In this week’s Hill Times: Ezra, the Rebels and me

It being Lent and all, I was canvassing Scripture and – bear with me here – I was reminded of Ezra Levant and his Rebels.

Rona Ambrose may think she is the Leader of the Opposition, but she isn’t. Ezra is. As a lawyer, a political assistant, a magazine publisher, a newspaper columnist, a TV talk-show host, Ezra has always done one thing: get under the skin of the purportedly progressive establishment. If you are a Liberal, a New Democrat, or a “Progressive” Conservative – if you work for the CBC or the Toronto Star or a government – the chances are pretty good that Ezra has taken a run at you. He’s good at it.

Over the years, Ezra and I have (briefly) been friends, and we have (mostly) hated each other’s guts. He’s sued me, I’ve sued him. He’s gone after me professionally, I’ve done likewise. It’s been nasty.

In 2011, however, our mutual friend Kory Teneycke was starting up Sun News Network, and he wanted us on it. But not if Ezra and I were going to keep fighting with each other. So we agreed to stop fighting. We didn’t become besties and start hanging out together, naturally, but we laid down our arms. He did his thing, I did mine.

Now, this is where the Bible stuff comes in. Pay attention.

On two occasions, I have tried to be a good Catholic, and I have come to Ezra’s defence. Almost exactly three years ago, then, Ezra went on TV and said various horrible things about the Roma people. Or, as he called them, gypsies. Among other things, he said the Roma “a culture synonymous with swindlers…one of the central characteristics of that culture is that their chief economy is theft and begging.” He went on like that for a while.

Now, I’m married to a person who is Roma. I’m not neutral on the subject. But when I learned that the Attorney-General of Ontario was getting close to having Ezra (and likely Kory) charged criminally – for on-air promotion of hatred against an identifiable group – I intervened. Instead of being on Spring Break vacation with my wife and kids, I spent hours on the telephone trying to calm the waters. And get Ezra to apologize on-air. Which, eventually, he and Sun News did. No charges laid, Ezra doesn’t go to jail.

Fast-forward three years, to example number two. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley takes leave of her senses, and decides she is going to pick a fight with Ezra and his Rebel TV online start-up thing. She is going to bar him and his ersatz rebellion from press conferences.

Now, Ezra likes to call guys like me “the Media Party.” He says, over and over, that most of Canada’s journalists and editors aren’t media – they’re an actual lefty political party, conspiring to impose a One World Latte Government. Human rights commissions, political correctness, Volvos, month-long Sean Penn film festivals. The Media Party, in other words.

Well, guess what? When socialist overlord Rachel Notley made her dumb decision, guess who rallied to the defence of Ezra and the Rebel TV gang? Yep. Me. On my web site, on Twitter, on Facebook, in various media interviews, I angrily said that governments shouldn’t ever decide who is a journalist – and that they should leave Ezra and Co. alone. After a day so of this, the Alberta NDP executed a whiplash-inducing reversal. Ezra would be allowed in.

At this point, you are probably wondering (a) why I kicked off this column with the Biblical references and (b) why I went to the wall for Ezra et al.

Well, on the latter point, I’m kind of wondering the same thing myself. Here’s why.

Ontario’s now-former Ombudsman, Andre Marin, doesn’t like me.

There’s a reason for that. In the past, I’ve been pretty critical of Marin because I thought he was a vain, thin-skinned bully. Because I thought he didn’t act like a representative of the Legislature, he acted like a six-year-old with a bad temper. Because Marin and his senior team have been the subject of several human rights complaints, all settled with secrecy agreements. Because he used public money to buy himself wide-screen TVs for his home and body wash and whatnot. Because he has given contracts worth a quarter million dollars to a friend. And because he – a quasi-judicial officer of the Legislature, with more power than any judge or MPP – repeatedly acted like a child on social media.

After I voiced those criticisms, Marin went after me at the Law Society of Upper Canada. I’m a lawyer, and Marin and his acolytes apparently want me disbarred. For being, you know, critical of Andre Marin.

Because Marin’s gang are using taxpayer resources to get me disbarred, and because I’m fighting them off all on my lonesome, I have reluctantly asked for help. Some folks have made donations to a puny legal defence fund, and some have spoken up on my behalf. I’m grateful to them.

But from Ezra and the Rebels – the ones who, you know, talk about the importance of free speech all the time? The ones who I have gone to the proverbial wall to defend?

Nada. Zero, zippo, zilch. Not a peep. They refuse to say a word – a single word – in the Marin v. Kinsella battle, which bears more than a passing resemblance to the Notley v. Levant battle.

Which leads me to my Biblical analogy, and to my conclusion.

The Rebel folks demand crucifixion. And, when they get it, they always complain about the view.

And, if you’re up there as well, being crucified with them?

Well, too bad, so sad. You’re the Media Party.

Everything is political. Everything is a Charter issue.


I’m glad they backed away from making the assisted-suicide vote a whipped vote. That would have been appalling, frankly. It wasn’t in the platform, it wasn’t promised by Trudeau, and it isn’t remotely necessary.

That said, this revelation in today’s Hill Times is worrying:

“But Mr. Oliphant and other Liberal MPs The Hill Times spoke with earlier in the week say they are comfortable with the whipped vote, because as they were told at the start of the session, the Liberal caucus will have whipped votes on: Charter issues, platform issues, and confidence matters.

Obviously its a Charter issue so I expect, and we’ve been told there are three things that will be whipped: Charter issues, platform issues, and confidence matters, and this is a Charter issue, Mr. Oliphant said before the news broke on Friday, but later he expressed relief.”

“We’ve been told that it will be whipped.” Rob Oliphant is a very thoughtful person, and he will immediately know what the problem is, here: namely, every single issue the Liberal caucus looks at is, by definition, a Charter issue. There is nothing they vote on, in fact, that isn’t.

Your fundamental freedoms. Your democratic rights. Your mobility rights. Your legal rights. Your equality rights. Your language rights. Your educational rights. Your aboriginal or multicultural heritage. Your gender rights. There is pretty much nothing, when you think of it, that an MP does that can’t have a Charter connection.

Don’t believe me? Then section 32 should help:

32. (1) This Charter applies

(a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament

See the problem? The implication, here, is that everything will become an (aptly-named) “whipped” vote. If the democratic implications of that don’t unsettle you, then this should: right now, everywhere in Canada, judges are still attempting to apply the Charter’s provisions to real life. They are still interpreting it.

In other words, not even the learned experts at the Supreme Court of Canada knows what the constitutional outcome should be in cases they haven’t  heard yet. How, then, is the Liberal caucus supposed to know which way to vote? How do they know what is the correct Charter interpretation, when the judges themselves don’t?

I anticipate Dominic LeBlanc will walk this one back – just as he has with the voting change diktat, and now assisted suicide.

Because everything – everything – is Charter-related.

From the bulging “junenile insults” file: Kid Kodak lashes out

My sense he is unhappy about not being reappointed. Um. Er.

Here’s his (typically) tweeted response to Your Humble Narrator’s post of yesterday, which he posted at three o’clock in the morning. I’ve done a screen shot of it in case he decides to disappear it into the Internet ether:


What’s he referring to, there? Well, he and his cabal made a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada, no less, to have me disbarred for being critical of him. I’m not making this up. 

As I this morning told a fine National Post reporter (who has also been attacked by Marin), if the Law Society accepts this bogus complaint, they will be setting a very dangerous precedent – for themselves. They’ll thereafter get an avalanche of complaints about lawyers getting mad at refs at hockey games, lawyers having marital problems, lawyers’ personal Facebook posts, lawyers getting tipsy at Christmas parties. If you accept one complaint about non-lawyering activity, you have to accept all of them. It will be a disaster.

I was critical of Marin because I think he is a vain, thin-skinned bully. Because I think he didn’t act like a representative of the Legislature, he acted like a six-year-old with a bad temper. Because the senior people around him facilitated all that.

I was critical because Marin and his senior team have been the subject of several human rights complaints, all settled with secrecy agreements. Because he used public money to buy himself wide-screen TVs for his home and body wash and whatnot. Because he has given contracts worth a quarter million dollars to a friend. And because he – a quasi-judicial officer of the Legislature, with more power than any judge or MPP – repeatedly acted like a child on social media.

Every newspaper in Ontario, pretty much, has editorialized against him at one time or another, and for good reason. Good riddance, we say. And good luck with your attempt to silence your critics, pal – same sort of thing isn’t working so well in Alberta for Rachel Notley, is it?

(Oh, and if you want to contribute to my legal defence fund, feel free to use the “donate” button to the left!)