Trump strikes out

Canada One What?

The big day is just a few days away.  You’d never know that, however.

As noted below, I remember the centennial – I was a kid and living in the United States, for Chrissakes, and I knew all about Expo and Trudeau and everything else that was going on.  It was wonderful.

Same with the millennial celebrations, under Chretien.  They were populist and ubiquitous.  They were fun.

Canada 150?  Forget it. If you live in Ottawa, you’re probably hearing all about it, as usual.  But for those of us living outside the capital – you know, the ones who pay for all those fireworks – nada, basically.

It’s probably too late to do anything now.  The opportunity has passed, and it won’t happen again for another five decades. Most of us will be dead by then.

Also dead? Canada 150.

From next week’s column: Comey hammers nails in Trump’s coffin – many of them

Among the [James Comey testimony] lowlights: the Trump administration “lied” about Comey, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Trump “defamed” Comey when he claimed that the FBI had lost confidence in their former director. There was a “massive” effort by Russia to intervene in the 2016 U.S. election and elect Trump.

Comey kept detailed notes because he was concerned that “[Trump] would lie” about what was said in meetings between the two men. He testified that Trump “directed” Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. To “get rid of the investigation.”

And, this bombshell, in answer to a witless Republican politician’s foolish question about whether Donald Trump “colluded with Russia.” Comey paused, and then replied he could not answer the question “in an open setting.” Incredible.

To any fair-minded observer, however, the biggest news was and is this: Donald Trump plainly obstructed justice when he asked Comey to “let go” of the FBI’s criminal investigation into his close friend and advisor, Michael Flynn. He broke the law.

Levant v. Awan

He loses before our nation’s highest court. That’s justice.

I wonder: are the Supremes now anti-Semitic, too, “rebels”?

The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed a request to hear an appeal of a lower-court libel ruling against right-wing commentator and self-described provocateur Ezra Levant.

The plaintiff in the case was Khurrum Awan, a lawyer based in Saskatchewan who successfully sued Levant for defamatory comments.

Levant, founder of Rebel Media, was ordered to pay $80,000 in damages and remove the libelous material about Awan from his personal website – a decision the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld in January this year.

In an email to iPolitics Thursday, Awan’s lawyer Brian Shiller said Awan was “finally and fully vindicated.”

Comey on Trump: “It was very concerning”

Wow.  Here’s Comey’s prepared statement.  It’s going to be quite a morning, tomorrow.

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This is obstruction of justice, by any reasonable standard.  The only reason why Comey does not come out clearly and say that, I suspect, is because he knows he will be asked this tomorrow: “Well, if you felt it was obstruction of justice, why didn’t you act before now?”  It’s a fair question.

Thus, he left it a bit vague – the “I could be wrong” sophistry.  It’s a duller blade, but it’s a knife that still kills.

Everything changes, tomorrow.  Donald Trump is nearing the final act, whether he is aware of it or not.