping patients.

And Tim Hudak had a very similar proposal last year. He introduced legislation for 10 per cent wage subsidy for any business hiring a skilled newcomer in Ontario – and there was no cap to the program. Now he’s changed his tune. If you want the politics of anger and division, then vote for Hudak. If you want to work together to strengthen our economy and create more jobs for everyone, then Ontario Liberals have the right plan for you.

That’s not all.

The PCs seem to have a real problem with all things “foreign.” They’re against businesses coming to invest here in Ontario. They’re against students wanting to come here to do their research and contribute to our economy. And now they’re against skilled Ontarians living here putting their education to work for our economy.

They’ve got a problem with all things “foreign.” But to those thousands of workers at Toyota, and Honda, and Samsung – there’s nothing foreign about the paycheque they’re bringing home.

This tax credit should help about 1200 workers get the training they need.  That’s giving people a leg up, not a hand out.

We need to move forward, together.  Not move backwards, divided.

CP24: Tea Party Tim’s anti-immigrant scheme “divisive, curious strategy”

“This campaign has taken a decidedly nasty turn.

On page 25 of the Liberal platform there is a commitment to help new Canadians get the training they need to get jobs using the skills they bring to Ontario. Under the plan, it will come in the form of a tax credit to businesses that provide that training opportunity.

The Progressive Conservative response? They don’t call those skilled immigrants new Canadians. Instead, they call them “foreign workers.”

The PCs released a divisive internet ad saying “Ontarians need not apply.” It’s a curious strategy for a party that needs seats in the GTA, home to many of those new Canadians.

Have they forgotten that in the federal election in May, the Conservative Party platform addressed the issue of helping new Canadians get jobs? Its commitment – provide loans for recent immigrants for skills training and accreditation. That strategy helped give the Conservatives a huge breakthrough in the GTA.

Every Progressive Conservative will tell you they need to win in the GTA to form the next government but the video released this morning plays to the party’s base not those new Ontario voters. It will be interesting to watch the party’s tone on this issue as Hudak visits critical GTA ridings again and again over the next month.”