BC Libs edge ahead?

So says one pollster, here.

Exclusive poll shows BC Liberals edging slight lead after televised debate

A new exclusive online Ipsos poll for Global News and CKNW suggests the BC Liberals have a slight lead over the NDP after Wednesday’s televised debate.

29 per cent of voters said they believed Christy Clark would be the best premier for the province, while 26 per cent put their weight behind the NDP’s John Horgan.

15 per cent said they prefer Green leader Andrew Weaver, while 30 per cent surveyed didn’t have an opinion.

To my BC Lib friends – and, yes, pious and abusive Dippers, they are my friends, because I helped run the ’96 BC Liberals campaign, and I came pretty close to being Gord Campbell’s COS, and the BC NDP are the most corrupt party I have ever encountered (cf. Bingogate, Hydrogate, etc.), and I have many many friends there still, and I admire Christy Clark for her loyalty to certain friends (unlike another Premier who will not be named) – I say: good work. Keep at it. Campaign like you are way, way behind, as I know you will. 

This ain’t over, not by a long shot. But it may be that (a) the other guys (again) peaked too soon (b) they (again) underestimated Christy and her team, and (c) Angry John Horgan’s sexism and anger issues turned off plenty of women. 

Just over a week to go. A lifetime, in BC politics. 

I miss my life before you became President, too, you moron

as one of my witty readers put it.

To wit, from that now-infamous Reuters interview with the Unpresident:

He misses driving, feels as if he is in a cocoon, and is surprised how hard his new job is.

President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”

We all loved our previous lives, too, you witless twit. We all loved life before you came along to wreck everyone’s life.

When Satan eventually takes you home, make sure not to be buried in a cemetery plot the location of which is known to the public, Agent Orange.

They’ll walk their dogs there every day.