Dear Department of National Defence

You seem to have a problem.

Below I wrote about the attack on an Ottawa synagogue.  It almost immediately drew a response from someone who seemed to dismiss/defend the attack:

There was no problem when “Pussy riot” went into Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior and desecrate a very prestigious place of worship now was there?. In fact they were treated like heroes back here and had an audience with some very prominent individuals Hillary being one of them.

That comment came from “Shawn,” at I checked his IP,, as I sometimes do with offensive types.

It led me to this:
ASHandle: AS3766
OrgID: DND-7
ASNumber: 3766
RegDate: 1994-08-16
Updated: 1994-08-16
TechHandle: BW89-ARIN
Source: ARIN
OrgID: DND-7
OrgName: Department of National Defence/DISEM
Street: MGen Pearkes Bldg
City: Ottawa
State/Prov: ON
Country: CA
PostalCode: K1A 0K2
RegDate: 1994-08-16
Updated: 2016-01-13
OrgAbuseHandle: CKN23-ARIN
OrgTechHandle: CKN23-ARIN
OrgAdminHandle: CKN23-ARIN
Source: ARIN

Care to comment, anyone at DND?

Ottawa neo-Nazis strike again

For the third time in less than a week, a swastika has been spray-painted on a Jewish place of worship. Police are investigating after the Nazi symbol was left on the front doors of Congregation Machzikei Hadas, a synagogue at 2310 Virginia Dr. near Featherstone Park. Other Nazi-related graffiti and slurs were painted on walls.

With a president-to-be installing a neo-Nazi sympathizer in the White House, the beast is now fully awake. Even in far-away Ottawa.

This synagogue, by the way, is the very place that my brother Bernie Farber and I spoke at a couple years back.  Hundreds of people were there.  And I can tell you this is a place where children go, every day.

Before that, I covered organized neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Ottawa for years, as a journalist and an author.  This attack doesn’t shock me – Ottawa has always had a far bigger problem with anti-Semitism than other cities where I’ve lived, like Vancouver and Calgary. But this cowardly act of evil leaves me feeling both outraged and depressed.

But don’t give up! Fight back! And remember: this is why Ottawa’s police service has a bias crimes unit, and that’s why you should contact them if you see or hear something that falls within their mandate.

In the meantime, things are unfortunately going to get a lot worse.  The sonofabitch isn’t in office yet.

Ottawa Police investigating after a Swastika spray-painted on door at Machzikei Hadas synagogue on Virginia Drive this morning.

Ottawa Police investigating after a Swastika spray-painted on door at Machzikei Hadas synagogue on Virginia Drive this morning.

Trump, November 17: this is the face of fascism


Donald Trump may push through a controversial registry for immigrants from mostly-Muslim countries without seeking congressional approval, a member of his transition team has said.

Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state and adviser to Mr Trump said the president-elect’s immigration team are drafting executive orders that would allow the new White House to secure the rapid construction of wall along the border with Mexico.

This is National Socialism. Oppose it.


Was listening to Hole on the way in, now listening to London’s Yassassin. I’m still in the mood for grrrl power. We boys mess everything up.

President Dumpster, the aftermath


I want to understand why a sexist, racist, fascistic type won, but I still don’t.  Like 99 per cent of the planet, I didn’t see it coming, not for a moment.

But I sure have been keeping track of what has happened since his victory.  Since then, you haven’t had to predict anything; it’s all real, it’s all happening. From a column I’ve penned for next week:

Since his electoral college victory, of course, things have gotten just as bad as you’d expect. Trump’s transition to power is in chaos.

He’s been on the line with Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin before he’s talked to his NATO allies. He’s made a white supremacist and anti-Semite his most senior advisor. He’s scoffed at conflicts of interest laws. He says he will eradicate Roe v. Wade, and a woman’s right to choose. He says he will round up and deport three million people. He’s surrounded himself with conspiracy nuts. He’s going to tear up trade deals, and target Canadian exports. He has gone back on Twitter to say that “professional protestors” have been “incited by the media” against him.

And, in just a single week, the U.S. bond markets have lost a trillion dollars in value. Hate crimes have exploded, with hundreds being reported by the independent Southern Poverty Law Centre – and with attacks on Muslims up some 70 per cent. And that woman who, as a 13-year-old, says that she was raped by Trump? She dropped her case against him, because she was getting too many death threats.

22 years after the publication of Web of Hate

… we, as a society, are dealing with a significant surge in hate crimes in Canada and the United States. I never thought I would again be interviewed about Web of Hate, but here we are.

So, here’s  a tired me with CBC’s Ian Hanomansingh, discussing an emboldened far Right in Canada. 

(Oh, and I blame Trump. You should too. The statistics of the past week do not lie. 

Link to follow, if I can find it.)

Values: Kellie Leitch made me go back to one of my books

Fight the Right, to be precise. here’s what I found. It’s what Leitch is doing, and with some success, too.

“…Conservatives like the ones gathered at the Values Summit believe their values are American values because, well, they are. That’s just the way it goes, and if you don’t like it, you’re with the terrorists.

But, fair’s fair. It’s not a uniquely American conservative point of view. Up here in the Great White North as well, conservatives have been claiming for years that conservative and Canadian values are interchangeable – after all, how else do they keep winning election campaigns, right? So, right after the 2011 federal election campaign, Prime Minister Stephen Harper made his annual visit to the family-friendly Calgary Stampede. There, beneath a Stetson, he bashed his opponents (as expected) and insisted his Conservatives are super-duper winners (ditto). But then he said this: “Conservative values are Canadian values.” And: “Canadian values are Conservative values.”

Hoo boy! When he uttered that little syllogism, the progressive side of the commentariat promptly went bananas. Liberal Leader Bob Rae — whose party Harper amusingly described as relevant as “disco balls and bell bottoms” — declared that Harper was sounding pretty arrogant, which was true. One of the Globe and Mail’s pundits, Lawrence Martin, agreed (and the Globe would certainly know arrogance when it is sees it). So did a Saskatoon Star-Phoenix columnist, who opined it reeked of “annoying arrogance.” In the Winnipeg Free Press, Frances Russell — not noted as a Harper cheerleader — concurred that the Stampede tub-thumper was a lot of triumphalism, hubris and arrogance. You get the picture: “Arrogant.”

It was indeed “arrogant” to say Conservative values and Canadian values are the same thing. (Although, truth be told, I thought Harper’s crack about disco balls and bell bottoms was pretty funny, coming as it does from a guy so square, he needs to walk around the block to turn over in bed.) So when Harper’s Stampede stump-speech and his “values” claim came up during my appearance on Krista Erickson’s Sun News Network show, I shrugged. “Meh,” said I. First off, I reminded her, I am a Calgarian who — like most sane Calgarians — is no fan of the Stampede. The Stampede, I suggested, is mostly an opportunity for uptight businessmen and repressed Easterners to descend on downtown Calgary, drink too much, contract venereal diseases, and throw up in public. “If you’re a true Calgarian, Stampede’s a good time to leave town,” I said to my horrified host.

Secondly, I suggested, Canadian conservative politicians have been claiming their party’s “values” are identical to Canadians’ “values” since Jesus was a little feller. Before he became prime minister in 1978, Brian Mulroney gave a speech in honour of a conservative bagman suggesting that Tory values were “real values” and Canadians deserved “no less.” In the same vein, the aforementioned Stockwell Day once speechified as Canadian Alliance leader that “new leadership” – that is to say, his – was need to “reflect [Canadians’] values.” Ditto Preston Manning, the former Reform Party boss, and Harper and Day’s predecessor, who made the same claim: “As conservative values become more Canadian values…that’s something Conservatives should be happy about.”

It’s the same, in fact, for every other recently minted Conservative leader to emerge from Alberta (as all of them do). Conservative politicians can always be seen insisting that theirs are identical to yours, because they know that whomever controls the “values” debate tends to always win.

That doesn’t mean we progressives should let them, of course. If we want to start winning – if we want to defeat the conservative hordes – we need to show that we, too, have the values that resonate with ordinary folks. That means getting better at appealing to the hearts and minds of voters, and our fellow citizens. For progressives, it’s a valuable endeavour, you might say.”